Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles


Decoration of New Year's balls With the help of decoupage technique pleases not only by the process, but also the result. You can completely immerse yourself in the process in proud loneliness, and it is also possible to create small masterpieces with children, friends and loved ones. Our article we will talk about how to create an original decoration, an unusual and memorable New Year's gift - an excellent alternative to the toys from the shelves of shops. It will also become an exciting creative activity for children and adults, which can grow into a hobby.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_2

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_3

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_4

What it is?

What is "Decoupage", and what he fell in love with masters and needlewomen, let's understand. Decoupage (Découp - Translated from French "Cut") - one of the most ancient techniques for processing and decorating objects, whether it is a vase, a box or even a whole chest with a lot of drawers. The principle of work is that The required pattern or pattern is transferred to the surface of the object using non-hard manipulations. As a result, the original subject is obtained, which in the future can be reeling to your taste.

The history of decoupage is extensive and interesting. The creative method of Hendmade appeared about six centuries ago. Over time, this type of decoration has become a favorite passion for Bohemia - rich and creative people who gladly decorated with unusual homemade furniture and interior items.

Interesting fact is that Decoupage at one time served as the so-called fake, an alternative to the work of famous artists whose work was not everyone could afford. Copies of famous paintings were transferred to the surface, covered with varnish and processed in such a way that, without being a professional, they were quite difficult to distinguish from the original.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_5

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_6

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_7

Among the decoupage fans were such famous personalities like Maria-Antoinette, which introduced a fashion on Découpage in France, Madame de Pompadour and even Picasso. Time goes, but now, after many years, this type of decorative and applied art remains incredibly popular among the professionals and lovers of Hendmade.

With the help of decoupage you can decorate any item But today we will focus in detail on the decoration of Christmas decorations. New Year's balls created in the Decoupage technique are undoubtedly original, unusual and incredibly beautiful. Handmade toys typify memories from childhood, and made in the technique of decoupage, look unique, while quite simple in performance.

The execution of decoupage is possible in various techniques (they differ in the method of application and used materials). The main ones are direct and reverse decoupage, volumetric, artistic and decopath (combination of decoupage and the Pechsor).

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_8

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_9


Decoupage styles can be the most different. Consider the most popular.


Eastern technique appeared in Japan almost 300 years ago. Initially, wooden dolls were made by Kimekomi, now with the help of this method, they are mainly made by Christmas toys and decorations for the holiday. The technique is distinguished by the fact that the drawings and textures are applied using pieces of felt and flap of colored fabric on the foam base (Whether it is a ball or any other form that suits you). For fasteners used the usual stationery glue . The feature of Kimekomi is the geometry of drawings and lines.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_10

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_11

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_12

Simple performed, unusual and accessible to everyone, Kimekomi will conquer your heart. Toys, decorated with cloth, you can additionally decorate sequins, beads or buttons, it will make your work brighter, and every item will want to consider again and again.

Vintage (Vintage)

To begin with, we will understand what style is vintage. These are artificially awarded items that create a special mood. Great and serve as a wonderful gift to lovers of retro interimers.

Tones and paints in the manufacture of vintage Christmas tree toys are recommended to use soft, muted. Perfectly suit such shades like Dusty pink, light blue, gray, silver and porcelain. Details of the drawing can be made a little brighter, highlighting several accents using clearer lines.

Pictures that are preferred for this technique - Pages and illustrations of old books, pieces of postcards and photos with the image of old Europe, Retagartines with the image of children, angels and, of course, New Year's motives. Images can be printed on a color printer, or use ready-made images. In specialized stores for creativity, you can find many suitable materials (for example, napkins).

An important element of the vintage decoupage is Effect of action which can be achieved in various ways, for example, to use cracker technique (artificial formation of the surface by cracking the upper coating layer). To use this technique in the manufacture of decorations, if desired, is not a challenging task, and toys made using cracker will look completely different.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_13

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_14

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_15


Very much resembles a vintage style, but in Provence More often used floral motifs and light soft tones , Often with references to French topics. In this stylistic direction also often uses the effect of failure . Balls Provence should be done if this year you decide to arrange the Christmas tree in a romantic style using tapes and spraying from artificial snow. And the print will be perfectly served by Eiffel Tower or tender roses.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_16

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_17

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_18


Characterized by the presence of rich and deep shades red, green, copper and gold (Thanks to the shades of the toy, decorated in Victorian style, It is perfect for decorating a Christmas tree decorated in a classic style).

It is often used ornaments such as a cell and strip, scenes with hunting, still lifes and scenes from life of English society. All plots are made in muted tones.

These decoupage styles are one of the most suitable for designing items and decorations of the New Year and Christmas themes. You, developing in your work, you can explore other interesting and beautiful directions of decoupage art. For example, such as ethnic (characterized by bright items related to a specific ethnoculture and traditions), SEbbi-chic (soft blurred tones, is carried out mainly with the theme of floristics), or syllace (simple style suitable for beginners of Hendmade technique).

