What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself


Deciding to baptize his child, the parents are primarily thinking about the choice of the godfather, most often stopping on their relatives and very close people. The child appears the named mothers and dad, who undertake to help him in the future life and instruct the right way. The godparents are always present in the life of children, make them pleasant and memorable gifts.

But the gumbles should not stay aside, but to go in the same direction, trying to please the elders in various reasons, one of which is undoubtedly a birthday. About what a surprise make a godfather in this memorable day, let's talk in our article.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_2

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_3

Spiritual or practical?

Choosing a gift for the godfather, first of all you need to decide whether it should be spiritual or have a practical orientation. First of all, the choice must be made, focusing on the nature and preferences of the named mothers. If a woman is deeply believer, she will be pleased to get a spiritual gift from the gosson, for example, a beautiful Bible or other special gift literature. A good presentation will be icons, as well as golden or silver pendants with the image of the saints. A completely small child can be portrayed for a cross image based on the Bible independently or under the supervision of parents.

If the godfather relates to religion, gifts with such a content can be omitted by making a bias towards pleasant and practical things. In this case, children can simply draw a portrait of the named mothers - of course, it will be very nice. In addition, it is impossible when planning a present forget about such landmarks as the age and interests of a woman. It is also necessary to take into account the financial capabilities of the donant. With any scenario, in such a situation, the main thing is not a gift itself, but the attention of the scene, good words and warm wishes.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_4

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_5

Gift from the crusher

A gift from the gum is very important for the name of the mother. Here there is an opportunity to "turn" and please it with cute and pleasant purely female things. A good option is cosmetics and gift sets, for example, gels, balms, hand creams. Some cosmetics should not be purchased, as a woman can prefer a certain brand.

In this case, it is also necessary to focus on the age of the cross, because a gift for a girl for 20 years should differ from the present, purchased for a 60-year-old woman. However, there may be universal options, for example, the original jewelry storage box. You can please the named mom beautiful cosmetic bag, stylish things for the house.

Tea and coffee pairs, sofa pads of the original view, cozy plaid or funny soft slippers are perfectly suitable.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_6

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_7

Present from the gosson

The godfather is first of all a woman, and she will be pleased to get a gift from a man. And it does not matter what this man has age. And one of the pleasant surprises will be a bouquet of flowers from the kid. It is only necessary to take into account the preferences of the named mothers, it can prefer orchids or lilies, and perhaps loves indoor plants in pots. In the outlets you can find a bouquet, for example, of sweets, fruits or small soft toys. I will not be superfluous, and the postcard that the soster must be signed independently.

If the godfather is a lover of tea, the sets of this drink will become excellent presentation. You can add it a beautiful mug, on which the photos or touching inscription will be appropriate. Another option is to choose as a gift of good coffee. A small bonus can serve a cake that is very useful in the process of the holiday.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_8

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_9

Consider hobbies

If communication with the godfather is quite close, the gods will certainly be aware of her hobbies and hobbies. Stripping from this, you can come up with many options for gifts. Consider the most relevant.

In the event that a woman is interested in knitting or sewing, you can choose any materials suitable for this hobby as a gift. Specialized stores for needlewomen will help this, consultants will be happy to tell about the peculiarities of a particular product and will give a good advice.

If there is no confidence in your own forces, gift certificates will come to revenue.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_10

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_11

Pleasant women's little things are never superfluous. The godpan will be delighted with various jewelry, she will also like cervical scarves and other accessories. Beautiful umbrella or purse will also be accepted with gratitude.

If a woman is a fan of outdoor activities or loves to travel, the choice of gifts is very wide. It can be sets for a hike and picnic, a variety of certificates, thermocruises and much more.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_12

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_13

The statement that the best gift is a book, rightly when the godfather is fond of reading. Here the selection of the present must be fully based on its preferences: someone will be delighted with the classic work, and someone will like modern novels.

If the birthday girl has a cottage where she likes to spend time, gifts are suitable for real gardeners. It can be any tools, perhaps even a certain type of seedlings.

An excellent option will be subject to giving, stylish figures and pleasant little things.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_14

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_15

Do it yourself

Cancer who are in gentle age have not yet have their own financial resources. Of course, gifts along with them can acquire parents, but much more touching will be if the child will make anything with their own hands. Most young kids can help parents, older children most often come up with something independently.

The easiest option, without a doubt, is a postcard. It can be made even at the most gentle age. There are many techniques that can be used in the manufacturing process, and kids can simply cut it, and as far as possible - to calculate.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_16

Crafts from polymer clay is also easily accessible, but nevertheless, the original gift. This material is easy enough to work. You can make an original key chain, which will definitely be glad the godfather. The magnet on the refrigerator will remind about the celebration for a long year.

Bouquet of candies can make children of different ages. The composition may be completely simple when candy is simply glued to long sticks and are collected in a bundle, but you can try to make a more complex option. Many examples and organization of work are described in detail on the Internet.

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_17

What to give a godfather for a birthday? The ideas of original gifts and surprises of the godmother. Gift from the crusher do it yourself 18543_18

The manufacture of the original photo frame is a fairly creative process, it all depends on the fantasy of the scenic. The basis can be made from cardboard, but the decorations are from any materials. Beautiful sequins, coffee beans, beads, ribbons and more are suitable. The final stroke should be the coating of the composition with varnish.

The responsibility of the parents enters the choice of a gift and help the child with a beautiful packaging. You can prepare for a cross congratulation or verse, it will be a pleasant and very touching supplement.

About how to make a sign of the godfather with your own hands, see the next video.

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