What gives 6 years old wedding? Choosing a gift to friends and wife on the cast-iron anniversary of living together


The six-year anniversary of the marriage is called cast iron. Choosing a gift for this triumph is not easy - not to give it difficult and such non-seasoned cast iron items. But if you approach the selection of the present with the mind, it will delight the originality and practicality.

Features anniversary

The sixth anniversary of the marriage is made called a cast-iron wedding. Cast iron is a very interesting material. Like all metals, it is durable. So it seems a 6-year-old life together - the spouses have studied each other quite well, behind the stage of "wipes", children grow in most families who also bring spouses.

However, cast iron in severe damage can split into pieces. After the sixth anniversary, marriage spouses is still very fragile, he does not tolerate careless circulation. It is no coincidence that the second crisis in terms of assessing psychologists falls on 5-6 years of living together.

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During this period, many spouses seem to be a permanent union, for granted. However, it is very vulnerable not so much before the influence of external factors as before the unwillingness or the impossibility of spouses to resist them. During this period, you need to be particularly tolerant and attentive to your second half. Another feature of the cast iron is to strengthen with high-temperature impact. After 6 years of marriage, passions calm down, yielding a place to solve household problems. However, her husband and wife must try to keep the "high degree" of relations, not forgetting that their element is obligatory - tenderness, proximity (both spiritual and physical).

The cast iron wedding is known since ancient times. Previously, this day, the hostess before the shine was found in cast-iron utensils and other dishes and appeared before the mother-in-law, which was the "examiner". She estimated how well the daughter-in-law copes with the management of the economy, conducting a white handkerchief in the corners. The result of such an "exam" was demonstrated by the guests.

The celebration could not be called noisy and numerous, only close relatives were invited. According to tradition, gave presents from cast iron - dishes, household items. In the Baltic States, a similar holiday called a rowan wedding, since ripe bunches of Ryabina were considered a symbol of family happiness, a homely hearth. Today, some sources also speak of a possible interchangeable or supplement cast-iron wedding rowan.

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Ideas for gifts spouses

Spouses on this day can exchange rings, however, they will have to be made to order. Of course, wearing such a decoration every day will not work (it's not too presentable, and the durability leaves much to be desired). Cast iron rings will become a symbolic present, and in the future - a pleasant memory of the anniversary.


On this day, his wife's spouse traditionally gave cast iron dishes. However, modern women such a present may seem likely ("see a housewife in me"), so one more romantic gift can be placed inside the pan or piglock. For example, a chic bouquet of flowers, a new phone, a certificate in a spa or a favorite store. In a word, it can be any gift, which is useful "packaging" which will be cast iron.

Do not forget to explain the spouse why the latter appeared on this day in the list of gifts for her. In addition to the mention of the cast-iron wedding, praise her for business, thank for making your life easier, cozy.

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When choosing a gift for a wife, you can pushed out of the concept of "rowan" wedding and present jewelry, decorated with precious or semi-precious stones into the tone juicy berries of Ryabina. Products with floral ornaments will also be symbolic, they can be played or associated with the features of the holiday at hand. Among the gifts that most wives will be played can be celebrated cosmetics, good perfume, linen.

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If you can not decide on the choice, present a gift certificate to these stores. Among the popular gifts are gadgets. Mobile phone, accessories for it, an e-book with an annual subscription, if the spouse loves to read, laptop is all right and good gifts.


If we talk about the presents, "tied" to cast iron or rowan, then among them you can allocate all the same decorations - cufflinks, ring, chains. A good gift will become expensive hours. Since in our mentality, the opinion was rooted that it was impossible to give a clock, you can give a certificate for their purchase. The spouse himself will choose the model you like. Preventive shirt, tie, neck scarf will be appropriate. But socks and underwear better buy no reason And certainly not in the anniversary of the wedding.

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What gives 6 years old wedding? Choosing a gift to friends and wife on the cast-iron anniversary of living together 19043_7

If the husband is an avid motorist, then you can choose something for the machine.

Undoubtedly, if the husband has a hobby, he will like a gift associated with this theme. However, be careful - giving a new spinning, you yourself send your husband for fishing, he will want to quickly experience the "new thing". Do not criticize my spouse for this, forcing the feeling of guilt. Men in kind Winners and conquerors, therefore, as an addition to the main gift can be presented to a cup or medal. The nomination may be different - "The best husband", "most beloved / brave / strong".

If the relationship was outlined in relations, then you can give each other a romantic date. Recall that you delivered you the greatest pleasure at the peak of your romantic relationship. Go for a walk or picnic in the park, visit the cinema, order a table in the restaurant or "Castle" in a nightclub. If you decide to invite guests to the anniversary of the guests or they asked themselves (agree, it happens), then do not rush to wash the dishes and go to bed after their care. Pass on this case is a small snack and drinks, lit candles and just sit with your second half, thank each other, labelish about the future.

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You can begin to congratulate your halves in the morning, decorating the house with balls and flowers, prepare a festive breakfast. It can be served right in bed. These actions do not require large financial spending and preparations, but in the morning he will charge spouses with positive emotions, help tune in to romantic way.

