A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter?


In the circle of your family, we annually celebrate many different events. And nothing really adorns the celebration as mutual gifts. They can be completely different: manually made, acquired anywhere, gifts with money, plane tickets to another country. One of the particular memorable events is the wedding anniversary of the parents. We will try to help you with a choice of a gift, tell me what you can do with your own hands and how to prevent it elegantly.

Place celebration

If you decide to seriously treat this solemn event, you need to consider many points related to the organization. One of the important items to think about is the place of celebration. The correctly selected location can determine much, from the mood of the guests to the possibility of implementing any contests. In this case, it will be worth consulted with parents about their preferences in this regard. You can ask them allegedly by chance.

It can be a picnic in nature, a feast in a restaurant, a cafe, gathering at the cottage with a bath and kebabs. If you are celebrating indoors, you will never be superfluous decor and festive decorations, such as balls, ribbons. Pretty interesting and original will be themed decoration, symbolizing the anniversary.

For example, on a twenty-year anniversary, you can add to the interior in any form of porcelain. The main thing is that people immediately appear associations.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_2

Choosing a present

A competently chosen gift in honor of the anniversary can deliver a lot of positive emotions and remember for a long time. The meaning of the gift is to show how much you appreciate a person. Perhaps the main criteria that you should consider is:

  • Association with an anniversary;
  • Usefulness of the present;
  • practicality;
  • originality;
  • Compliance with the interests of parents.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_3

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_4

As mentioned above, one of the main criteria for choosing a gift is the association with the occasion of the celebration.

If parents refuse any gifts, it means that they do not want any purchases from you. Then the time to do something with your own hands. From such a cute gesture they will never refuse.

Suppose we are talking about a 10-year anniversary. Decorate the room with ribbon ribbons, make anything and anything 10, make a postcard. A poster may be made in the form of crafts and dad from a daughter or son.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_5

Unwanted gifts

As in the case of choosing the desired gift, here much rests in the preferences of the perpetrator of the celebration and your capabilities. Here are some things that you should choose only as a last resort.

  • Money. The only thing and most importantly, what can be said about this kind of gift - you do not know what to give. You do not know the preferences of the pair and it will immediately become clear.
  • Alcohol. "Cold" and suspended gift. This species is too official, it is more suitable for giving, for example, the head of the organization. It may be a person to prevent something solid.
  • Appliances. This is the most banal that you can come up with. Rather here there is nothing to invent. Leave such simple things to choose from the "Newlyweds". Surprise them, not give the dishwasher.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_6

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_7

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_8

20-year-old anniversary

She is a porcelain wedding. Of course, a beautiful and accurate service made from this material immediately comes to mind. Request as a gift porcelain figurines, souvenirs.

Give parents a ticket to where they were not exactly and where they could get a lot of impressions. This age requires new emotions and discharge.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_9

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_10

30 years of living together

Pearl wedding. The time when the children entered independent adult life and grandchildren appear. However, the pair will be hurt to call themselves elderly. Here we will use technological things that will pleasantly surprise the anniversaries.

An expensive camera, a robot vacuum cleaner, rising throughout the apartment, will come up by people, most of whose lives have passed without such aggregates. Also perfectly suitable jewelry from pearls.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_11

Ruby 40 years old

A rather rare event for which it is not so easy to choose a decent gift. This date corresponds to the age where the couple is unlikely to need the research of technological achievements, as mentioned above. And you can give anything from Rubins, not everyone may be.

One option is the ruby ​​color color, dishes, souvenirs, postcards. It is advisable to make an emphasis on the same association with the date and manual work.

People of this age will definitely appreciate your work and care, do not doubt.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_12

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_13

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_14

Traditional presents

Fortunately, there is a small list of traditional choice that will not let you down. This can be attributed:

  • paintings suitable for interior;
  • dishes in color, suitable date;
  • interior elements;
  • Service, vases, china;
  • books;
  • Things to work in the garden.

