Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts


We often have to deal with pleasant, but at the same time troublesome business - with a choice of gift. The task is significantly complicated when it comes to choosing a gift for a woman. Each lady is unique and has a number of features. Due to age and social status, one can only prefer expensive presents, and the other will be delighted with inexpensive, but a memorable thing.

How to approach the choice?

The main and first priority of the gift - so that he pleased the birthday girl, stayed for her warm memories for a long time. This is especially important when it comes to a native person: Mom, grandmother, a close friend or beloved.

There is a universal, classic version of the present that women are waiting for from a man. This, of course, Flowers that men give women from year to year And at the same time they do not lose their relevance, continue to please the representatives of the fine sex.

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_2

Congratulations to women of different ages and status is inextricably linked with the presentation of colors. Modern florists will prompt you which option is to choose from a huge blooming manifold. Flower business masters will select the composition according to the case and your budget. It may be a cute bouquet of tulips or peonies, a luxurious bouquet of roses or a charming flower basket, striking with its magnificence.

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_3

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_4

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_5

When choosing a gift to a woman, be sure to show fantasy, try to understand what kind of the present will delight the addressee and bring her pleasant emotions.

If the lady is gifted, with which you are familiar with, - you can try directly to learn about its preferences. Some women prefer to send a man in the right direction to avoid an unsuccessful gift.

It is desirable not to postpone the choice of a gift at the very last moment, otherwise you risk cannot cope with this complex business. From how successful your gift will be, the good location of the birthday girl to you depends. Show attentiveness, choose with care and mind!

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_6

When choosing a present, focus on the character of a woman, but if you are a lover of surprises or choose a gift for a unconscious woman, Be sure to find out some particularly important details that will help choose the most successful gift.

  • Hobbies and hobbies. The present that promotes the development of a woman will definitely delight her. It is predictable that what will delight yoga amateur and avid vegetarian, most likely disappointing frequent visitor to meat restaurants. The hosts will appreciate the sets of cutlery or new dishes, new baking forms, kitchen gadgets that make food cooking simple and easy.
  • Age. The young girl and ladies of the Balzakovsky age are definitely different preferences. Girls are often romantic and creative, and mature women are more pragmatic and preferable useful and practical presents, elderly - expect manifestations of care and attention. Gifts must match the age.
  • Social status. The needs of the seller or educator of kindergarten differ from the needs of the director of a large company. First soon interest a practical gift, and it is desirable for the second to be creative and status. A business woman can be pleased with the branded written accessories, a handbag of a well-known brand, the subject of the interior for decorating the office or a chic stationery set.
  • The degree of proximity. You will not be given a not very close familiar, the same as your beloved woman. There is some dependence between the degree of kinship or proximity to the woman and the high-cost present.
  • The significance of the date. On the anniversary, give more significant and expensive gifts than in ordinary holidays.

Types of gifts

It is no secret that there is no one perfect gift that will suit absolutely all women. The ladies followed can be pleased with the means for beauty and health, the young fondant nature is a gift-impression, the hostesses will appreciate useful presents, but the creative person can be delighted with something made by their own hands.

For beauty and health

Women seek to preserve their beauty, always stay in good physical form, fresh and energetic. This type of fair sex representatives will appreciate the presents, helping to care for the body or face.

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_7

For them, you can use the following ideas.

  • Certificate of Spa - Comfortable and successful option, since its owner itself will choose the procedures that will also come to her, according to the cost of the certificate. For example, anti-stress massage or various types of wraps.
  • High-quality face cream or other means of caring, cosmetic sets. If it is difficult for you to decide among the wide range of cosmetic products - hand a gift card of the appropriate store, then the lady herself can choose a gift that suits her skin type.
  • Fitness bracelet. - A wonderful accessory for an active girl who loves to play sports and follows his figure.
  • Branded perfume, perfume. A similar gift is perfect for the beloved woman. It is advisable to first find out its preferences.
  • Silver or Gold Jewelry , with precious stones or original jewelry.
  • Bath for relaxing foot massage. It will help relieve fatigue after a tiring working day and raise the mood.
  • Manicure set. Convenient thing to create a manicure at home.
  • Hairdryer, styler Or other devices that will help facilitate the laying process, make it simple and comfortable.
  • Humidifier. It will help create a pleasant atmosphere indoors.
  • Subscription in fitness room - perfectly suitable ladies who do not represent life without sports.
  • Sport equipment - Ribbon or rug for yoga, dumbbells, ring for Pilates, rope.

