What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years?


Wedding anniversary is the date that all family members should be remembered. A gift from his wife on an anniversary of 25 years of living together should be special and unforgettable.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_2

Gifts for the anniversary

The 25th anniversary of the wedding, as a rule, spouses celebrate fun and noisy - not every pair manages to boast such a long life together. Celebrating such an event, of course, the spouses want this day to remain in their memory forever. It is for this reason that it is responsible for the choice of a gift. This should be something original, useful, but not necessarily expensive. The main thing is that the gift like the spouse and delivered him joy and pleasure in this significant day.

By tradition on a silver wedding, it is customary to give products from this metal. For a husband it is quite suitable for a beautiful silver ring. You can buy a finished product or make a ring to order. Whatever product is chosen, the main thing is to attend commemorative engraving.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the one stone is in the rim of Persden - every mineral carries a special energy and has its meaning.

For example, if you give a spouse with a spouse with agate in a silver frame, it will give him health, strength and success. Such a stone like emerald gives his master peace of mind, inspiration and good luck in all matters.

Sapphire will be for a man a real faith. This stone gives the male sex confidence and attracts financial well-being. If you choose a ring for a husband, which pays a certain force in itself, then he will definitely appreciate this present.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_3

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_4

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_5

In the event that the spouse loves to wear classic jackets, it is not indifferent to ties, then a fully relevant gift will be a clamp or cufflinks from silver. Accessories can also be with inlaid from stones, about which it was above.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_6

If the spouse loves to take guests, and in the house there are often his friends, then you can give it a set of silver stacks. They look very impressive, and every man will be happy to give such a female wife.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_7

As a gift from silver, it is recommended to choose a statuette made of this noble metal, for example, a frog, an elephant or an eagle. Such figurines will be able to become not only the decoration of the desktop of the spouse, but also a real mascot that attracts good luck and financial well-being. You can also give a statuette, symbolizing the zodiac sign of the spouse.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_8

It is worth considering as a gift the original silver lighter, an expensive handle in a special case or a diary.

By the way, now it is quite possible to find a diary, the cover of which is decorated with a beautiful silver plate. On the record you can make special engraving. As an inscription, they usually choose a favorite phrase of a spouse from any movie or the guessing of a great person.

It is quite possible to present a silver cup holder if the spouse is a big tea lover.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_9

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_10

As a present to a silver wedding also make a beautiful family photo and present his spouse in a silver frame. This photo is stored at work in a personal account.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_11

Ideas for original gifts

Of course, to the 25th anniversary of the wedding you need to give each other something of silver. These are traditional gifts that will remain for a long memory of this day. But you can purchase as an additional present, something original, unusual and inexpensive.

Surely in the city there is a store or a shop of original gifts. There you can purchase or order a silver medal. The spouse will be pleased if you give him a medal with the inscription "for loyalty" or "better husband in the world."

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_12

In such shops, it is also possible to order a diploma of the "best husband" or acquire the Oscar registered statuette, as well as the Silver Cup. Such original gifts will take a worthy place in the interior of the house and will be a reminder of the celebration of your anniversary.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_13

Order a portrait of his beloved husband in an unusual amplua - also an option for a gift. For example, in the picture, your spouse can be depicted in the form of a king or knight. Men love gifts that emphasize their individuality, greatness and masculinity. The spouse will be nice to see the admiring glances of guests who will admire this unusual portrait every time.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_14

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_15

If the spouse is with a sense of humor and loves not just original, but also fun gifts, it is worth ordering a cartoon or an original statuette that will be a copy of her husband.

In order for a cheerful gift to remind her husband about a silver wedding, you can make engraving on it.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_16

As a surprise, there is still a romantic journey for two. Each woman just remembers the dates and places where the acquaintance occurred, confessing in love, the first kiss. The trip to commemorative seats will be an excellent gift for both.

Good idea is a subscription to a gym or pool , Certificate of horseback riding or travel on a balloon. And you can buy tickets for the concert of his favorite group or go with him together to the match of the favorite football or hockey team. If the wife, when choosing a present, consult also and personal interests, hobbies a spouse, then the man will definitely be pleased with such a gift.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_17

How to make the original gift with your own hands, you will learn from the video below.

What should not give her husband?

There is a certain category of gifts that can not be given to such a family celebration as the wedding anniversary. For example, many men are not indifferent to original gift knives or sabers. But to give such a present on the 25th anniversary of the wedding is impossible - this is bad sign, because such a gift can embroil the spouses. Therefore, it is better to avoid similar gifts and abandon sharp and stitching things.

The wristwatches of silver - on the one hand, it is a gift suitable for anniversary, but on the other - to give the clock is considered a bad admission. It is said that such presents lead to parting - it is better to give the spouse the original bracelet from silver or something else.

Even if the spouse is a big fan of old things, you should not give him ancient objects purchased in an antique store. As a rule, such items carry no negative energy. Any vintage silver ring, instead of luck and happiness, will bring only a discord to life.

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_18

What to give her husband to a silver wedding? How to choose an original and inexpensive gift from wife on an anniversary of 25 years? 19059_19

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