School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts


On the last school year, graduates and their parents are worried not only by the upcoming exams and issues of receipt, but also the organization of graduation, gifts to teachers and a traditional school gift. Each release wants the present to be original, memorable and at the same time useful. Modern graduates tend to prepare a whole project combining all kinds of gifts: creative, traditional, useful.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_2

Choice rules

Grade 11 is often very friendly and quite an adult team. It is already well known who has leadership qualities who are creative abilities, and who are technical skills. If it is responsible to approach organizational issues from the beginning of the school year, then to prepare a creative school gift from graduates will not be much difficult.

Creative presents: a film about the life of a school or class, a colorful album with photos, wishes, impressions, a song about the school of own essay, a grand concert. It will be a wonderful gift, for example, on the last call, when it is not customary to give expensive presents.

Teachers and graduates themselves will be very interested to see such a film or an album after many years.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_3

In schools, as a rule, there are many years of tradition, following which each release leaves its mark in the history of educational institution. It may be the improvement of the territory near the school: landing of deciduous and fruit trees, equipment of the sports field. An interesting and beautiful tradition is the design of a school picture gallery or a greenhouse.

Most schools are budget institutions, so it is quite clear to the desire of graduates to prevent something useful. It may be repairing a cabinet or recreation, the acquisition of technical or educational innovations, the replenishment of the school library.

The choice in this category of gifts is huge and limited only by material possibilities.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_4

Original souvenirs for memory

. Not only to teachers, but also graduates, and parents themselves are pleasant. This is an excellent opportunity to show creative talents, collective cohesion. It does not require large material costs and students can organize everything on their own.

  • Colorfully decorated memorable album for the school museum. It can include photos of class events from younger or middle classes, wishes for school and students. Modern analogue - a film about class life. Such presents are interesting in that each such album will be absolutely unique, it can be complemented by subsequent materials, going to meetings of graduates or anniversary of the school. A few years later, these albums will be interesting not only to teachers and graduates, but also subsequent generations of students, telling about interesting historical moments in school life.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_5

  • Big calendar With the image of the graduation class - another interesting idea for a creative gift for graduation. It can be done strict or funny, with one large photo of a class or with several, who are particularly remembered moments.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_6

  • Mugs, T-shirts, porcelain plates with portraits of teachers or graduates - Beautiful ideas for memorable souvenirs. You can add them memorable inscriptions with meaning: "best teacher", "teacher №1", "the best class teacher".

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_7

  • Concert by graduates - A long beautiful tradition. You can replace the concert with an interesting performance, the script for which will be written in the whole class. You can independently make suits and then give their school. The highlight of the concert can be a song, words and music to which the students themselves will write.

Start training such gifts is needed long before the prom, to exclude all unforeseen accidents and do not spoil the impression of the holiday.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_8

Useful presents

In the preparation of such gifts it is not necessary without material assistance to parents. In addition, it will be useful to consult either with the guidance of an educational institution, or with a class manager, it is really necessary to school at the moment. The simplest thing is to purchase any of the technical innovations.

  • Powerful computer. It is now difficult to present full-fledged training without it, but for the update of a computer class or the acquisition of equipment for a particular educational office often the school lacks. Such a gift will always be needed and useful.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_9

  • Other apparatus of the last generation: Video camera, video projector, audio equipment for the assembly hall, plasma TV, printer, xerox.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_10

  • Modern boards. Without this accessory, today it is difficult to submit a school office. The budget option is to replace the usual wooden board to metal with a special coating, allowing you to write not only with chalk, but also a marker, magnetic holders can be used to accommodate didactic materials. A more expensive gift is an interactive sensory board. The kit also includes the projector and computer.

Wide technical capabilities of such a system allow you to optimize the educational process, which will bring undoubted benefits.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_11

  • Set of telescopic pointers. This is an excellent idea for both individual gift to subject teachers and to equip every cabinet.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_12

  • Equipment of individual training books by educational materials and equipment.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_13

Now consider more complex options to create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere at school.

  • Repair of the Cabinet. It can be the replacement of wiring with the convenient placement of sockets and the change of lighting devices, the replacement of the linoleum, the wall decoration and the ceiling on modern technologies, the purchase of furniture.
  • Repair school recreation. Schools very often lacking funds for the full finish of these premises.
  • Sets of beautiful curtains For cabinets, recreation, corridors, teacher.
  • Repair of the gym or equipping it inventory . Balls for different sports, Swedish wall, gymnastic bars, mats, simulators - such presents are always relevant, and often just necessary.
  • Certificate for the acquisition of the necessary school subjects. This will allow the management of the school to send funds to where they are particularly necessary, and parents will save from unnecessary trouble.

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_14

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_15

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_16

School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_17

What can be done with your own hands?

    Decent commemorative souvenirs can be performed independently. It is only important to approach this process with a soul, think over and prepare everything in advance, to fulfill everything that intended not only creative, but also neat. What options are possible?

    • Decorative vases - The necessary subject in any school office. They will not only decorate the room, but will bring undoubted practical benefits. There are many decoration techniques, and the basis can serve as an ordinary vase or even a bottle.
    • Addition to the decorative vase - hand-made flowers whose petals can be photos of graduates; Bouquets of small soft toys stitched with their own hands.
    • Unusual dressing - Large panel, which can be performed from any materials, even from pencils and markers. In its manufacture, the whole class can take part.
    • Large colorful wall newspaper or collage with drawings, wishes, stories from school life. In their design, everyone will be able to show their talents, touching or funny illustrations even after many years will be called genuine interest.
    • In each class there are craftswomen who can knit, sew, embroider. A set of curtains, tablecloths, napkins will be long years "highlight" and decoration of the teacher or school museum.

    Based on these proposals, it is possible to develop a detailed plan for preparation for the prom, in the process of execution of which many creative ideas will definitely appear, the implementation of which diversifies leisure, the graduates will rallinate, will become a pleasant, memorable and useful gift of school, teachers and the next generations of students .

    School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_18

    School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_19

    School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_20

    School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_21

    School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_22

    School gift from graduates: What can be given in the last call from graduates from graduates on the last call? Drawings, crafts and other gifts 18726_23

    Original congratulations on graduates See next video.

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