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_8

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_9

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_10

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_11

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_12

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_13

For impressions

Extra popularity is gaining unusual, original gifts-impressions, that is, not material things, but a type of occupation that causes positive emotions. Options can be diverse, when choosing, it is important to take into account the interests of the woman being beloved:

  • All sorts of workshops for the soul are suitable for creative personalities, for example, to make toys, painting paintings, creating original interior items;
  • sports and energetic will like the development of an extreme sport or an exciting adventure;
  • We care about its appearance - all sorts of cosmetic procedures, wrapping, exotic relaxing massage;
  • But the ladies at the age of giving a parachute jump extremely unwise and even dangerous;
  • A gift must be appropriate.

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_14

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_15

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_16

Of course, a gift-impression can not be admired or put it on the regiment, but pleasant memories can stay for a long time. Among the interesting options, you can consider the following.

  • Parachute jump, air balloon or paraglider for extreme leisure lover. If a girl has to do this for the first time, it is necessary to take care that there is an experienced instructor during flight or jumping with her.
  • Extreme driving lessons for amateur driving car.
  • Individual photo session at a professional photographer.
  • Participation in a fascinating quest for a young girl.
  • Riding lesson.
  • Romantic weekend with her beloved. You can spend it anywhere - Paris, Venice, recreation center or sanatorium. It all depends on your budget. The main thing is to create a pleasant romantic atmosphere for a woman and give pleasant emotions.
  • Cognitive master class on makeup, cooking and confectionery art, floristry or sewing business.
  • Wine tasting.
  • Rafting alloy on kayaks.

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_17

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_18

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_19

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_20

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_21

A woman with a developed sense of humor will definitely appreciate the comic presents, for example, such:

  • funny statuette "charming and attractive", "perfect wife", "queen of the house";
  • T-shirt or a mug with the inscription amusing greeting;
  • headphones, decorated with fur in a cat's ears;
  • funny slippers with muzzles of animals.

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_22

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_23

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_24

Useful and practical

Lucky gift for business women - this is something that can later be used for a long time.

For example, you can give a kitchen scale, a set of dishes or a clock timer, a set of handles, original mirror as a piece of furniture.

Variants useful gifts.

  • Comfortable bathrobe . After taking a bath or shower so nice to wrap yourself in a cozy, warm robe, presented with love. Good option, suitable for ladies of all ages. The difference may lie only in design. The store offers a wide range of models for every budget: from budget and short robe fleece to long plush terry robes with hand-made embroidery.

Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_25

    • Bedding or pillows. Do not remain indifferent from the chic bedding many women.

    You can choose silk, cotton or satin lingerie, the main thing - that it was of excellent quality.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_26

    • Multivarka, mixer. Agree that for cooking always takes a lot of time and effort. Similarly Prezent can make cooking more convenient. With them, a woman will be able to release a significant amount of time and spend it on a favorite.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_27

    • Coffee machine. A great gift that the lady can use both at home and in the country. Such a present will allow hassle-free to enjoy a cup of espresso or cappuccino without having to run to the coffee shop.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_28

    • Stylish suitcase. Road high quality suitcase - dream tsenitelnits comfort during travel and business trips. With such Prezent travel will become less tedious.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_29

    • Devices for styling hair: curling irons, hair dryers. Hair care and styling every woman pays a lot of time because the hair - it's like a business card ladies. Qualitative tools can help facilitate this tedious process and make the process more gentle.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_30

    • Gadgets for the kitchen. It can be convenient and functional tools to facilitate the work of hostesses, for example, the original Tea kettles for tea, modern grater and means for cutting vegetables, timers.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_31

    • UF-lamp to create a chic manicure at home. Sometimes a woman is difficult to set aside time to visit the manicure masters. In addition, the lady does not have to spend money on an expensive procedure with a similar gift she can do a manicure or pedicure without assistance.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_32

    • Umbrella. A good umbrella with an original, creative and striking design will raise the mood of the lady of any age, even in rainy weather.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_33


    Showing a fantasy, you can make your own hands the original gift. So you fill it with special energy, give your feelings and warmth. If the level of your professionalism is not high enough, remember that man-made gifts are valued more than their mass factory analogues.

    Such a touching present is definitely not lost among other gifts, there will be a part of the human soul who did it.