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You can also hold an interesting rite that our ancestors made on this day. Take a small cast iron, write the cherished wishes on the leaves and lower them into it. Then cast iron should be hidden from prying views. It is believed that the written will come true during the year. By the way, in a year, the next anniversary, it will be interesting to re-read these wishes and discuss them.

How to congratulate parents?

To the cast-iron wedding, most families have already managed to acquire children, but they are still quite small to prepare a gift for a certain date. In this case, older relatives, grandmothers and grandparents can help the guys. Parents will be pleased to get a family portrait on this day, congratulations, hear verse or song in honor of yourself. As an option, dad with children is preparing congratulations for Mom, and mom with them - for dad.

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If for some reason children in the family older than 7 years old (for example, there are children from previous marriages, parents first lived in a civil marriage, where the child appeared), then they can buy a photo frame as a gift, a bouquet for mom. Under the guidance of all the same senior relatives, bake a cake or prepare a festive breakfast.

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What to prevent friends?

If you turned out to be invited to a cast-iron wedding, then as a gift you can prevent all the same cast iron bowls, saucepans. If you decide to replace them with similar frying pan and pots from modern materials, it seems, the hostess will be revealed even more. A beautiful table service can also be presented, for example, for 6 people (by the number of years lived together), a set of cutlery. The latter can be supplemented with engraving. Then, even at the abundance of such sets, the owners will always be allocated by your present.

What gives 6 years old wedding? Choosing a gift to friends and wife on the cast-iron anniversary of living together 19043_12

Elegant wrought interior items are also a good gift for a cast-iron wedding. This can be a mirror in a wrought-iron rim, a similar shelf, various benches for legs and footrests. If the "young" lives in a house with a fireplace, then you can give the fireplace grille, nippers and other attributes. Passionate subsidiaries will delight the presented forged bench for the garden, small (manual) hoes and robrels made in a vintage style (often used not for direct purpose, but as decor), garden lamps. Lovers of relaxation in nature can be presented to a wrought mangon or folding mini-table.

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What gives 6 years old wedding? Choosing a gift to friends and wife on the cast-iron anniversary of living together 19043_14

Pretty neutral, but useful gift for a couple will be home textiles, bedding or table linen. If you manage to find with a rowan drawing, it turns out what is called, "in the topic." Try not to give gifts that are difficult to find use in everyday life. Sometimes you can face the Internet with a recommendation to give a cast-iron candlestick. Before doing this, the guest must ask himself a question as far as he himself uses this subject.

If you "beat" this gift, then it will be quite interesting. Based on the candlestick, you can collect a "young" gift for a romantic date. Naturally, supplement the candlestick is needed by candles, better aromatic, pair of glasses and a bottle of wine. If the anniversary falls on the autumn-winter period, then you can add fluffy plaid. Such a present will be remembered, and the candlestick will remain as a pleasant memory. Perhaps the spouses will continue to use it for romantic evenings.

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The same can be said about metal trays. Cast iron is unlikely to find in the store, however, you can pick up a stylized version of it. Choose a small tray with handles. Complete it with a small tea or coffee service for two persons, good tea, coffee and candy box.

Today, increasingly as a gift prefers to present money. If it is nice to stand up and suits the donor, then the money is quite a good version of the anniversary of the present. However, it can be presented original and very symbolic. It is enough to refer to the old tradition. Previously, he gathered at the cast-iron wedding, sitting at the table, passed to each other the castons, in which coins lowered. If the cast iron was obtained filled, then the further life of the young, as it was believed, will be held in prosperity and well-being.

Modern guests can also present money by placing them in a small cast iron. You can exchange a large amount (not quite finely, of course) and omit every bill, accompanying a joking wish. If young are planning a big purchase and wen on it, then you can prevent a collective cash gift. Then the cast-iron is more interesting to start filling in the festive table, passing it from the guest guest.

Do not forget that it is customary to present flowers, candy, sweets to the main presentation. Do not choose excessively luxurious and large bouquets. The composition from the guest, which will be deliberately luxurious and will exceed this bouquet from the spouse, perceived ambiguously. In addition, for a large bouquet, the housewife may not be a suitable vase.

What gives 6 years old wedding? Choosing a gift to friends and wife on the cast-iron anniversary of living together 19043_16

Special recommendations regarding the type of colors on the cast-iron wedding does not exist. You can focus on the rules of etiquette: Young lady give flowers of light shades, ripe women can hand a bouquet of darker flowers. Plow plants are allowed to give only to close women and being confident that care for them will not be an unpleasant responsibility for them. If the cast iron wedding is celebrated in the fall, then you can assemble a bouquet of ASTR, sunflowers, adding rowan branches with red berry clusters.

If you order a cake on a cast-iron wedding, then it may well depict the vintage items from the material of the same name. For example, a cast iron iron or a large cup, which you give newlyweds as a symbol of the victory of love and romance over the monotony and life.

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Gift options for a cast-iron wedding, see the following video.

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