What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt


A gift for any birthday should take into account the individual features of the birthday girl, her hobbies and interests, fineness of character and lifestyle. Only with this condition he will be a joyful surprise for her. As for the age, then, of course, the figure 55 for a woman is a definite frontier, so the selection of the present you need to approach carefully and carefully, so as not to hurt any hint of age.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_2

Features of choice

What to give a woman for 55 years?

The main difficulty lies in the period. At this age, women typically reach all vertices that are possible: in personal life, in a career. They already have adult children, and sometimes grandchildren who have developed status among colleagues and established life. It seems what else to desire?

However, it is now that 55-year-old women are waiting for attention, care and respect. Often they want to collect the closest and most expensive people on their birthday, which imposes responsibility on them when choosing a worthy gift.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_3

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_4

The main thing is that the present in no way indicate the age or approach of old age. Such surprises can spoil the mood. On the other hand, cute baubles in the youth style are also inappropriate. You should find that golden middle, which will please a wise and beautiful lady in the heyday.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_5

Practical things

Since certain living conditions have developed at this age, it is better to have an idea of ​​the preferences of the birthday girl. Maybe she has some wishes that it cannot accomplish due to lack of funds or time. Such things will not only delight the jubilee, but will also perform an important function in the house or in the kitchen.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_6

Practical gifts for the anniversary are one of the categories of presents suitable for any relationship. Among them, several subgroups can be distinguished.


Before choosing some household equipment as a gift, it is necessary to clarify whether it is necessary for the jubilee. There is no such thing in the farm, and maybe some kind of defined modification are needed.

As a present suitable Coffee makers. They are rarely buying independently because it seems that without this device it is quite possible to do. If a woman loves this drink, the gift will be appreciated.

For a lover oven and wind the excellent option will be Bread maker. The instrument will provide an opportunity to apply your talents in the new sphere on baking bread, as well as freely experiment with different recipes.

Multivarka Release time spent on cooking. She will especially be delighted with Lady, following their health.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_7

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_8

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_9

Kitchenware and dishes

Sometimes by this time there is a need for large good sets. The number of family members increases, a lot of people are going to the holidays on the holidays, and the old kits or diverse, or they lack them at all. Dining rooms for 12 or more people are a great gift option for a 55-year-old woman.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_10

Tea or coffee sets do not infer at all. They are relevant at any age. The only difference from student pore or the beginning of family life is Elegance and thoroughness. Now you can choose a service made of silver or high quality porcelain.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_11

As a gift, you should consider options with cutlery: forks, spoons, knives. Silver products look noble and serve long.

Sets of beautiful glasses or winemakers together with a wonderful favorite name of the birthday girl will tell about the giving a lot: about attention, knowledge of tastes and preferences. Such presents are available only to real connoisseurs and close friends.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_12

Home textiles

Anniversary - time of expensive and high-quality surprises. Now bed linen manufacturers offer excellent sets of good fabrics with original drawings. Some of them are produced in limited quantities, which significantly increases their cost. When choosing, the composition should be taken into account It is better to acquire a Euro enginerant with two duvettes and pillowcases.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_13

Besides bedding, choose Various bedspreads. They are factory or handmade. Of course, if you acquire a gift from craftsmen, the thing will be unique. In addition to the bedspread, you can order decorative pillowcases for pillows in the same style.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_14

Gorgeous gift will be a good gift Bath towels and bathrobes.

They must be made of high-quality thick and soft canvas. Then the comfort and the heat of the hostess are provided.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_15

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_16

The jubilest, who appreciates family bonds, loving to collect a big family for a big, beautifully decorated table, it is advisable to present Set consisting of tablecloth and napkins. The fabric is better to choose the practical, the most famous. Well, if it is an interesting embroidery or applique, repeating and on napkins.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_17

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_18

Sports, Health and Beauty

If a woman is a fan of a healthy lifestyle, it will taste sports accessories or items that allow you to follow the power.

Various simulators or massagers are offered in a large assortment in sports stores. It can be treadmills, hula-chupi, step-platforms, phytballs and much more.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_19

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_20

In addition, the invaluable gift will be certificates in the pool or fitness club.

Among the goods to preserve beauty and body care are leading Cosmetology and manicure devices allowing me to perform salon procedures at home. An interesting proposal is Massage foot bath. It contributes to the relaxation of muscles after day load, with permanent carrying of shoes on heels. Hydromassage at any age will give the feet of pleasure and bliss.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_21

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_22

It is quite acceptable to pretend Certificate in beauty salon. However, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a suitable establishment. It is required to find out the range of procedures implemented in advance, ask about specialists performing them. A similar gift allows birthday to choose between spa, massage, manicure, hairstyle, etc.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_23

Cosmetic kits and perfumes to give not recommended from the considerations that it is necessary to clearly know the tastes of the jubilee, its reaction to various components . You can buy a good high-quality set, but the woman will be allergic to any element of the cream. Then no one will receive pleasure, only the reason for the disorder will occur.

