Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad


February 23 decided to congratulate the men and give them gifts. Especially important in this day to present a present employee, ex-military, as well as potential defenders of the fatherland. Girls are usually prepared for this day homemade gifts for dads, grandfathers, brothers or classmates. In this article we'll show you how to make a greeting card in the form of a tie with his hands, and specify a list of required materials.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_2

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_3


Hack on Defender of the Fatherland Day should be thematic. It is desirable that the gift was a male attribute, for example with a tie coat or jacket. A tie is considered the most popular male accessory that is able to give to his owner status and expensive look. Make a greeting card, tie on February 23 is quite simple, there are many ways to design that will appeal to the stronger sex.

For the Pope can make a major crafts in the form of uniform, especially if he is a soldier.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_4

For classmates you can choose something simpler, but no less interesting. An excellent embodiment will card with coloring inside. You can decorate a gift interesting pictures, pasted into the picture with the tank or any weapon, and below to attribute the small text, which will give a summary of this exhibit. The card can be performed in strict khaki color that is used to form a soldier, or, on the contrary, it is made bright and unusual. It all depends on your imagination and personal preferences of the person who will prepodneson show.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_5

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_6

Pope can read the poem on military issues and only then present the card. If the hack is for a classmate, it can be presented with the song. Girls class is better to agree and make the same cards for all the boys that there was no big difference in the complexity of the present. Learn and sing a song boys, they will be excited and equally thank you on March 8.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_7

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_8

Tools and materials

Before proceeding to the manufacture of handicrafts, you must decide from what exactly it will be done. There are options of paper or paperboard. With the paper work easier, it is faster and better cut amenable glue. Cardboard, in turn, a stronger, respectively, longer will delight the gift recipient. Here is a list of materials and tools that may be needed during work time:

  • colored paper / cardboard;
  • White paper / cardboard A4;
  • glue stick or PVA (with which you prefer to work);
  • napkin;
  • scissors;
  • corrugated paper;
  • stickers or pictures to decorate;
  • oilcloth for the table.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_9

It is not necessary to acquire all of the above things, the mains are paper, scissors and glue. The rest will perform in the form of decor. If the work is carried out with the kids, take care of the presence of special children's scissors with rounded ends.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_10

Stages of execution

Consider several options for making a postcard in the form of a tie on February 23 with your own hands. Remember that it is important not so much the result as love embedded. Try to do everything neatly so that nowhere has no extra glue and parts were cut carefully.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_11

Beautiful tie

This option is optimal for the older kindergarten group. It is easy to execute and requires minimum of materials. You will need:

  • Color cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • corrugated paper;
  • glue stick;
  • pictures for decoration;
  • Simple pencil.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_12

Draw on the cardboard a stencil on the stencil, circling it with a simple pencil. Carefully cut out the postcard itself, and then along the contour - pictures that will perform in the role of jewelry. It can be cars, airplanes, tanks, pistols and other, purely male attributes. Stick the decor on the tie on one side, and on the other hand, do something from yourself. Cut a small rectangle of corrugated paper (5 * 20 cm) and roll it into the tube, it will perform the role of braid. Stick braid to the top of the tie. The gift is ready.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_13

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_14

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_15

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_16

Tie with shirt

Even kids from a medium or younger group of kindergarten will be cope with this task. If the kids do not know how to cut, it is better to provide them with ready-made details of a tie and a circle for decoration. You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_17

Fold the color paper A4 in half and make a small incision along the upper part (approximately 4 cm). Form the collar, postponing the triangular edges outward. It turns out a shirt. Cut the color tie and stir it under the collar. Decorate the tie with circles, triangles and other figures cut out of paper as decorations. Folded paper can be glued, it will be a gift in the form of a souvenir, or draw inside the pattern for the dad and give a postcard made by your own hands.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_18

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_19

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_20

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_21

Military Mundir

A more complex option is optimal for elementary school. There are several small details that have to be cut manually. This gift is ideal for an employee who loves his shape and bravely protects his homeland. You will need:

  • Green, red, yellow, black and white paper / cardboard;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_22

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_23

Put a white sheet A4 vertically and make two horizontal outbreaks on the sides, not reaching the center, retreating down by 5 cm. Fold the strips to the center and glue, putting the edges to each other. Cut the black paper tie and gently stick to the collar. While the glue dries, you need to make a uniform. Green Paper A4 Format Put in front of yourself horizontally and evenly wrap the edges to the center. Up the top of the outside, forming the collar. Yellow paper cut round buttons and rectangular epaulets. Stick the decor on the chest and shoulders. Cut the stars from red paper and make them on epaulets. Pan the shirt in the jacket, it turns out the main military uniform. On the inside of the jacket, you can write wishes and congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_24

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_25

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_26

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_27

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_28

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_29

Tie card

Another simple option to cope with every child. You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • colour pencils;
  • scissors.

Fold the cardboard format A4 in half and draw a tie in the stencil so that the side part of the accessory is on bending. Cut out the shape and decorate it with a decor with color pencils or markers. Inside, you can enter wishes either to glim.

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_30

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_31

Hack tie on 23 February: postcard with their hands, how to make paper or paperboard gift for dad 18580_32

On how to make a postcard-tie on February 23, look in the video.

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