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_19

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_20

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_21

What is necessary?

Decoupage is famous for the fact that with the help of this technique of decorative and applied art it is possible to reorganize almost any subject. It doesn't matter what material it is created, be it tree, glass or plastic - decoupage will look great.

For the New Year decorations made in the Decoupage technique, it is most often used by an easy and unbreakable material, for example, a foam.

So, we will tell you more about how to make Christmas tree toys do it yourself.

First of all, we will need the following materials:

  • Foam ball or a form of papier-masha (you can buy ready or make them with your own hands);
  • glue - Use PVA, adhesive pencil or special composition for decoupage;
  • brush - It is necessary to choose a rather soft brush so that when applying the material on the surface there is no noticeable traces and cracks;
  • Paper napkins With liked prints or bright flasks of fabric, depending on which method of decoupage, you will prefer, and you can also use cuttings from old newspapers and magazines, copyright cards, even a photo of your loved ones.

And do not forget the New Year's mood!

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_22

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_23

Master classes

With the help of our detailed step-by-step instructions to create your first creation in the technique of decoupage will be able to even beginner Handmade Master. Let's look at what stages of work should be performed when working on a New Year's decoration, as well as what subtleties exist in decoupage. Let's proceed.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_24

The form

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a form. If you decide to take advantage of the workpiece from the store, you can safely go to the next item. If you plan to perform handmade work yourself "from and to" by making a ball from Papier-Masha, It is necessary to open the surface and make it as smooth as possible so that there are no difficulties with the drawing. And the form before applying is recommended to degrease and primed (you can use water-based putter). Without

Printing layers of paper applied on the product may be bad to the surface or even start peeling.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_25

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_26

It is also a very important stage. Options are possible.


If you decide to decorate a ball with a napkin, you need to start to take off the top layer (be careful not to damage the drawing). Coating from more tight paper - postcards or newspapers - should be pre-soaked in cold water for a couple of minutes. This will greatly simplify the task in the design of the product, since the moistened paper is much faster than impregnated with glue.

After cutting out or tear away the fragment of the pattern and glue the surface to the surface of the layer of the image down. It is necessary to do it as little as possible to accidentally do not damage the drawing. And on paper, you can make several small cuts, so that it is faster and easier to take the form of the product.

It is necessary to wait for the drying of each layer in order to avoid the appearance of air bubbles and deformation of the surface of the paper.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_27

Using the layering pieces of paper, you can not only transfer the finished drawing, but also create a completely new plot. Combine drawings can be different as much as your fantasy can afford. Many masters using multiple napkins or book illustrations create real masterpieces that you want to consider again and again thanks to a large number of drawing parts associated with one plot line.

We are waiting for paper drying, after which, if necessary, we apply a bit acrylic paint to compose the boundaries of the pattern and background. It is advisable to do this with a foam sponge that allows you to make a soft transition between colors. And also paper can be rough, it can be easily corrected using sandpaper for grinding.

Further, it all depends on your fantasy, you can add a little gold or silver bully to the ball, which will create the effect of precious flicker, or add some shining accents using a glytter. An interesting effect can give a structural pasta that will create an additional volume. If it seems to you that there are many monophonic spaces left, you can fill it with hand painted or glue a few small beads.

A ready-made toy should be covered with a special finish lacquer (it is recommended to use from 4 to 10 layers), give dry, decorate with bright ribbon or lace - and, voila, your little masterpiece is ready!

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_28

Selection of material

Fabric or felt

Decoupage with cloth is slightly different from paper. But still there are several fundamental moments to pay attention to.

Before starting work, the form must be primed and covered with monophonic paint, but the glue for applying the material of the material should be used transparent. It is important to preserve the aesthetic type of finished product. The more denser material, the more reliable glue it is necessary to choose, the usual PVA or stipop often can not do.

You can stick the fabric throughout the perimeter toy, or make several textile parts. Laccued such a ball is not necessary. Balls, slapped with cloth, will be perfectly looked with a decor of braid or lace.

And, by the way, why not combine two techniques - paper and patchwork? For example, you can use a monochrome smooth fabric and a textured paper coating with a pattern. The result can be obtained very beautiful and creative.

Toys, made using our master class, will undoubtedly become an excellent gift for Christmas and New Year, because practically the work of art. They will create a festive mood in your home and will deliver many pleasant emotions to your loved ones.

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_29

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_30

Decoupage of New Year's balls (31 photos): Master class on decoupage of Christmas balls with their own hands for beginners, foam balls in Kimekomi and Vintage styles 19074_31

About how to make New Year's balls in a decoupage technique, see the next video.

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