Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique


Easter egg is both ritual food, and a ritual souvenir for Easter. To decorate the festive table, take on a latter decoupage of Easter eggs. How to do everything correctly, tells the master class on decorating eggs. Carefully learn this technique, and then you will get real pleasure from the work done, and your guests are wonderful gifts.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_2

Features of technology

At the celebration of Easter, it became a tradition to put painted eggs on a festive table. According to the oldest customs of the Slavs, the egg has always been a symbol of the origin, the extension of the genus and the obligatory component of the holiday of the resurrection. According to beliefs, the eggs were stained to the holiday and made painting on them from ancient times.

Decoupage is one of the new and interesting ways to get colorful and original Easter eggs. Ordinary chicken eggs decorated in this style will make a holiday much brighter. Classical applique in this case and there is a decoupage. A variety of drawings are placed on the decorating object, and then the resulting image is painted with colorless varnish in order to save the picture.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_3

In any shopping center you can find napkins that will be used in decoupage. Technical techniques are available to everyone who wishes beautifully arouse the table to the celebration, making it colorful and more cheerful. The originally decorated eggs to Easter will make loved ones and friends on a lit celebration. The master class will help and tell me what to do.

There are many ways to decorate Easter eggs using decoupage. An object for sticking, in our case, there will be an egg - present or dust.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_4

In case you plan to serve this celebration sign, beautifully decorated in decoupage style, then naturally No need to apply superchalter to fix parts fragment napkins . Instead it uses an ordinary egg protein that has good adhesive quality. In addition, there is an additional option - Use glue based on starch.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_5

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_6

Napkins for decoupage eggs for Easter are used different. It is possible to use both simple single-layer and special, multi-layered. Fragments from napkins and drawings are cut with scissors, It is more correct to apply small manicure scissors in this case.

On a par with cutting parts in a decoupage, it is used and exhausting with hands - a variety of fragments of the pattern are taken off with the help of fingers, then the edges of these pieces during the eraser will be more "blurred" and spectacular.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_7

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_8

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_9

As for the selection of drawings, pictures with colorful colors and spring themes look great. You can take the base of the applications a variety of leaflets, feathers feathers, images of animals - all without exception, which I like. For the defers choose the corresponding drawings.

In order to achieve a beautiful result, it is necessary to maximize the fantasy.

Materials and tools

If you want to make Easter eggs in a decoupage technique for a festive table, You will need the following tools and materials:

  • brushes;
  • scissors;
  • Beautiful napkins;
  • water-based glue;
  • Egg welded screwed or empty.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_10

We will need only the upper layers of napkins. It will be necessary to cut or or snatch the drawing you liked. Then apply glue to the surface and superimpose. The following layer is applied in the same way - everything should fit tightly. Continue until the egg does not look smooth.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_11

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_12

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_13

If you want to do something unusual, you can take other materials, for example:

  • lace;
  • thread;
  • stones, sequins, rhinestones;
  • branches;
  • expensive fabric;
  • Natural flowers.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_14

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_15

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_16

You can bind the egg with a decorative loop of dense threads and give it a guest as a gift. Such a gift will be unusual and stylish. Stones or sequins can be used as accents in the loop or at the top of the shell.

Another option for gift eggs - wooden sprigs nests . To impart brightness and pomps, you can use in the decoration of the passage, silk, velvet, or decorate the nest with alive colors.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_17

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_18

Easter egg glue

To work with Easter eggs in decoupage style you can make Glue from egg proteins. This is the easiest recipe for harmless glue.

Separate the egg squirrel from the yolk, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and slightly sweep all together. Do not allow the formation of thick foam, as the formation of bubbles will interfere with the work - they may be under the material, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the crafts.

Next, do all the same operations with the sticking of the drawings, which were described above. Glue put on the egg twice: before applique and after. We are waiting until complete drying, repeat again, give you dry finally.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_19

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_20

If you decorate eggs at Easter only for the decor of the room (not for food), you can use almost any glue.

What eggs can be used?

To work in decoupage style, you can use welded eggs, wooden and plastic dwarves, a hollow shell. remember, that For boiled eggs, which are designed to be food, only protein glue applies and paints are not used, as they are penetrated through the shell.

If you paint a wooden blank, it first should be painted with white acrylic paint. And the empty shell is necessary to wash in advance and dry well.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_21

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_22

Decorating Master Classes

We decorate an easter egg with your hands in the decoupage style to Easter. Consider several techniques using various billets, materials and ingredients.

Gelatin and protein

For this option, we take natural raw materials: protein and gelatin. In this case, the egg whites will be the glue, and varnish at the same time.

Step by step guide.

