How to quickly pack a gift? Lightweight and simple gift paper packing in gift paper


How fast and easy, and most importantly, beautifully pack a gift? Agree, this thought comes to mind every time you need to go for a holiday and give something. From this article, you will learn how to transform any present in something bright and unusual.

You have already chose what you will be presented and ready to give a gift, but suddenly understand that it is not packed. Yes, and ideas about this is absolutely no. Then it is worth remembering that any health-friendly material that is in a presentable form can be used for this.

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How to quickly pack a gift with your own hands?

The easiest way without the manifestation of special creativity is to present a surprise in gift packaging or in an envelope. You can use ready-made packaging boxes or a beautiful package. Or go into a souvenir shop and there for you all spare.

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How to quickly pack a gift? Lightweight and simple gift paper packing in gift paper 18790_4

However, do not rush. If you have a little creative, any packaging can be turned into a unique, decorated with various decorations from ribbons, fabrics, cellophane, or even the gifts of nature (leaf, nuts, acorns, dry berries, etc.).

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Your attention is presented 3 interesting packaging options.

  • Take the paper, foil or the fabric of such sizes so that it is more of the item itself inside, and wrap into a roll. Tie a string on both sides and get an unusual packaging - candy. And quickly, and original.

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  • We collect in the bag. To do this, you can take both transparent material and color or even foil. We deploy it, put a gift to the center, we collect the edges on top into the beam and tie to the ribbon, thread, knitted ribbon or wire (at your discretion). So, in 2-3 minutes, our present looks very exotic and attractive.

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  • This option is suitable for those who have no gift paper at hand. In this case, you can take crafting paper or even a newspaper, make a sweep, to bandage it with a lace or thread, attach a note - and vintage packaging is ready!

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How to quickly pack a gift? Lightweight and simple gift paper packing in gift paper 18790_9

If you want to make a beautifully arrange container, for example, with tea or coffee, then repay the contents into a glass jar, and put the parchment on top to the cover and rewind with a string (as in Soviet movies or cartoons), add the inscription about what is in the bank - And ready!

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If you want to show a creative approach, then taking any box for a gift and having attached to her some details, you can absolutely change the perception of a surprise. For example, make eyes and teeth to color packaging - get monster, decorate a wreath of fabric or aunt - and excellent christmas packaging will be released.

Light and simple gift paper packing in gift paper

The most popular packaging method is special paper - It has about a million different ornaments and species, but only a beautiful drawing, it is necessary to complete and beautifully wrap.

  • Paper house . It will be necessary to draw the workpiece, cut and glue parts of each other - this is a simple and very unusual packaging method.

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How to quickly pack a gift? Lightweight and simple gift paper packing in gift paper 18790_12

  • Complete. The universal version is a stylish minimalist kraft paper that you can add interesting details. With corrugated paper, a bottle, clock, plate, handles or cups will get some romanticism and harmony.

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How to quickly pack a gift? Lightweight and simple gift paper packing in gift paper 18790_14

  • Paper gift bag. For its manufacture, we will need parchment (dense paper) and a box. We take a box of such an amount, which we want to see our package, turn it off with paper and with the help of glue we connect the sides with each other. We also do the bottom of the package. Next take any paint and decorate the package, get the box - the package is ready.

Add a handle if we need them either wrap as an envelope, and with the help of a button, we close our product.

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  • "Chest". Such a presentation is best suitable for a souvenir of small size. We will need to take a color cardboard, a ruler, pencil and scissors. Measure the parameters of your souvenir, add half the length to this number and plus a steam of stock centimeters to width and height. Next, draw the workpiece, cut out and fold into the form. Ready.

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  • "Pillow". It is done in the same way that the chest is only wrapped on top and bottom.

How to quickly pack a gift? Lightweight and simple gift paper packing in gift paper 18790_17

  • "Sweet gift." It is perfect for the case if your souvenir has several parts. Using scissors, cut out the workpiece, as shown in the diagram, and we turn the material into the volumetric triangles (pieces of the cake), then lay out on the plate and decorate.

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How to quickly pack a gift? Lightweight and simple gift paper packing in gift paper 18790_19

  • Box. The technician of making boxes is a lot, the simplest is to take the sample, the parchment wrap around the box, cut, glue the edges, get an empty box, and from the received packaging. If you want the box to be with a lid, make 2 parts, just remember that the upper must be wider on a centimeter. And then this box can be decorated at your request.

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How to decorate a gift box?

  • Bows. They can be done with ribbons, serpentine or queening. It can be both ordinary and lush bows.
  • Flowers. From satin ribbons you can make various flowers that will become an excellent supplement of gift packaging.
  • Suchtwell. . You can take dried flowers or grass that you have attracted, and wrap in a wrapper material, forming a bouquet or a different composition.
  • Photo. Will become an excellent decoration of any gift.

About how beautiful to pack a gift, look in the video below.

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