How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021


Entry into legitimate marriage is one of the most important solutions in the fate of every citizen. However, in the Legal State, the birth of a new family should begin on legal grounds. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Family Code, the submission of an official statement to the registering authorities and the procedure for the conclusion of marriage relations should be carried out in accordance with the law.

According to state statistics, the number of people who wish to become a husband and wife in our country is constantly growing, because of which the number of queues on the corporate thresholds regulations becomes more and more. In these circumstances, it will be most reasonable to book the desired date of the wedding ceremony using the State Service portal.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_2

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_3

Advantages and disadvantages of remote form

The main advantages of the order of the wedding duty through state services are:

  • The ability to submit an electronic application through an online portal with an indication of all the necessary information without leaving the house;
  • The user can at any time convenient for him and in a comfortable setting to choose what additional services for the registration of their own wedding, he needs: a solemn ceremony, exit registration Live music and so on;
  • The bride and groom have the opportunity to choose the registry office you like in your region, where their relationship will be registered.

However, it is necessary to take into account the moment that all the documents provided in the online statement should be presented in the Original Registration Procedure.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_4

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_5

The disadvantages of filing an application for marriage through the website of the State Service can be attributed to the moment that this option in our country is possible only under the observance of two circumstances. First, the newlyweds are obliged to undergo a procedure for mandatory registration on the official Internet resource itself, and secondly, The user account submitting an electronic statement must be confirmed by one of the possible ways, namely:

  • After contacting the Center for Service Permanent Users or MFC;
  • using the services of Russian Post;
  • using an electronic signature;
  • On the official website of Sberbank online.

The most important lack of such a system for marriage is the fact that without paying the state fee will not be aimed at the registration service.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_6

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_7

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_8

Whereas, with a personal visit to the establishment of the registry office, a qualified employee will first check your documents, and then give a receipt of payment. So you will not suffer any financial losses. It is necessary to recall that such a payment has a validity period and is not refundable in case of refusal to accept the application.

To date, the execution of these provisions is required, since for the design of the e-claim, you will need to fill all personal data, as well as sending an invitation to your future spouse that must confirm it and re-send. After that, the completed statement will be sent to the registration service.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_9

Feed deadlines

On the official portal of the State Service, there is a specialized document of the F-7 form, designed to submit an application for marriage. It must be served in one calendar month to the desired date of the ceremony. In some regions, this period may increase to two months. Such a duration of the term is envisaged in order for future spouses to think about the feasibility of their decision, as well as prepare for the upcoming celebration. At the same time, if citizens decide to change their mind, the documents are returned to them without any penalties and other bureaucracy.

To legitimize the relationship in accelerated mode, it is necessary to provide, the official proof of particular circumstances, they include:

  • Pregnancy spouses;
  • Birth of a shared child;
  • If one of the future spouses will be sent to a continuous urgent business trip;
  • The groom or the bride detected serious health problems that could be a threat to life;
  • The direct threat of the lives of one of the spouses (the groom go to serve in one of the regions where hostilities pass)

Permission for an emergency marriage makes the head of the Registration Service in the presence of relevant documents.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_10

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_11

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_12

What documents will required?

To submit an application to the registering bodies in electronic form requires the same documents as with a personal visit. When filling out a document in online mode, it will be necessary to take into account all the moments required by our legislation.

Future spouses are required to have available:

  • Documents certifying their identity (passports, military certificate, certificate from the passport and visa service, if the document is replaced or a passport of a foreign citizen with an official translation into Russian);
  • If the waiting for the marriage ceremony can be reduced, it is necessary to provide official confirmation of exceptional circumstances;
  • a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage (if he occurred);
  • Certificates of the birth of future spouses to indicate the nationality (clarify from the registry office).

All documents must be represented in the original form on the day of marriage registration for checking the employee of the registration service.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_13

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_14

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_15

Application Instructions

Submitting an electronic application on the portal of official services, The population needs to be followed by the following sequence of actions.

  • Before sending an application to the registry office, you must activate your account on the official resource. Next - to open the "Children and Family" tab and choose the "Register marriage" option.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_16

  • To be carefully familiar with all the information specified in the list that opens and click the Option "Obtaining Services".

