Congratulations to colleagues from March 8: how is it original and beautiful to congratulate women? Ideas of interesting congratulations


Most often, the International Women's Day is accompanied by congratulations and gifts of the beautiful half of humanity. And usually this cargo falls on the shoulders of men. If the female team, the girls fall on the holiday themselves. One way or another, but it is better to know everything about congratulations to colleagues from March 8.

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Traditionally congratulate colleagues from March 8, men are going to. They cover a festive table or suite tea drinking, and may, invite beautiful ladies in a cafe. On this day, the main thing is to pay all the attention to women, and, of course, none of them should not be deprived of participation, even if there are some moments of misunderstanding in the process of working time. This holiday is primarily a mood for everyone should be good, and the relevant sincere congratulations will help create it, warm words, gifts and surprises.

On this day, you can not just read congratulations and hand the flowers, but also arrange for your colleagues a fun unforgettable evening. - Come up with a script, spend games, contests, you can even organize a quest.

It is possible that talented men work in the team, and then the concert for women organized by the male half will also become a pleasant surprise.

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In order for the holiday to be successful and remembered to women for a long time, we need to think over the scenario in advance and clearly follow him. The ideas of the script can be the most diverse.

  • First you need to originally congratulate women. Perhaps it will be poems or a song of their own essay about each separately or all together. One option can be a newspaper with photos and inscriptions. It can be made creatively and beautifully, using photos and your literary talent.
  • The next stage can be the presentation of gifts. And if for each girl a gift was prepared individual on the basis of, for example, from her hobbies and preferences, then the presentation process itself can also be worse, unusually and fun. But the traditional version with the presentation of colors and candies will also be appropriate.
  • After you can go to the buffet, which, of course, will prepare men, although the help of women in the design of the same snacks, sandwicides and salads is not excluded. After a small lung snack, you can play.
  • Competitions and games can be the most diverse. There are no identical recipes here. The main thing is that the moving games replaced calm. A too voluminous entertainment program is not exactly worth it. You can, for example, arrange a vocal or dance competition. Women can also shine with their culinary abilities by making some kind of dish for a certain time and inventing his unusual name.
  • The obligatory component of the holiday will become, of course, the disco. Music should also take care in advance, take into account all tastes and preferences.
  • One of the items of the script may be a quest. Perhaps, after performing all the tasks and solving the puzzle, women will find gifts. The tasks should be not complicated, but rather with humor, so that the holiday is not tired, but pleased and cheated.

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Congratulations to colleagues from March 8: how is it original and beautiful to congratulate women? Ideas of interesting congratulations 18609_11

    Another version of the script can be more traditional. Girls congratulate, invite the table, and then men organize the so-called cabbager, where you must have jokes, fun sketches, poems, songs. All this goes into a disco. Dances are replaced by a feast. At the end of the celebration, you can arrange a surprise by organizing a small firework or launch of air lights, while, of course, you should consider the safety technique.

    Another version of the script is to arrange a picnic girl in nature. And there the central dishes will be kebabs, and in the fresh air you can also hold mini competitions, and moving games, and comic relay.

    Do not refuse from the holiday option in the cafe. Then everything remains to organize and entrust the holding of the holiday by a professional leading.

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    Congratulations to colleagues from March 8: how is it original and beautiful to congratulate women? Ideas of interesting congratulations 18609_13

    What to gift?

    Gifts on March 8, it is advisable to choose with the meaning so that it is about the same things. In the team of someone, it is simply incorrect to allocate someone in a common holiday. Therefore, you can consider the following options:

    • Beautifully decorated baskets with candy, fruit;
    • elite coffee or tea;
    • Original circles;
    • office tools;
    • cosmetic kits;
    • Aromasvychechy or aromamasel kits together with a lamp;
    • Beautifully decorated bouquets of flowers or plants in Kashpo;
    • Small household appliances to which blenders, mixers, coffee grinders, hairdryers can relate;
    • the necessary little things, among which are photo frames, flash drives, headphones, cosmetics, caskets;
    • Tickets for a new film, the premiere in the theater, the concert of the famous artist, show;
    • A good option will be various gift cards, for example, in a cosmetics shop, a spa or beauty salon;
    • A common gift for everyone can be a video clip, mounted from everyday life and holidays where all women are present;
    • A good gift for each woman will be an album with photos from the life of the team, you can always remember the pleasant moments;
    • Another win-win option is to invite a professional photographer and arrange a photo session, then every girl after the holiday will stay beautiful photos and pleasant memories of the holiday;
    • The holiday can start in the morning, for this you can come up for every woman to come up with a festive screensaver on a computer with congratulations - it will raise the mood for the whole day.

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    Congratulations to colleagues from March 8: how is it original and beautiful to congratulate women? Ideas of interesting congratulations 18609_15

    Congratulations to colleagues from March 8: how is it original and beautiful to congratulate women? Ideas of interesting congratulations 18609_16

    How to decorate the office?

    In order for the atmosphere of the holiday of Vitala in the air, you need to decorate the office, having thought of decorating options in advance, and not to do it spontaneously at the last moment.

    • You can place a bright stretch with congratulations in the hall or office, where women are planned to congratulate.
    • Live bouquets in vases will become the most tender spring decoration that will delight the eye.
    • Of course, the balls are always festive and beautifully. It can be both single variants of different shapes on the walls, ceiling, and whole compositions. And if the balls can be inflated and placed indoors on their own, then the original compositions will need to be ordered from specialists.
    • You can consider the option of organizing photocons. It can be arranged with balloons - it will be the traditional eight and some composition. To decorate it looks stylish, you should not mix many colors. It is enough to limit ourselves to one color, for example, golden or silver, as well as several colors.
    • The design of the living colors of this space will also be very beautiful. For compiling compositions, you can invite florist or make yourself. The main thing is that bouquets do not twisted and contain no more than two or three colors.
    • You can decorate the room by setting a kind of photo gallery. To do this, you need to find the best photos of girls and print.

    Such an exhibition will be enjoyable every representative of the fine sex.

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    Congratulations to colleagues from March 8: how is it original and beautiful to congratulate women? Ideas of interesting congratulations 18609_19

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