If it still wants to make it possible to make it possible to make a gift card in a favorite store, where she can choose something suitable for her, better to acquire a gift card.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_24

Hobbies, travel and rest

If you know that a colleague or a relative is engaged in the free time with needlework, then the devices are welcome for it for these activities: consumables, tools, unique fabric or yarn. Popular are Boxes, baskets or boxes for storing all parts and elements.

For lover of sewing or knitting an excellent helper will be the machine.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_25

Artists will delight Easels or sets of high-quality paints and tassels.

Travelers will appreciate Comfortable suitcase or picnic kits. As an expensive present, a trip will suit, but better if it is open. Then the woman can decide herself where to go.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_26

Flowers will be delighted with a new greene pet. And if a beautiful pot is attached to it and a description of care, it will be cognitive and exciting.

All practical gifts have one goal - to be suitable. To do this, you should know the jubilex a little better than the neighbor in the workplace.

Among the variety of practical gifts you need to be able to allocate things that can be presented to relatives, but not worth it, for example, to give the boss.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_27

Of course, everyone understands that grandmother or mom choose presents easier, and much more difficult to make it for mother-in-law, trembling or, for example, aunt living far. However, in any case, the choice will always depend on the knowledge of the characteristic features of a person, its habits and interests.


Jewelry, acquired on the occasion of the anniversary, are not worth the cost, but uniqueness. Qualitative jewels will give confidence and stylish women.

It is necessary to take care of the beautiful packaging. At this age, the ladies appreciate aesthetics and elegance in everything. In addition, decent decoration will demonstrate respect for the birthday girl.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_28

As a rule, decorations are chosen as a gift, however, souvenirs using precious minerals are perfect for the present of the business lady from colleagues or partners.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_29


Bouquets are one of the main attributes of the name of 55 years. Here you can already be presented with complex compositions or, on the contrary, uncomplicated. It all depends on preferences and characteristics of character.

Most florists converge in the opinion that The classic bouquet of dark red roses is appropriate for the 55th anniversary. It should be a tangible size, which will give him solidity.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_30

Chrysanthemums also remain leaders. Specialists advise you to choose volumetric compositions from terry varieties.

If the jubilee prefers exotic, then give her calla or orchids. They look gently and originally at the same time.

For travelers, an excellent solution will be a small bouquet of field daisies.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_31

Budget ideas

Presents on the 55th anniversary are not necessarily required expensive. Still, most importantly, respect and memory. In addition, not everyone can afford large spending. Do not be discouraged, concentrate on choosing something pleasant.

We offer a list of budget options.

  • Original tea boxes made in different styles. They look very cute in the kitchen, they are pleased to put on a festive table. There are those in which only tea bags are stored or welding, but there are also combined options. Tin boxes are sometimes decorated with engraving. Wooden can be made in the technique of decoupage with your own hands.
  • Various photo frames. They are released in the form of paintings, magnets, postcards. There are prefabricated framework for integer photocolties or collages. They are thematic, decorated in different styles. Such a gift will always be found where to put.
  • The textile bags for shopping hiking are included. They are released bright joyful colors. You can refine and give 7 different pieces every day.
  • Plaids . Oddly enough, but this item never happens in vain. Now there are interesting models with sleeves and a hood. They are so pleased to be wrapped in cold evenings.
  • Boxes for storing different little things . The stores present a variety of models with different functionality. Boxes for storing beads or sewing, boxes for jewelry, caskets for photos or documents. All of them are decorated in the appropriate styles. For example, a business woman will suit a solid wooden box for storing the documentation. These are decorated with monograms or supplied with locks.
  • Light neck scarves . The drawing and color is important. You can collect a set of four scarves and devote it to the time of year. It turns out cheap, but original. If you add appropriate gloves to it, the present will become more elegant.
  • Watch. Visiting a visit to a woman, take a closer look, perhaps in her apartment or house there are places where desktop or wall-mounted classes wonderfully wondered. In the salons you will help you choose budget options for the described interior. In 55, of course, it is better to choose something solid, elegant, but if the birthday language is not devoid of a sense of humor, the watches of the original form will be successful or in the form of any scene, figurines.

Sodes with a fight, music, cuckoo or other sounds should be purchased extremely carefully. It is more expedient to take them only if there is a function of turning off.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_32

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_33

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_34

Original ideas

In addition to ordinary, at first glance, practical gifts are gaining popularity and such that they do not have great value, but they become roads as a memory for many years.

For example, Portrait of a birthday room ordered by the artist without her knowledge. For these purposes, the master is sent a favorite photo. It can be individual or family. Some artists from several photos create unusual futuristic paintings or collages. Messenger such a gift will take an honorable place in the apartment of the jubilee.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_35

Another similar option serves Gift Certificate for Studio Photography . It can also be individual, in a family circle or with friends.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_36

Another interesting option with photos - album. It is issued either in electronic form or in paper. In any case, you will need images of different years with children, close and friends. It will be great to provide them with fun comments.

