How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents?


Couples that have decided to tie their fate of marriage, often face the problem of formalities. At first glance it seems that it is enough just to write a statement, submit it to the relevant authorities and immediately sign. However, it turns out that there is some time for compliance with all formalities. It will not be superfluous to learn the rules for submitting documents, since depending on a particular situation, the timing may differ.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_2

What do you need to do in advance?

It is important to consider that in addition to the application itself, the marriage must pay the state fee. To date, its size is 350 rubles. Considering that the marriage procedure is one for two, you need to pay for a fee in one-time. Also in advance are worth considering the registration date, choose one of the desired and most suitable. In this case, it is possible to progress and choose not one number, but several, since on the desired day in the registry office can be occupied every hour.

To not spend a lot of time, it is necessary to solve together what the ceremony will be. We need to decide in advance whether it will be a short-sighted or standard solemn style of marriage.

It is also important to decide whether the bride will change its surname or not. In addition, it is necessary to decide on the venue for a celebration, since this does not necessarily have to be a wedding palace.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_3

You can call in advance to the nearest compartment of the registry office and clarify the schedule of this institution. Despite the fact that usually such institutions work from Tuesday to Saturday, some of them can have a different working time, in which the pair will offer to apply. In addition, in our country on the fourth Thursday of the month, as a rule, Sanden is provided in which there is no reception. In order not to waste your precious time, you need to decide on the most convenient hours.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_4

Rules for filling and submitting documents

Despite the fact that when applying, it usually does not arise any difficulties, There are certain nuances that need to know.

  • This applies to information provided by passport data. You need to specify the name, name, patronymic, date, place of birth, citizenship, as well as information about the passport itself (for example, its number, series). Nationality is filled at will, the address of the residence is fill in registration.
  • To understand how to fill out the form of F-7, you can pre-download it from the World Wide Web. It will save from the need for a preliminary trip to the registry office. At the same time, the printout must be done with the turnover. Fill the document will have to manually with a broken handwriting. In this case, you can use a handle with blue or black ink.
  • It is important to note that there should be no abbreviations and corrections in the document. In addition, it is important to take into account such a nuance: in the line with the choice of surnames can not be skips. If the bride does not want to change the surname, it must necessarily write its current in this graph. As for the method of filing an application, today, according to our legislation, this is done in person or in online mode.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_5

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_6

  • If the couple has Russian citizenship, then in addition to passports (military ticket for the groom in the absence of a passport) requires a receipt of paid state duty. When someone else comes to submit an application, you need to provide a power of attorney certified in the notary, allowing the second to submit documents for all the rules. When pairs are recorded, in which one did not achieve the majority, the official resolution of its parents or guardianship authorities is required.
  • Those who used to be married should be a certificate of its termination. Accordingly, if a reduction in the timing of the procedure is required, it is also necessary to justify these documents based on a specific case. For example, it may be a certificate of pregnancy of the bride or about the disease of one of the future spouses. In addition, other petitions can be submitted.
  • If there is no desire to stand in line, submit a statement is easy through the portal of public services. To do this, it is necessary to register there, and after finding a relationship in the list of services. In addition to filling out an electronic form, you can decide on the place of marriage. It can be a compartment at the place of registration or another option that will enjoy a pair, for example, the institution can be near the restaurant where it is planned to celebrate a significant event.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_7

When can I submit documents?

Regardless of the fact that all compartments of the registry office are subject to certain instructions designed for all such institutions, they can have their own instructions. For example, in some marriage institutions, appropriate documents are submitted for several months. However, the opinion that documents can be submitted a year before the wedding is erroneous. As for standard situations, on average, the margin of marriage is set a month before the wedding.

Today, when applying cannot be reserved the desired date. Booking of concrete time and day in our country is allowed by law in terms of two months to six months. However, at the same time, a month before the desired booked date, you will have to come to the registry office and apply for marriage. Otherwise, there will be no grounds for booking.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_8

There is a special (freelance) situation in which the applicant (either one one, most often the bride) barely reached the age of 14. However, in this case, despite the fact that there is the consent of the parents or guardians, not to do without the permission of the governor of a particular area. But at the same time, if registration is meant between a guardian and a child's sweepseed, it is impossible and receives a challenge refusal. The same can be said about the adopted children and their parents. In such cases, the application is simply not accepted.

Submit documents to the registry office can not only inhabitants of one city. In our country, legislation provides for the registration of citizens, one of which is officially listed by a resident of another city. You can contact the marriage body, regardless of the place of residence of the groom or the bride. The refusal to accept the application in this case will be unlawful.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_9

Is it possible to choose two dates and more?

When contacting the Institute of Wedding, it is possible and especially important, when a pair needs a specific, significant day for them, to book several dates. However, if the application is applied through the portal of public services, the amount of chances decreases. It is allowed to specify only two dates. At the same time, if for some reason the bride and the bride do not come to register in the first specified day and time, they will be able to do it in another booked day. The date transfer will occur automatically.

If the wedding date is simply transferred to another day due to the failure to appear on the marriage, it is necessary to re-submit an application and, as a result, another payment of state duty. However, if the pair warns the registry workers in advance, which will not be able to register, and the need to transfer the date, pay the second time for the painting does not need.

