What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend


Any holiday is always a reason to make a pleasant native, close and friends. However, one of the most special gifts are the New Year. It is always worth it for this holiday with great responsibility, especially if you note it is planned in the family of the beloved family.

In order to correctly pick up the same gift for the parents of the girl, It is important to find out their tastes and preferences, and also to know whether to give those or other things to future relatives . In this article, all moments will be considered that will make the right choice and do not look ridiculous.

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_2

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_3

What to pay attention to?

To date, among the wide variety of gifts and souvenirs, you can certainly find the ideal suitable for the occasion. But as for the girl's parents, everything is not so simple here. It is impossible to purchase the first vase on the eyes, because it may not be so appreciated. It is very important to know the taste and preferences of those who will be presented gifts. Choose at random is not always the winning.

If there is a desire to give something to the house, the same vase, painting, beautiful statuette, wall clock or even carpet At the same time it is very important to know how the residence of future relatives is equipped. After all, any interior items are always selected based on the decoration of the apartment or at home.

It is important to consider the color gamut and the style that prevail in the room.

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_4

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_5

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_6

If the interior is classic, it will be appropriate to purchase Picture in a beautiful carved frame. Natural motives or city landscapes can be depicted in the picture. Such a choice is universal and at the same time always correct.

Statuettes Under the classic interiors are produced in a wide variety. They can be of different sizes and shapes. In such interiors, presented outdoor vases always look implicitly.

If the interior is made in a modern style, for example, hai-tech, then you can look at the beautiful Metallic wall clock, Glass vases of unusual forms and candlesticks, Completed in a futuristic direction.

A gift selected on the basis of interior features can become not only pleasant, but also perfectly complementing housing, he will surely be memorable for many years. In addition, such gifts are always appropriate.

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_7

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_8

Tips for choosing

When choosing a gift for the new year for the parents of the girl, it is not necessary to buy one boss for two. After all, not always my husband and wife are interesting among the same things. Nevertheless, there are some universal gifts.

  • If you know the preferences of your girlfriend's mom, then she can give a set of high quality and proven cosmetics. Choose them follows, focusing on age. In this case, you can ask the advice of your own girl in the selection of such a gift or consultant in the store. This version of the gift can be pair, for example, the mother of the girl can be given a female series of gels for the soul and body creams, and the dad is a male gel and a set for shaving.
  • When choosing any perfume It is best to consult with a lady of the heart, because she, like no other, knows the wishes and preferences of their parents. Without her opinion, the perfume is not recommended to buy, because many people can very negatively treat new fragrances.
  • As gifts for parents of the bride There are no too personal belongings that are usually bought on their own. They are not always appropriate for such a holiday as New Year. It is recommended to choose a neutral style that, for example, can come in handy around the house or simply benefit.
  • Tickets to theater or concert Presented as a present will always be appropriate. But here again should be proceeding from the preferences and age of the father and mother. Of course, they are unlikely to be interested in going to the too modern artist Rap. But the performance is a completely different business. In general, such presents are always winning, because it is an excellent chance to have time to spend time.
  • An excellent idea for a gift for two can be a certificate in the spa. Recently, they are particularly relevant among representatives of the older generation, because in spa salons you can not only move away from the city bustle, but also swim in the pool, and get a professional massage.

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_9

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_10

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_11

Present Father Lady Heart

Knowing the preferences of the dad to your beloved, you can easily choose a gift for the new year, because men are not so picky as women, although they also appreciate high-quality and interesting presents. Therefore, it is still recommended to choose from the choice.

  • Father can be donated Thematic book For example, fishing, hunting or football based on its preferences. The book may also be about politics, war or psychology. It all depends on the hobbies.
  • Relevant for a gift can be a handle. It can be brand, for example, Parker or Swarovski.
  • Excellent idea can be a tea set , for example, Japanese. It is created for a special tea ceremony and will surely have to taste to a person in age.
  • No less relevant for gifts are purses and design bags. In this case, preference should be given by options from genuine leather, and not artificial. The model of the bag or purse should look aesthetic and match the age of being believed, too youth will look ridiculous.
  • Dear cufflinks or a diary in the skin Also are excellent options for gifts to a business man.
  • And finally, if you just want to make a sense of attention to the New Year, The father of the girl can give cognac, whiskey or wine with handmade candies. Sometimes cigarettes can be presented as a gift. Elite tobacco sets are always valued very high.

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_12

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_13

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_14

Gift for future mother-in-law

Now consider gifts that you can give mom's mom. Despite the fact that the dishes are not so fashionable, as before, beautiful branded glasses or cups in the service will surely come to the taste of every hostess. Pite sets are always win-win because they do not carry a negative color. If they don't even like, they will still be useful.

The future mother-in-law can also be given some Scarf, it can be silk or cashmere.

The color gamut is best to choose neutral if there is no information about specific preferences.

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_15

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_16

Also win-win gifts can be Bed linen kits and home plaids. Now the variants of large mating, which will certainly appreciate even the most arrogant woman. Relevant can also be a beautiful tablecloth in a set with napkins . Elite tea set, coffee or handmade candy Also can be an excellent solution for the New Year's gift.

If the New Year's dinner will take place with the parents of the girl, and warm relationships with them are already established, then as a pleasant gift and surprise can be presented to the future Small jewelry.

Such a gift is appropriate if you make it allowing financial opportunities, and if such a gift is not more expensive than a gift for the beloved itself. Otherwise, it is possible to run off.

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What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_18

What to give the girls to the New Year's parents? Choosing a New Year's Gift Mom and Father Girlfriend 18398_19

Among the wide variety of New Year's gifts, the choice of a suitable option should not be a special complexity. Of course, everything went smoothly, best in choosing presents to consult with their second half, Sometimes you can consult with your sister or girlfriend, which can also help with the choice.

Properly chosen gift for parents of his lady is always a guarantee of a good attitude towards a young man and a future husband's daughter.

The fact that you can still give the parents of the girl for the new year, see the next video.

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