A woman for a birthday can not only please, but also surprise. As it turned out, 55 years old campaign on the master class on painting or floristry can do it.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_37

Depending on the momentary wishes, sudden gifts can be different. For example, Payment of apartment repairs who would like to do a long time ago, but "all hands do not reach", or Complete concern for the organization of the jubilee evening. After freeing the birthday girl from hassle, you will give her the opportunity to enjoy the holiday from the soul.

Music present in the form recorded on the occasion of a clip or comic song to a well-known melody , filled at the festive evening, will chase and chalves the culprit of the celebration.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_38

To present the original surprises to close people is quite easy, since their preferences, hobbies and fineness of character in sight. It is much more difficult to come up with something for less close, but from this no less expensive relatives, for example, cousins ​​or wet. Here you will have to ask about their interests from those who know better than you. Or refuse originality in favor of practicality.

Romantic surprises

Any woman is nice to get a romantic surprise from a beloved man. A typical ticket to theater and flowers mean a lot for them.

Husbands with experience should be advised to fantasize. The unusualness and tenderness suffer from your half and make some kind of novelty in relationship. Order a wife Equestrian walk through the forest. Horses - amazing creatures, they do not leave anyone indifferent. And if the woman loves them, it will be an excellent solution.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_39

Young patrims are peculiar Romantic actions, but they are so sometimes lacking for women in 55 years. Remember how you congratulated each other in your youth, and try to repeat something. It can be small souvenirs that are found throughout the apartment on each step in this momentous day. Or flowers placed all over the house. And maybe your half have long wanted a dog since childhood, and now it's time to realize this particular dream?

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_40

Funny presents

Comic presents usually give either close relatives or very long-time friends, that is, those people who know almost everything to each other.

Sister or girlfriend who loving noisy and funny companies is perfect Order a fascinating quest. First, the team is needed, and sometimes not alone. Secondly, it is always an interesting and entertaining action. Thirdly, the scenarios are rarely repeated, they can be chosen depending on the people in the company.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_41

You can arrange a comic ball. Prevent guests about the required dress code. And the birthday of cooking in secret and give it only on the day of the celebration. It should be noted that such a job requires the organizer or Tamatu, which will lead a party in the right rhythm.

A more fiscal option is the design of a humorous collage using funny children's and teenage photos.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_42

Gifts made with your own hands

If you want to present something truly sincere, then come up with congratulations on your own. It may be in verses either in the form of a song.

Any gift for the 55th anniversary, made with your own hands, will deliver a lot of positive emotions, especially made by children. No wonder they say crafts - the budget embodiment of memorabilia.

What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_43

    Among needlework souvenirs, you can list the following.

    • Knitten things. If the donel skillfully copes with the knitting needles or crochet, then unique warm things, especially for the "winter" jubilex, will come up as if it is impossible. Always in fashion beautiful sinks and shawl, sweaters, sets of verges, scarves and caps. They are not only knitted, but they decorate an interesting embroidery, which only increases exclusivity. In addition to clothing items, the spokes are subject to the plaid and decorative pillowcases for pillows. Beginners of knitters or children may well mascel the original stand under hot, tack or cuff for a mug.
    • A good gift will be a set of handmade soap. Now in specialized outlets sell all components for reproducing such a present: molds, materials, natural essential oils, perfume. The set can be performed in a certain style. Sometimes a towel or soap box is attached to it. It is important to make a gift box beautifully.
    • Culinary masters are often given pastries, such as ginger cookies or gingerbread. Pleases the jubilee beautiful and tasty handmade cake. If it is thematically decorated, then the gift will surprise and delight everyone.
    • Scrapbooking - One of the latest popular trends. This technique draw up photo albums, postcards, covers for documents, notepads and even books. Of course, it is necessary to fulfill certain skills, but all this is subject to each.
    • Another option is to design bouquets from products, such as cheese compositions. From sweets and various mini-chocolates collect beautiful inflorescences, not at all inferior to the present. Fragrant fruit compositions are usually presented in baskets.
    • Topiarias are made independently. These trees can consist of any elements. Money - from real bills, coffee - from green coffee, flower - from artificial or living colors, ribbons and beads. There are options from berries, fruits, cones, feathers, rhinestones and many other things. It all depends on the fantasy of the donor and how this gift is beaten.
    • Embroidery and tapestry . Embroidered paintings, pillows, bags and other products are perfectly suitable as presents. This is memorable and soulful.

    What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_44

    What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_45

    What to give a woman for 55 years? Original presents of gifts for the 55th anniversary of girlfriends, mother-in-law or colleagues, sisters and aunt 18464_46

    Look the best gifts for any age in the video below.

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