Absolutely legitimate applications for different offices of the registry office. However, here you need to understand that for each submitted statement will have to pay the state duty. At the same time, it is allowed to choose the same date in different institutions to enhance chances to sign on the specific selected day.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_10

What time do they consider?

Like any government office work, consideration will require some time. State institutions have a strictly established time frame that you need to know those who decided to apply for marriage.

  • Standard term is 30 days. This is the minimum period of consideration of the application since its submission in ordinary situations.
  • The abbreviated is considered individually. Depending on the situation, the minimum term of consideration may be from one to five days.
  • Increased waiting time can reach two months. This is possible with a large workload of institutions. Here you have to wait for turn.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_11

There is also a freelance situation in which the registry office can register marriage on the day of application. This decision takes the head of the department on the basis of the provided documentation and objective circumstances. As for the armor, the maximum time can be expected, submitting an application through the Public Services portal (half a year).

Time can be reduced if the newlyweds do not plan a solemn wedding. Then the guests are usually not invited, and therefore there is no need to wait for a certain day. In the absence of workload, the registry office may assign paintings on the nearest Tuesday or Wednesday, since it is these days that there is usually no shortage of free time. However, if the institution has strict principles, waiting for registration after consideration of the application will still have at least a month.

As for the loaded period of the year, this time from May to September. It is in these months, according to statistics, consideration of the application submitted for registration of a marriage has to wait longer.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_12

What are the conditions of filing, if one of the pair is a foreigner?

In this case, when submitting an application and the presence of a paid state duty should prepare a copy of the document certifying the personality of a foreign citizen. The information provided must be mandatory translated into our language and documented by the notary. Without them, it is useless to submit an application. In addition, you should not forget that you need to have a visa with you, which should be a foreign citizen. Also, if a foreigner used to be in legal marriage, it must necessarily provide a document on the termination of such.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_13

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_14

When is the urgent marriage registration possible?

There are cases when you can reduce the time of consideration of documents. For example, the following:

  • Waiting for a child under a period of more than ten weeks;
  • Availability of a joint child in a submitting statement;
  • Heavy groom's disease or bride;
  • A complex life situation in which the speed of one of the registers will remain.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_15

What else is useful to know?

If the bride or the bridegroom is minor, under any circumstances on their own accord, they will not be able to apply for marriage. In accordance with the law, you will have to wait for eighteen years. Sometimes the time consideration may increase due to holidays. For example, it may be the first days of the coming year.

Regardless of the desire of the pair, it is impossible to find any free dates and especially time on concrete days. Such information is not published on the portal of public services, it does not indicate it by telephone. Information can only be obtained personally, and they will concern exactly your registration.

As for the design and submission of an application through the portal of public services, before filling in the form you need to create accounts of future husband and wife. After it is necessary to go to the marriage registration section and fill out the application.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_16

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_17

One should fill in one one, but at the same time, from the second account, it is necessary to make a confirmation of the consent to marry. After that, the date and time of registration will be appointed.

Solution of non-standard situations

Finally, it is worth considering several not quite ordinary situations to know How to do in a particular case and why the registry care worker may refuse registration.

  • If the bride turns 20 years and it is necessary to change the passport, but at the same time it is going to marry, you can immediately change your passport and surname.
  • If there is no girlfriend or guy 18, it is useless to apply without the consent of the parents, it is simply not acceptable for consideration. At the same time, you should not try to bypass the question in online mode. Even if until the age of majority, we will not consider the application, the couple will receive a reasonable refusal to register.
  • As for the cost of registration, it is often that it can become an unpleasant moment that will spoil the mood to both. If there is no money for solemn marriage, you do not need to pay anything other than the state duty. In the end, in the absence of finance it makes no sense to pay for live music and photos.
  • Forced deportation of one of the future spouses from our country is not among the circumstances to reduce the time of consideration of the application.
  • If a couple is interested in a specific registration day, which two of them is of particular importance for them, one can apply through the public services portal. In this case, more likely to get to the desired date.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_18

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_19

It is impossible for no case to sign in one day, and write a wedding in the documents another date. This is illegal, and therefore no registry worker agrees to this step. The certificate will indicate exactly the date in which the conclusion of marriage will be held.

With the standard procedure and compliance with all formalities, apply to the registry office must be exactly over the month. However, due to life circumstances, this period can be changed both in large and in a smaller side. This decision takes the head of a particular branch of the marriage, based on submitted documents and registration laws in special cases. It is possible that it is not always possible to reduce the waiting time due to the workload of the registry office. In addition, any consideration should be legitimate, it cannot be accelerated if there are no significant reasons for it.

Under the standard conditions, the application is two in any branch of the registry office in the territory of the Russian Federation. If this is not possible, use the option to fill separate blanks, the statement by each side is written independently (it is categorically impossible for each other). In the future, the documents are assigned from the notary and are submitted to the registry office. Without certification in this case, the workers of the Palace of Wedding will not accept them, even if there will be good arguments.

How much apply to the registry office? How many months before the wedding you can apply for marriage? Feed deadlines. How much do you need to wait for the consideration of documents? 18896_20

About the gross mistakes of newlyweds in the registry office, see the next video.

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