    The most successful options are the following.

    • Floral bouquet of bright paper and candies.
    • Verse or poem composed in honor of the birthday man.
    • Torture collage, built from photographs of the woman herself. It should be placed in a beautiful frame, which can also be made with your own hands.
    • Made of selfish sweets, candy.
    • Sheltered with his own hands Case for phone.
    • Handmade jewelry.
    • Textile doll in the style of Tilda. It can be sewn through special patterns.
    • Florentine sachet from wax with natural aromatic oils or fragrant textile bags.

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_34

    Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_35

      Creating a similar present may seem difficult to you, but manifesting a fantasy, the task will be performed. There are various technicians in which you can make a design postcard or photo album: quilling, decoupage.

      Do not be afraid to experiment!

      Ideas for different ages

      An important guideline when choosing a gift is the age of a woman. It is no secret that a gift that the mature woman will have to do may be inappropriate for the young girl. For this reason, you should not ignore this information.


      Young girls are more suitable inexpensive and stylish presents, especially if they are given friends, girlfriends. This age category opens a wide field for fantasy.

      Ideas of presents for girls.

      • Beautiful jewelry box that will take place on her dressing table and will remind a person who presented it.
      • All sorts of gadgets: from flash drive of an interesting design and computer mouse to a tablet or smartphone and accessories to them.
      • Original decorated candy sets in the form of a sweet bouquet.
      • Professional photo session. The girl will be pleased to feel the focus and express himself in all its glory. The memory will remain high-quality photos.
      • Unusual umbrella. Girls are suitable playful and funny models in the shape of a heart, with tricky "ears" or backlit.
      • Fashionable, stylish bag of a well-known brand, suitable birthday in style.
      • Machine manicure at home. Useful and quite practical present.
      • The thermal service is suitable for a girl who leads an active lifestyle. The mug will keep the temperature of your favorite drinks in winter.
      • The composition of balloons is a great option for creating a festive mood.
      • Funny house slippers. They may be in the form of unicorns or pet boots wool slippers heated from USB.
      • Stylish jewelry.
      • Purse. Do not forget to attach a money bill to bring to bestow wealth to girl.
      • A bouquet of flowers or unusual floral composition.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_36

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_37

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_38


      Adult ladies fit more serious, substantial gift. Women of this age can present the following gifts.

      • All kinds of household items, a set of cutlery or crockery, useful kitchen appliances: food processor, pressure cooker, coffee maker, blender.
      • Decorative elements of the interior: paintings, wall mirror, which would actually looked at her house.
      • For business women: leather briefcase, flash drive original, stylish diary leather-bound.
      • Set of beautiful picture frames, decorated in the form of a family tree. Birthday girl will be able to post pictures of family members.
      • Beloved husband can give his wife a fur coat or a piece of jewelry.
      • High-quality jewelry, age-appropriate women.
      • Certificate for spa treatments or a ticket to a master class corresponding hobbies ladies.
      • Stylish scarf, scarf or leather gloves.
      • Tickets for the concert favorite singer birthday girl or opera performance. When selecting actions required to take into account the tastes of the recipient a gift.
      • Skin care - quality cosmetic kits, aromatic oils.
      • Flowers in pots will appeal to adult ladies.
      • Festive romantic dinner in a restaurant.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_39

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_40

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_41


      Old age - it is an occasion for thoughtful gifts. Relatives and friends are struggling to please the birthday girl. The following gift ideas may be considered for this age group.

      • warm blanket manual work or a cozy bathrobe. These gifts will be quite appropriate, because with age the metabolism slows down and elderly people need warmth.
      • Cutlery, e.g., of silver. This hostess with experience will appreciate such a gift.
      • Kitchenware baking will be perfect for women who love the oven delicious muffins cakes for family members.
      • Modern grandmother can give tablet or laptop Thanks to which it will be able to chat with friends and family on Skype, watch your favorite movies, find new recipes.
      • Ispechonny own hands cake.
      • Rocking chair - convenient and useful gift. You can choose an option as the room and the garden (street). Birthday girl will be able to comfortably spend the evening there with a cup of tea, wrapped in a warm blanket.
      • Made his own grandchildren card or a photo collage depicting family members.
      • Beautiful flowering plant in a pot. This flower much longer will please a woman, rather than a bouquet of cut flowers.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_42

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_43

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_44

      List of budgetary options

      The choice of a budget gift is a rather difficult task. But it becomes feasible if you show fantasy and use non-standard thinking. The obligatory rule is an inexpensive present or souvenir to choose so that its "low cost" is not so obvious.