Of course, in your case everything can be individually, as always, everything comes from the preferences of a person who takes congratulations, and we only recommend the most efficient options that you can consider first.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_15

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_16

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_17

Handwritten gifts

This type of gifts can be described in one word - original. For a loved one, it will be very nice to use the subject in which love and care has been invested together with difficulty and spent time. You can proceed from the lifestyle that your parents lead. If they are lovers to sit in front of the TV or on the balcony - you can sew a beautiful and warm plaid to them, which will warm them in more efficient, because in it a reminder of you.

Purchase materials for sewing will not make any work in one of the nearest stores. If we talk about sewing, bed linen will also be an excellent option.

Portrait, painted personally or ordered in a special service in a photograph, homemade postcard, self-cooked unusual food and much more will surely surprise parents.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_18

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_19

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_20

Video and photoset

Pretty original and interesting option. A set of photos, covering the time interval, starting from your birth and ending with today's day - this is one of the most cute things that can only be given.

The anniversaries will be able to browse the whole story of the whole of your family placed on the album pages. The same picture with a video clip, where it will be possible to see in action that once happened, and donate each little thing.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_21

Idea for sweethek

If you are given what you can eat - it pleases no less than practical and durable things. The choice of the assortment of confectionery is exceeding all the boundaries. The taste and color can pick up cakes, cakes, chocolate, candy, cupcakes, sweets with cream, Muffins.

Most confectionery stores, as well as specialized bakeries provide services for the order of goodies. And you already add your original ideas in the design.

We are talking about numbers corresponding to the date, figures of people who need to eat, color and flavors.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_22

Only practicality

Of course, there is a type of people who are not satisfied with a gift eaten on the same day. In this case, a durable or useful thing is perfect. And it is better to combine these 2 qualities. We present you such options:

  • certificates (in the beauty salon, to buy in the store);
  • New smartphone (often people at age do not change the phone until it starts falling apart);
  • cosmetics items (we often forget to follow themselves, paying all the time work and family);
  • Handwritten products (linen, bags, baskets, accessories);
  • Household appliances (banal, but absolutely practical choice).

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_23

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_24

Romantic surprise

It should be immediately noted that this method of holding time is more suitable for young couples. However, every case is individual, and no one forbids you to arrange a love evening for your parents aged. There are several efficient and proven ways to hold a romantic meeting.

  • You can cook dinner at home and decorate candles atmosphere , rose petals and pacifying music. Of course, do not forget to leave a couple alone with each other. Similar option is to order a table in a restaurant where you can spend time in a comfortable institution with an unusual food.
  • Wedding photoset - This is something like tradition. Decide themselves why you do it - refresh memory, periodically looking at the photos of the album, or happily spent time during the whole bustle associated with the angles in the photos, selection of the right place and excellent outfit.
  • Romantic trip, for example, to Paris. Expensive gift, but many would say that it is hardly possible to come up with something better.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_25

Many impressions

There are people who are not as important practicality things, and they also do not like sweets too. For them, the saturation of life impressions and variety is more important. Such parents are perfect for a voucher. The further - the better.

It may be a country with a lot of mountain landscapes, thick forests, or simply spacious and extensive beauty. Help mom and dad to master a new hobby, send a holiday on the Mediterranean Sea, a long trick, give tickets to the theater.

Give them what makes many impressions, new experience and unforgettable pastime.

A gift for the anniversary of the wedding of parents with their own hands (26 photos): What to give dad and mom from children? What poster can be done daughter? 19011_26

Time for jokes

      A similar gift is difficult to pick up in view of the individuality of people and a different understanding of humor, however, if you get to the point, it will be wonderful. Laughter not only prolongs our lives, but also settles in memory much longer than most baubles. You can organize a humorous congratulation, where the anniversaries will not even have no idea about the surprise sudden. Or just adhere to a constantly humorous background.

      It can be a collage of photographs treated in Photoshop, where your curves will look at you. Frequently common steamwear with drawings, synchronous to each other or combined in meaning, where, as a rule, funny phrases will be written. And finally, remember that gifts are native are good in any manifestations, the main thing, do not forget to pay attention to your parents.

      The original idea how to present a gift, look next.

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