How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends


If you were invited to an anniversary or a birthday to a friend, sister, mom, girl, and you suffer in search of a gift, it can be easily corrected. Cash bills in any situation and in any period will be a relevant gift. However, the question remains how beautiful and originally give money to a woman? The presentation of a monetary gift can be unusually originable so that the framing will become another spectacular presentation.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_2


Regardless of the event, the money is always a current gift, But there are some nuances that need to be considered:

  • If you are not very closely familiar with the younger, it will probably be the best way out, but still it should be carefully figured out how it belongs to the cash equivalent instead of a gift;
  • You can not directly contact the birthday girl, but try to ask questions of interest to her loved ones: husband, children, relatives;
  • Remember that a monetary gift for all its in demand requires a tact, it is necessary to present it very thoughtful, it is impossible to get money out of his pocket and stretch them by the triumph of the celebration;
  • Be sure to think in advance how you pack and give the bills, it is better to avoid banal envelopes, and come up with something unusual;
  • An intentional demonstration of the total gift amount is considered to be inflamed, it is impossible to voice it or recalculate at all, if you, of course, do not want to be given for a person who is completely Nevostan;
  • To loved people do not advise to give money, especially in the envelope, but if you are sure that a wife or mom will have to do, it is enough to choose the original form for the present;
  • Choosing the style of the design, proceed from the tastes of the birthday girl, for sure the daughter and girlfriend will like it cool, with humor, a decorated gift, and the boss or wife can not appreciate it.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_3

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_4

Interesting options

We offer you several original methods of presenting a present in cash, which can be considered universal and suitable for completely different cases.

Casket Sunduk

You will need a box or a box stylized under the chest of flibusers, in a vintage style. Next, you will need only put the bills there, mover by imitated treasures: pebbles, rhinestones, jewelry, coins. You can complete the composition at the mounted lock.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_5

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_6

Box for decorations

Another way to make a beautiful design is to put bills associated with the tube and tied tape, into an oblong box from the jewelry store.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_7

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_8


Place money in the balls and inflate, and then hand the birthday bright and valuable gift. Balls can be caught right at the celebration, if you want to hang guests. You can, burly every ball, pronounce congratulations and wishes.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_9

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_10

Money box

This is immediately two gifts - money and piggy bank. It is better to choose an option that can be opened so that the piggy bank also remains in memory is beloved.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_11

Non-proclaimed bills

Let's love trains and shopaholics. Covers and coins are placed under the glass that will have to be broken to get the money.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_12

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_13

Packaging Matryoshka

Pretty simple, but a very interesting way to prevent money, make several different in size, but the same in the form of packages and arrange them alone in another. In the very last, small bills will lie. Unpacking and the transition to a new package will definitely cheer the birthday party, and the final gift will be a pleasant surprise.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_14

Money Tree

This will allow you to combine gift with real gift - indoor plant. Place money on a bush of plants, among foliage and you will have a very spectacular greens in direct and figurative sense.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_15

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_16


It is unlikely that there is a person who will refuse a whole "suitcase of money." You need to prepare a case or something similar, as well as purchase imitated money or print them. Fill in the suitcase by placing real bills among them as the facial on each pack.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_17

Golden Egg

To do this, you will need a kinder-surprise, more precisely, its chocolate part, neatly extracted and disconnected. After that, put money inside, connect the halves and wrap their golden foil, take a beautiful ribbon.

Boldly use fantasy, almost any item can serve as a packaging for banknotes: a cabbage kochan, between the leaves of which money is laid out, a tube from under lipstick and so on.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_18

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_19

Spectacular methods

If you want to make an indelible impression by your gift, consider extraordinary, impressive ways to preeter.


This method at the same time allows you to effectively give money, a real presentation and impressions. Take the umbrella, as much as much as possible, keep a gift before you give it the jumper, and then ask to open an umbrella. It will be under the real cash rain! Let banknotes be more, so the impression will increase.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_20


The same way is perfect for fuel. Connect a pair of large fares among themselves, place the bills at most uniform. Give and ask for yourself the jubilex.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_21

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_22

Bag with money and congratulations

This method will definitely enjoy all and will not require the creation of a complex design.

A beautiful bag of fabric is needed in which you position the rolled bills.

In addition to them, put the leaves with congratulations or buttofa banknotes where you can also write warm words. Excellent option - money depicting a photo of a celebration of a celebration. Such a gift will have to do not only like it, but also to guests.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_23

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_24

Bouquet of money

Flowers - an indispensable attribute of any holiday. But even if you ordered a beautiful bouquet from a florist, then why not give 2 compositions: flower and monetary. Bouquets from bills are very popular, you can use the simplest master class:

  • Prepare banknotes, 3 for each flower;
  • green cloth, you can use ribbons and paper;
  • wire.

Roll the bills into unusual buds, wrap the wire with a green cloth or paper, imitating the stalks to secure the flowers.

Then the bouquet will then be left, which can be decorated with grass or branches made of paper, with a wand and other spectacular decorations.

If the birthday language is enjoys needlework, decorate a set for embroidery, modeling or other similar banknotes. By the way, the passion can perfectly tell the direction for your imagination. Cosmetics amateur can be given a box decorated with perfume or something similar.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_25

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_26

Alternative to money

A gift for a woman, be it birthday, anniversary, March 8, the new year or another holiday always requires a thoughtful relationship, careful choice. Be sure to relate the importance of an event with the size of the present.

Remember that the main goal - the gift should like, bring pleasant emotions, remember for a long time.

Cash gifts are often accused of banalities and the absence of ingenuity. At the same time, it is better to prevent useful bills than twenty-second statuette or sixth hairdryer.

Originality can be expressed in the design - here you will kill two hares with one strike, give a useful gift that will be remembered. If you or the culprit of the celebration categorically against money as a present, there are excellent alternatives to monetary gifts that are not so banal, but leave behind the gifted right of choice.

  • Certificate in the store . You definitely do not lose with the size of the clothing or brand of perfume, and the birthday girl will be deprived of the opportunity to spend your money on nonsense.
  • Certificate for services. Here, the scope for fantasy is simply unlimited. Based on the interests of the jubilees, you can give a hike to a spa, cosmetic procedures, a photo session, a painting master class and so on.
  • Gift card bank. In many financial organizations, there are already similar services that allow you to issue a map in the name of a beloved person. The donor places on the account allocated for a gift amount, after the use of which will be able to use the account for accumulation purposes, for everyday spending and other purposes.

All these options are actually also money, but a virtual nature, which is very relevant and in demand in the modern world.

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_27

How beautiful to give money to a woman? Ideas for original and funny gifts out of money on the anniversary for sisters, moms, girls, wives and girlfriends 18656_28

For other ideas for making a money gift, see the following video.

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