      It can be modest, but it is important that it is made with taste. Even a symbolic gift in the original packaging can please the birthday girl.

      Ideas of inexpensive gifts.

      • Wine glasses - They will never be superfluous.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_45

      • Aroma candles. Create a comfort atmosphere and fill the house with a beautiful aroma.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_46

      • Elegant jewelry. Even inexpensive, but the tasteful decorations will find their place in the wardrobe of the woman and will decorate the casual image. They are better to pack beautifully, for example, to give in a box tied by a bow.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_47

      • An interesting set of spices or various jars for their storage. Thanks to small pretty jars and mills, the hostess do not have to mess with spices, packaged by sachets.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_48

      • Beautiful diary. A woman will be able to record the recipes you liked and do other notes on work.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_49

      • Passport cover. It can be made of genuine leather embossed. Such a present can be given a colleague.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_50

      • Teapot. The best varieties of tea are large-leaf, but they are not brewed in a circle. A small brewing kettle will allow a lady to enjoy your favorite aromatic drink at home or at work.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_51

      • Original umbrella. It can be completely transparent or with a bright and fun drawing. The umbrella for a woman is not only a means of protection against rain, but also an accessory. Therefore, even if the lady already has one umbrella, she definitely does not prevent her.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_52

      • Spacious cosmetic bag . The life of cosmetics is short-lived due to frequent operation. The new copy will always be relevant.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_53

      • Headphones or headset. Budget devices, thanks to which she can talk on the phone, being driving or listen to music in the office.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_54

      • Computer mouse. The most successful gift will be a wireless mouse of bright colors.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_55

      • Frame. Even an elegant photo frame can refresh the atmosphere in the room.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_56

      • Book . It may be a book on cooking, knitting or a modern bestseller.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_57

      • Beautiful hairpin or brooch Stone decorated.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_58

      • High-quality towels In beautiful packaging.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_59

      • Comic reward - Memorable medal, Order, for example, "Best Wife", "The Best Mother".

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_60

      Top elite presents

      Dear gift is not only essential financial costs. First of all, this is a demonstration of a special attitude towards a woman.

      All women dream of expensive and exclusive gifts. If you have the opportunity to give a lady an expensive thing, be sure to try so that it does not put the birthday in an awkward position. Gifts of this price category are made only the expensive heart of women.

      VIP gifts include both luxury items and exclusive signs of attention.

      • No lady will remain indifferent to a gift in the form Tour to an exotic warm country with "floating" dates.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_61

      • A woman who carefully follows his appearance, will have to do Annual subscription to an elite spa complex or fitness club.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_62

      • Gorgeous presentation for the sophisticated person Antiques.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_63

      • Automobile - Luxury gift for real auto chairman.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_64

      • Jewelry - The most desirable gift for women of any age and social status. It follows only when choosing to take into account the tastes of the birthday room.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_65

      • Shopping with a stylist. A lover of shopping will definitely appreciate a similar mark of attention.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_66

      It is unlikely that some woman refuses to replenish your wardrobe with a competent specialist.

      • Stylish fur product . Elegant fur coat, palatine or even funny mink mittens.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_67

      • Rarity vinyl record It may take a worthy place in the collection of a real connoisseur of classical music.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_68

      • As a souvenir, you can give a silver stand for books, decorated with elegant stones or other decorative elements.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_69

      • High-quality camera. This kind of present will delight the amateur to take pictures. If she already has a good camera, then you can buy a lens, cover and other accessories to it.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_70

      • Wristwatch of the famous brand . A stylish accessory will harmoniously complement the image.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_71

      • Plaid Of the natural fur of the original design will accurately please the connoisseur of comfort and home comfort and can even overshage all the other presents.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_72

      • Jewelry box Made of precious metals and stoned decorated.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_73

      • The art connoisseur can be pleased with the picture. An excellent solution will be in advance to order it at the famous artist. It may be born after the birthday language or a charming landscape.

      Woman's gift (74 photos): Original gifts for her, the ideas of presents do it yourself, choose a mug and cosmetic sets, pillows and elite gifts 18646_74

      Gift ideas for women look next.

      Read more