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_17

  • The applicant must enter all the required personal data accurately and reliably with the address on registration and place of residence (if they differ from each other). Next, enter the address of the registering authority registry office.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_18

  • From the proposed options, you need to choose the most acceptable institution for yourself, where you will submit an electronic application for marriage. This can be done and much easier, indicating the address on the map. Here you should lend a mark on the feasibility of solemn registration.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_19

  • Next, you should select your favorite time and number to register your wedding.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_20

  • It is important to pay attention to the fact that the next count is not necessary to fill the next graph. It must be arranged to persons who previously consisted in other registered relationships. Here are the names of the newlyweds after registration of marriage. After the wedding, her husband and wife have the right to leave their breasting surname, take the surname of her husband (wife); Use the double surname that is formed by adding the name of the bride to the surname of the groom.
  • Here we specify the following personal data order: individual SNILS number, birth dates, bride email address (groom). Then activate the special option "Invitation".

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_21

  • The email address of the invited user should come to an email in which by clicking on the link must be confirmed by this application.
  • The invited person should go to his personal office of the official website of the State Service, where it will confirm and transfer its consent to the registration of relations. Next will be available opportunity to pay for state receipt online. Paying for service on non-cash on the portal itself, users are provided with a 30% bonus. Currently, the average cost of state duty for marriage in the regions of Russia is 350 rubles, and with a discount will be only 245 rubles.
  • After the payment of the state duty is made, your application will be redirected by the system to a certain public registration service. Here it is carefully checking for employees of the registration service. If everything matches the letter of the law, the application will be approved and the date is appointed.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_22

On the wedding day, the newlyweds are required to arrive at the place of the ceremony with the originals of all designated documents. The most important thing is not to forget the passports and the original receipt of payment of state duty.

Confirmation of the legality of the application must be received by the user for one day from the date of the official invitation. This is determined by the fact that the booking of the desired number and time of the ceremony can be carried out no more than 24 hours.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_23

What should I do if a marriage application function on the state service is not available?

There were cases when the user could not use the "Apply" function in the online registering service. This can happen on a number of different reasons.

  • The service is blocked for a while or constantly by decision of the administrative bodies of this region of the Russian Federation. Usually about this users are notified in advance.
  • Due to technical work. In this situation, you need to wait some time, and then again repeat the application attempt.
  • Errors occurred in the work of the official resource or your provider. It is necessary to wait when the portal's work will be restored in full.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_24

How to pay a state duty for marriage online?

Many users are interested in how to pay state duty on the website of the State Service. This payment is made on the portal itself after filling out the official statement. It can be carried out through an electronic card of your bank or from an electronic wallet of one of the payment systems (at the same time, the amount of the commission will directly depend on your operator). If the receipt is not paid, there will be no application to the registering authority.

In order to competently compile a request to the registry office, as well as find out which list of documents will be required, you can always use the Gosvyloj portal. That is why this resource enjoys such popularity among the population. However, it is worth noting that in the presence of doubt or complex individual issues, it is recommended to consult with a professional specialist. You can also do this in online mode or by calling the state authority. If we speak specifically about the application for marriage through state services, then all visible amenities will be apparent to the naked eye, because the procedure of filling out a document takes only a few minutes.

At the same time, personal data should be done very carefully. Any typo in filling out the passport data can cause refusal to accept your application by the registering authority. In this case, the procedure will need to repeat. With due attention should also be taken to choosing the institution of the registration service and the date of the wedding ceremony.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_25

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_26


If we talk about the reviews of people who used the portal of public services as a whole, it is important to note the general positive trend. So, people like this method of registration of applications, because it is convenient and fast. However, like any system, the portal has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages can be attributed to:

  • substantial savings, because to make and apply for marriage can be literally in 10-15 minutes;
  • the possibility of booking the date of interest to the ceremony;
  • The user does not need to stand in the queues;
  • Fast response to the registry office to the statement;
  • the ability to choose any registration service available in the residence area;
  • You can choose additional services for organizing the ceremony of registration;
  • The opportunity to pay the state duty directly on the portal of the State Service at a discount of 30%.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_27

The minuses of such a system are:

  • Mandatory passage of the registration procedure on the official resource of public services;
  • The need to pay the state duty before checking the documents by an employee of the registry office (without this, the application will simply not be redirected to the registration service), with the refusal to accept the duty, most likely will disappear;
  • According to the customers themselves, the portal does not always work alert system;
  • Some functions of the site can be blocked constantly or temporarily at the request of the administrative authority of the state power of a particular region of Russia;
  • The portal directly depends on the speed of your provider, as well as the stability of the host himself.

How to apply for registry office through civil servants? When can I apply for marriage via the portal? Application Instructions 2021 18902_28

In any case, in the opinion of many users, the program of public services is our future. This method of communication of citizens with government agencies is profitable and convenient for both customers themselves and employees of organizations - it allows you to get rid of the great accumulation of the people in the institution, and therefore saves both parties to the mass of time and nerves.

How to apply for registry office through public services, see the next video.

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