February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate?


The last month of winter does not indulge us with an abundance of holidays. Therefore, young people happily picked up the idea - on February 14 to celebrate Valentine's Day, or the day of lovers borrowed from Western foreign countries. This holiday appears the opportunity to openly, without constraint, declare his feelings. Flowers are associated with candlelight dinner, romantic valentines and many more pleasant surprises that the couple in love makes each other.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_2

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_3

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_4

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_5

However, it is very interesting and informative to find out what other holidays will fall on this day, as Valentine celebrates the day in other countries and recognize this holiday in principle. After all, each state has its own traditions, customs, features of the solemn days. A short tour of the most famous cities and countries will provide an opportunity to figure it out in more detail.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_6

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_7

What else to celebrate February 14 in the world?

Traditionally, February 14 is associated with explanations in love and romantic gifts. However, on this day there are still many holidays that few people know about. Among the many unexpected celebrations that are coming to this date, the following can be distinguished.

  • Programmer day. Although the holiday and unofficial, it does not reduce its significance for the programmers themselves and everyone who has at least some attitude to working with computer equipment. This professional holiday is celebrated, since 1946, when the world was represented by the first computer.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_8

  • In Japan, the festival of naked men is held on this day, or Hadaka Matsouri. From the clothes on representatives of the strong half of humanity on this day, you can see only a loin bandage - Fundosi. Eccentric, entertainment event has a serious basis - representatives of the strong half of humanity aged from 23 to 43 years old are the ritual of purification, plunging into ice water on the road to the temple.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_9

  • In Bulgaria on February 14, it is customary to celebrate Grape day. According to the legend, the pests attacked all the vineyards of the country, people appealed for help to the martyr-priest Trifon. February 14, he blessed the gardens than saving all the inhabitants from poverty and poverty.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_10

  • Catholics commemorate Saints Cyril and Methodius - enlighteners, founders of Slavic ABC.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_11

How to celebrate Valentine's Day?

According to the legend, Valentine is a Roman Christian priest, who, contrary to the ban of the ruler of Rome, secretly conducted rites of the wedding of young couples, supported them and helped them in every way. For hearing the priest was arrested and sentenced to death. Being in conclusion, he fell in love with the blind daughter guard guarding him. Valentina managed to heal her, after which she appealed to the Christian faith.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_12

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_13

By order of the emperor, the priest was executed for this on February 14. On the same day, before dying, he left his beloved letter, where he confessed in his feelings. At the bottom of the message stood the signature "Your Valentine".

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_14

After 200 years, this day began to call Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, and love messages - Valentines.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_15

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_16

In France

There is no doubt that France in most of us is associated with romance, beauty, sophistication and charm. Before February 14, even air in this city acquires a dreamy shade. All storefronts of shops, boutiques and shopping centers are faster than angels with a picture of a cupid, hearts, flowers. Many people in order to make an offer to their beloved person who will be remembered for life, do it for Valentine's Day.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_17

In Great Britain

There has been a stereotype for a long time that the British are poor on the manifestation of feelings. However, on Valentine's Day, even they are able to surprise their loved ones. From ancient times, a man on the eve of February 14 tried to leave the girl a gift under the door under the door. If she replied to him reciprocating and took the present, then in response awarded an apple, which is considered a symbol of love and beauty.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_18

Until today, the custom of guessing is preserved in the UK on February 14. The girl in the morning runs up to the window and looks out of his narrowed - which guy will be first, he will be cute. Young people still believe in what it is on Valentine's Day that the most highly high is the highest.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_19

In Italy

Romance is the spiritual need of Italians who show it everywhere: in music, cinema, books, food. Therefore, it is not surprising that the holiday of lovers in this country is especially loved and read. The famous chocolate producer specifically created sweets in a bright red wrapper, inside which love notes with confessions are written.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_20

In antiquity Here, on February 14, the fertility festival and the day of the Goddess Junon, which was a patronage of women and the marriage union.

Therefore, it is still considered that this day is very favorable to create a family. Lovers exchange wedding rings, prescribe each other romantic dates, give different cute gifts.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_21

In Germany

A feature of February 14 in Germany is that the Germans celebrate not only the day of lovers, but also mentally ill.

Cooking for the celebration of the Day of Lovers in Germany begins in a few days. The Germans, serious and pedantical in nature, with delight, trepidation and inherent in the organization are beginning to acquire for their favorite gifts, think over every trifle of a romantic surprise.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_22

In Spain

To prepare for the holiday of love in Spain begin for several months, regularly visiting shops and souvenir markets in search of original gifts. Not only young people who have not been married are preparing for the celebration, but also those who lived with each other for more than one year. Sophisticated couples on this day devote themselves exclusively to each other, discuss past and real events, are building plans for the future, expressing infinite dedication and confidence in the chosen one.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_23

In Scotland

Scotland, which for Valentine's Day looks like a fabulous country, can act as an example of how to celebrate the Day of Love. People of all ages are going to groups, arrange loud and fun celebrations, glorifying one of the most beautiful feelings of mankind - love.

