What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children


Silver wedding is an anniversary of 25 years of living together, one of the most serious dates in the life of any family. In the title of this date, a precious metal is present, which is designed to show the importance and solemnity of the event. A quarter of a century is a serious time. Obviously, her husband and his wife jointly survived a lot of both joyful and sad events. Perhaps they raised children, and someone had the first grandchildren. Silver in this case is a symbol of experience and wisdom of such spouses, because today, rarely, who manages to maintain his marriage for such a long time. This date is a reason for pride not only the spouses themselves, but also all their friends and loved ones, so the gifts that are presented on this day should be special.

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_2

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_3

Traditions of anniversary

Since the couples that mark the silver anniversary are mostly not at all young, then the main thing is on such a day - this is the return of romance in relations and care for each other. In ancient times, there was a remarkable tradition of the mutual abservation of spouses by spring or well water from silverware. Spouses made a rite consisting of three parts:

  • The first ablution of his wife husband and her husband helped wash off the load of the years and returned the vigor of youth;
  • The second ablution was to carry a quarrel and family troubles;
  • The third mutual ablution promised a lot of long happy years of married life.

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_4

After bathing procedures, the updated spouses wiped each other with linen canvases and dressed her husband to his wife, and his husband's wife. A jug with liquid residues exhibited on a window or a porch for complete drying. It was believed that the faster water dry at the bottom, the faster all the promises of the ritual will come true. Of course, the vintage rites have long passed into the past, however, to this day there are various rituals for a silver wedding. Most often this is a mutual exchange of collar rings from silver, which is held during the festival with loved ones and friends. They can be replaced with old wedding rings or wear them with them. Such rings symbolize the beginning of a new stage in the relationship and remind one spouse about the love and care of the second.

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_5

Gifts from silver

As in the old days, today the decorations and dishes from this precious metal remain one of the main gifts for the silver anniversary. Do not be presented on this day rings, since most often the spouses buy them on their own. There are several options for other jewelry, it is best to be pair.

  • Bracelets with engraving on which you can write a variety of wishes or the date of the silver wedding.
  • In the event that a man is punctured ear, you can donate paired earrings with spouses.
  • Chains with different cabins in the form of zodiac signs or with family symbolism. The man can be given a heavy silver chain with a minimalistic pattern, and a woman is a massive necklace.
  • Excellent and very original gift will perform hours of precious metal. In order to save it, you can choose the option with a metal housing and a leather strap. Prices for this option are significantly lower than on the clock fully made of silver. Some people believe in such an adoption that the clock is given to parting. In this case, you can ask for such a gift a symbolic amount in the form of a pair of coins or small sweets.
  • Silver pin or brooch for her and clamp for a tie or cufflinks for him. Predated such pins are considered to be chambers of the family hearth. They protect against the evil eye and protect against the envious and woven. Such a brooch can be added to a coat, a cervical handkerchief or a favorite blouse, and you can hang on a handbag or wallet.

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_6

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_7

You can also be given a silver cigarette block, key chains for keys, a small decorative statuette or make a medal with various wishes and a memorable date. You can take a collective old coin as a gift numismat. Like decorations, a classic gift from precious metal is the dishes.

  • A set of silver cutlery will be appropriate both in the country house and in the city apartment. He will give solemnity even to the most ordinary family tea drinking and will retain the memories of the celebration.
  • An excellent gift will be a silver tray or tea couple for the perpetrators of the holiday.
  • Silver Turk, kettle or coffee kit will turn into the most ordinary breakfast in the aristocratic morning, and the process of transferring table silver to the heirs can turn into a centuries-old family tradition.

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_8

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_9

Of course, the table silver is quite expensive. In the event that it allows you to purchase something inexpensive, you can give silver-planted dishes or simply metal sets that have a color of noble metal.

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_10

Practical gifts

Each growing child wants to ease the life of his parents, make them life easier, and health is stronger. In this case, various household appliances, medical equipment or even transport are presented as a gift. Of course, such gifts cost donors into a large amount, however, large equipment can be made in a fold with other relatives and even family friends. Many believe that one large and useful gift is much better than several small, although memorable "baubles".

  • Washing or dishwasher, new refrigerator or separate freezer for blanks will be an excellent gift from children and grandchildren. Very time can come sapar for clothes or a new iron, a modern robot vacuum cleaner or humidifier.
  • A new blanket and pillows stuffed with a real feather will warm the silver jubilees with cold winter nights. An excellent gift will be a small bedside table on which you can put a table lamp and a favorite book, morning coffee or necessary trivia.
  • If parents have a joint hobby, then you can choose a gift in this topic. It can be a tent or refrigerator bag, a set of golf clubs or good suits for dancing. Those who prefer to relax calm evenings in a family of families, you can present a smaller smaller or a barny hammock.
  • With age, people are increasingly beginning to suffer from various chronic diseases. A modern automatic tonometer, a device for measuring blood sugar or a good massager will become a real "chopstick" for a person aged.
  • One of the best gifts at all times and new impressions remain. Perhaps the parents have long wanted to visit any particular country or region, visit a specific exhibition or concert. In this case, a great gift will be jointly presented from relatives and friends a ticket, plane tickets or train, paid accommodation in the hotel. A gift certificate is perfect for a joint massage or shopping. The main thing in this case is not to do a surprise from such a gift, since people can have certain plans. Best of all such a gift in advance to coordinate with the perpetrators of the celebration

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_11

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_12

When buying such a large gift, you must not just get together from the whole family, but also carefully find out - whether the presented thing is necessary for silver jubilees. You should not give that technique, which is already in the house, even if it is a newer model or more proven manufacturer. Any trips must be coordinated in advance with anniversaries.

If the husband and wife have debts or outstanding loans, perhaps the best gift in such a situation will be simply money.

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_13

Gifts do it yourself

Parents are always happy with the presents that their children or grandchildren made them hands. From such surprises it derives warmth and homely comfort. In the case of a needlework or economic man in the family, The man-made presents do not differ from purchased gifts and will be more valuable and desirable.

  • Stitched or related clothing and accessories. A great gift will perform paired warm sets with a scarf and cap associated for silver jubilers. If you have skill with skin, you can make wallets, straps or a good laptop bag.
  • Those who are fond of scrapbooking will be able to make a memorial photo album where many family and wedding photos can be placed. It can be an interior framework for general and individual photos. Those who paint well will be able to write a portrait or even draw a cartoon. If you have a video editing skills, you can remove and mount a small film in Love Story style or wishes in the video format from all your relatives and close friends. Even after being with them in the separation, the anniversaries will be able to revise such a mini-film at any time.
  • Cookins can cook a festive cake, bake a big pie or even make candy with your own hands. You can make an original bouquet of sweets or soft toys, boil the soap set in the form of various colors, present a bottle of your wine.

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_14

What to give parents to a silver wedding? Original and inexpensive gifts for a 25-year anniversary of children 19056_15

The smallest guests will be able to draw cards with pencils or paints and report to the main gift. Sweese all guests and cause tears of lunizing in the jubilees will be able to children telling poems or singing a song, especially if they are written personally for the culprits of the celebration. Do not forget about various bouquets and compositions of flowers. Supplepeted similarly a gift will be much more pleasant even to the most severe men. A postcard with wishes will not be superfluous, the main thing in that case is to sign it yourself.

About how the wedding anniversary is called and what to give them, look in the video below.

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