  • We divor into the gelatin in the water, let me swell. Then we melt in a water bath in a small bowl.
  • We have a napkin on various fragments. We define the drawings with which we will work with, various flowers, birds, patterns. As a rule, multilayer napkins already have a colorful ornament, so we pull out the necessary parts from the napkin with your hands and only then separate the upper layer we need from the rest. Appliques must be small, since when gluing them on a rounded configuration, wrinkles may form, and if they are small, they will not be noticeably, but large can significantly spoil the appearance of the decorated egg. We take out a fragment carefully, because the more correctly we do this procedure, the more effectively it will look at the egg figure.
  • We apply glue from gelatin to the surface of the egg, we apply a fragment and top covers the glue layer. In order to be easy to align wrinkles, make the impregnation of the napkin glue. We apply your favorite parts from the napkin, smooth out the wrinkled parts and leave to be dried.
  • When drying, the glue is tightly connected with the shell. Some time the egg will be slightly sticky.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_23

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_24

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_25

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_26

For glue from egg protein, the work procedure will be similar. We smash fresh egg, separate in different bowls of protein and yolk. And we use protein and like glue, and as a lacquer for coating eggs at the last stage of work.

After drying, ready-made fakes lay out in beautiful Easter baskets to prevent close and friends.

Hollow shell

For decopate work with a hollow sheath, you need napkins with drawings, PVA glue, acrylic paint and varnish, wooden wand, scissing from a manicure set, a brush with a flat bristle.

We take a fresh egg, pierce bottom and on top of small holes needle, keep the contents. When the egg liquid is removed, he dried slightly. First of all, before starting work, we insert a wooden wand in the shell. We apply a white paint tone with a brush and let it dry, provided that the shell is not white; With a white shell, an egg can not be painted.

Cut the required parts. We divor into pva glue with boiled water in a 3: 1 ratio, glue parts of a napkin on a blank. We apply a cooked solution with careful smoothing movements from the middle to the edges of the pattern. When the glue is driving, we apply a few more layers of glossy varnish to complete the work. Important: A new layer is applied only with complete drying of the previous layer.

At the last stage, you need to remove the shell of the shell, and in order for the needle punctures to be not visible, the place is painted with paint or layer of varnish.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_27

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_28

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_29

Decoupage Nappet.

The shell can be covered with a whole decapping napkin. To do this, cut out a quadrilateer equal to the volume of the egg. We fold the quadrilateral in half and create a fringe at the edges. Then we apply the glue PVA to the workpiece, we stick the place in the twentieth of the napkins, and then gently glue the mahru first from one edge, then from the other.

Sut off the excess napkins and cover the entire volume of the blank layer of glue. In order to maximize the strength, paint a colorless varnish, which usually use during manicure.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_30

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_31

Wood blank

For decoupage of the wooden billet, sandpaper paper with large and small spraying, soil with acrylic content, varnish, paint, glue, which is needed to work in decoupage style, small, but wide brush.

First, the plane of the wood blanks must be sanded with sandpaper, primarily large, then shallow. Next, the workpiece is covered with a stuff based on acrylic (it can be made of plow, water, paints in equal proportions), then dried.

Already after priming, several layers of acrylic white paint are applied to the blank and left until complete grazing. The desired fragments are cut from the napkin, then the top layer of the napkin is separated.

Large parts should be divided into small to ensure that the applique is smoothly laying on the surface.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_32

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_33

The next step is to apply the finest glue layer. Then carefully take the desired part, apply on the workpiece, stick, carrying out a brush from the center to the edge of the part, after which you can dry.

If you want to add expressiveness to the drawing or select the image of another line, then continue to paint the object. Having accepted the attached image for the base, in some place add the shadow, in the other, on the contrary, make glare.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_34

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_35


If you want to make Easter eggs under ancient, master the decoupage decoupage with the cracker. Craquelur means cracking - This is a unique technique that will give an egg entourage of a valuable object covered with cec. Initially, the cracks formed in the glass thickness due to leaks of temperatures were considered to be withdrawal. But after time, manufacturers were able to evaluate all the beauty of such a defect and since then there is an artificial use of cracks. Such technique has become an indicator of the uniqueness of VAZ, Saladers, either other interior items and dishes.

Easter eggs with cracks (crane) look fashionable and non-standard, and it is very easy to achieve this result. It is necessary to purchase foam eggs or wood blanks, lacquer for decoupage and a special crocker mixture.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_36

First you need to paint acrylic paint egg in the main tone - take the dark. Give eggs dry, then apply a translucent silver varnish, dry again. The crochelle structure should be made with a thick layer from 2 to 4 millimeters, it dries instantly and the result manifests itself immediately - an egg to Easter in decoupage style with cracks done.

In the absence of a special glue when working in the technique of decoupage, dive the superciles of the PVA with water. Next, take the dark tone acryl and paint empty places among the pasted parts. Dry and cover the egg acrylic varnish.

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_37

Decoupage of Easter eggs (38 photos): master class on decorating wooden eggs with napkins in the decoupage technique 19067_38

Eggs made in decoupage style can be used not only for making food, they can become part of the interior, because Easter Day is a festive feast, and a bright spiritual day of resurrection.

Master class on the decoupage of Easter eggs in the technique of decoupage, see the next video.

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