Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary


Selection of surprises, taking into account the professional activities of people, quite intelligence. But if everything is relatively simple for representatives of mass professions, then with a gift, the pilot is more difficult. It is possible to simplify life if you consider the basic recommendations.


Difficulties with the choice of something pleasant to the feast of the pilot are associated with the fact that these people have visited and many people see. It would seem, to surprise something very hard. But this task is not necessary to solve "in the forehead". After all, it is enough to choose suitable aviation souvenirs or useful gifts "in the topic". And then the situation will be allowed easily, quickly and simple.

Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_2

Attractive offers

It is unlikely that someone needs to explain how important the accuracy and observance of deadlines are in aviation. Therefore, it is possible to give Alarm clock that takes off at the appointed hour and will move around the apartment . It is impossible to disable it without catching the "rocket". But you have to think, will such a device will become too annoying a person. It is unlikely that he will like if something will be broken due to flights.

A good choice can be three-dimensional puzzle in the form of an airplane. To please the addressee, you need to figure out which model is best suited. One likes rapid airbuses, others - modern fighters, and the third - something from aviation history. The assembly of the puzzle sometimes takes several hours and allows you to get rid of stresses, from the fuss.

Important: If there are no special preferences in the field of aircodellism, you can choose the model that the pilot is usually moved.

Pilots are distinguished by certainly balanced and solid. In other people in aviation there is nothing to do. Therefore, even deciding to give birth to a birthday or anniversary to fill the interior, you should give preference to strict functional things. It can be:

  • stylish wall clock;
  • Wooden shelves or lockers in the form of an airplane;
  • Thematic photo frames with clock and stands for pens.

Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_3

Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_4

Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_5

    For wearing everyday life to give good Glasses "Canned", leather helmet and a warm jacket. Let such attributes of the era of the formation of aviation do not look in the cabins of modern aircraft, but for usual life is quite suitable. If a person is definitely not for the images of the past, the aviation theme can still be used. For example, by buying a cufflink in the form of an air screw. To note: this accessory will come in handy and those who are just going to sit behind the steering wheel.

    There are professions in which there are quite a lot of those who came just for the sake of money, glory or by other external cause of people. But the piloting of aircraft here is unlikely to relate. And therefore it is quite appropriate to give thematic gifts even for the new year. For real pilots, their activities are not only a means of earnings, but also a kind of hobby. Yes, romance will fuss over the years - and yet in the forces of the donors to revive it again.

    Encyclopedias and figures, popular literature and plots, disks with thematic films will become very welcome. And the same solid publications may well be very expensive - no one will have thought about "trying to get rid of cheaper." You can show even more originality: give a subscription to the thematic log.

    Real professionals appreciate any opportunity to improve their skills and expand the horizons. In order for the pilot to remember the donors in flights, you can hand the name thermos or clock.

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_6

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_7

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_8

    More about aviation gifts

    Both in the civil and military, and in special aviation, the summer composition has all the necessary things to carry with them. Therefore, there can be a roomy, comfortable suitcase. Alternatively, use finished negatives with a set of required things. These include inflated pillow, earpluging and eyebag. With the help of such accessories, pilots can arrange a comfortable stay almost everywhere.

    With all the power and reliability of modern technology, sometimes it gives a failure. You can never exclude that any flight will not be completed by an emergency landing. And therefore it is quite appropriate to give sets for survival in an extreme setting. It is not necessary to buy exactly the finished kits. You can collect the necessary accessories with your own hands.

    Usually they include:

    • compasses;
    • Universal knives;
    • signal devices;
    • individual diet;
    • lanterns;
    • backup batteries for them;
    • sleeping bags;
    • Warrant hunting matches.

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_9

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_10

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_11

    A simultaneous aviation simulator will almost certainly be attacked by his civil pilot. The choice of games of such a plan is huge. But to exclude errors, you need to get acquainted in advance with the reviews of professionals on thematic forums. After all, the screenwriters of the games and writing their programmers are unlikely to have the necessary experience in order to make it believable for a specialist.

    Returning to the preparation for flights, it is worth mentioning about such gifts as Branded organizers or wristwrites of specialized "aviation" brands.

    Find out what exactly you need to buy, help again specialized forums. One thing can be said for sure: you should not count on a thousand rubles. Given the requirements of most airlines, it will be appropriate to give Electric razors. Preferences must be made compact, easy models. The same can be said about the choice of a miniature iron.

    People constantly located in new places (or even in the same, but at a great distance), have to "stay in touch" all the time. Therefore, a mobile phone will be quite a logical gift.

    It is better if it is designed for communication standards adopted in different countries. The rest of the Mobile Phone Rules are the same as usual. A nice idea will also be a digital camera or a video camera.

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_12

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_13

    Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_14

      If a person already has these gadgets, one should look at the covers for them, to memory cards and other accessories. Since pilots often have to wait for clocks to send (due to bad weather, technical malfunctions or airport procedures), they will be very well perceived e-books and other gadgets for such cases.

      The universal choice will be Laptop, netbook or tablet. It is not bad to complete the mobile computer with a compact printer and a USB modem. The first device will help quickly print the prepared documents, the second - does not require comments.

      Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_15

      Not only men

      With all the rigor and technical complexity of aviation, there are quite a few women. And we are not only about small aeroklubov aircraft. Not such a rarity is behind the steering wheel of the passenger airbus, and even in the cabins of military aircraft and helicopters. Therefore, the question arises - what to give in such cases. Itself suggests all the variety of ordinary gifts, which are acquired by March 8. But it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the profession, of course.

      So, in order to carry with you all the necessary things, a compact bag is useful.

      You can also purchase a bag or suitcase on wheels, which are very convenient in some cases. The logical idea will be the acquisition of covers and covers for official documents. To emphasize the individuality of the gift, choose registered covers. To show your own originality by handing:

      • mugs or t-shirts with thematic drawings, inscriptions;
      • registered chocolate with the same inscriptions;
      • caskets;
      • decorations.

      Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_16

      Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_17

      Additional options

        Of course, this choice does not end. Most pilots will be glad by replaceable sets of clothing. And even from not too close people, they will be welcome to the gift tie. But you can also consider other options:

        • Notepad or notebook with relevant images;
        • Mug with constellations;
        • thematic collectible coins;
        • board games;
        • Soft toys in aviation style;
        • T-shirts, sweatshirts, shirts, towels;
        • calendars;
        • flasks;
        • binoculars;
        • Thermoses.

          Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_18

          Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_19

          Gift pilot: Useful gifts, original aviation souvenirs in the form of an aircraft and other options for the Pilot for the New Year and Anniversary 18835_20

          Civil aviation pilots will be glad and presenting impressions, such as:

          • flights in the aerotubs, in a balloon or deltaplane;
          • Skydiving;
          • karting

          In addition to gifts associated with aviation, practical presents will be useful to any pilot.

          See more.

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