According to custom, the first matched lonely girl (boyfriend) can become a satellite for life. If there are couples, the walking continues together.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_24


The celebration of the Day of Lovers in America is not much different from this action in other Western countries. Couples hand each other classic gifts: sparkling wines, flowers, jewelry, sweets in the form of a heart that symbolize the full return of feelings and emotions to their half.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_25

In schools on this day, thematic measures are carried out: scenes, plays, performances. Each class is decorated with lace and cut from paper with hearts, and friends and teachers give cards and handmade gifts.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_26

In Russia

In Russia, Valentine's Day organize all sorts of concerts, musical and entertainment programs that are glad to visit not only young people, but also an older generation. Stores before the holiday offer a huge amount of gift products that have the thematic direction.

Cosmetics, jewelry, jewelry, flowers, sweets are popular from gifts. The main thing is that the selected gift fell in the soul of his beloved person.

Paper postcards go into the past, their place was firmly taken by electronic analogs.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_27

In the Netherlands

Valentine's Day in the Netherlands celebrate a few, considering it by a commercial move, and not a holiday. However, there are those who are happy to surprise and please their half on February 14.

The choice of gifts of the Netherlands belongs unpretentiously, believing that flowers and chocolate is a completely acceptable option. Moreover, in the colors of the Netherlands there is no shortage: in numerous flower shops you can order any composition. Particularly romantic nature have the opportunity to participate in the process of creating sweets for their beloved in chocolate workshops.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_28

In Brazil

Hot and emotional Brazilians day of lovers - another reason for passionate lovers and romantics to show their feelings. They arrange lush romantic dinners for candles, tasent of loved ones with different gifts. Single young people exchange cupid figures, expressing their sympathy in this way. Sophisticated couples give each other greeting cards.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_29

In Thailand

February 14, Thai gifts give each other. But in recent years there has been a tendency to present hearts and bouquets made from cash bills whose denomination may be different.

Different events are timed to this holiday in the country: exhibitions, contests, festivals.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_30

In Singapore

Valentine's Day in Singapore has a state scale and turns into megasy. Concerts, fashion shows, musical festivals and nightlife attract a lot of tourists to the country, with whom Singapurts joyfully divide this day.

It is believed that if on this day to tie himself as marriage, then family life will be happy and long. Therefore, on February 14, a real excitement for wedding ceremonies is observed.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_31

Of particular importance for Valentine's Day, flowers are purchased, namely red roses and tulips. They testify to passionate feelings that a man is experiencing towards his beloved.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_32

In Greece

Greek man, handing a woman a gift for Valentine's Day, believes that he sings her a love hymn. However, it also loves to receive and retaliate gifts that should be more practical than romantic. Young people spend all day together, and no matter where: at home, lying on the couch, or in the cinema for watching a fascinating film.

Amazes the abundance of gifts, which on this day is customary to give each other. In their quality advocate books, decorations, perfume, purse, bags, designer things.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_33

In India

Valentine's Day in India is a truly enchanting holiday, and they begin to prepare for him in advance. Numerous festivals, shops that are replete with all souvenirs and gifts in the form of hearts and cupid figures, fun competitions - not the entire list of entertainment entertainment that occur on this day.

Everyone puts his most beautiful outfit, demonstrating this to his attitude towards his beloved person. Hotels and restaurants where young people plan to celebrate the holiday, booked a month ahead.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_34

In Japan

In Japan, celebrate the day of lovers 2 times: February 14 - a male holiday, and on March 14 - a female, the so-called white day. Japanese men give chocolate. At the same time there are two types of it: one is intended for relatives, friends and acquaintances, and the second - for loved men.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_35

What do the second halves give?

Valentine's Day Gifts can be the most different, ranging from cute baubles and ending with impressive things at the cost of things and presents. In any case, a gift is a manifestation of warm, hearty feelings to the chosen one or chosen.

Flowers, perfume, sweets, jewelry, which are relevant in any case are particularly popular. The main thing is that the beloved person is satisfied and appreciate the efforts of his partner.

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_36

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_37

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_38

Valentine's Day is an ambiguous holiday that is magnificent and ceremonially celebrate only in some countries. However, he is another reason to surprise and please a loved one, hearing the words necessary for each person in response: "I love you."

February 14 in different countries: Holidays in Japan and other countries of the world on Valentine's Day. How to celebrate? 18631_39

As noted on February 14 in different countries, look in the video.

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