Gifts for a child of 9-10 years for the New Year: the ideas of New Year's presents for 9-year-old boys and girls


New Year is a fabulous time, because you give a lot of gifts, and the magic reigns around. Especially this is welcome children who believe in a miracle. And adults are wondering how 9- and 10-year-old children can be surprised by an unusual fee. Consider useful ideas of presents to children 9 and 10 years for the New Year.

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Feature of age

A 9-year-old schoolboy has a growing vocabulary. He remembers school material well and becomes responsible for his actions. He likes to find out something new, unknown.

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At this age, the child appears the best friend with whom he spends a lot of time. A nine-year-old man is very injured and dependent on the opinions of others. Parents should not miss such a moment. They must support the schoolchildren, whatever happens.

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In addition to games, children have different duties, such as house cleaning, washing dishes. To this issue, parents should be approached in advance, by gradually children to these duties in a smaller age.

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Children have problems with peers in school or misunderstanding with parents. You need to talk with children, find points of contact with him.

At 10 years old, the child turns out of the kid in a teenager. The end of childhood comes. In this age, children have its own characteristics that parents sometimes do not understand or sometimes do not want to understand. Difficulties in dealing with adolescence may occur.

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In no case do not need to scold a schoolboy or express dissatisfaction with his behavior, otherwise you will make it only worse and a teenager . At this stage, it must be understood and accept the way it is. The schoolboy is looking for adult support.

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It is advisable to spend as much time with children. Chat with children, walk, go to the theater, on football, and so on. You must become a reliable support for them.

The child changes an opinion about himself. In school, he learned a lot, began to understand a lot. For us, he still remains small in the soul. He distinguishes among adults those people who use the authority among the others. He loves him to be encouraged and praised adults.

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He is already able to respond to his actions. His plans appear, and every year they grow more and more. Teenager must need to raise, otherwise the time can be missed. The child often changes the mood. You must understand that these are the features of the age of a 10-year-old teenager.

Gift Recommendations

All parents want to please their children with a pleasant gift for the new year. There are a lot of all sorts of toys in the stores, and the eyes are scattered at the sight of all this. Here are some excellent options that are suitable for both nine-year-old and ten-year teenage.

  • Virtual reality glasses. In stores many kinds of such gadgets, you will definitely choose what you like. Focus on the middle stock price. Too cheap better not to buy in order to avoid problems, for example, with the launch of the application. Glasses with an average price create a real immersion in reality.

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  • Graphics tablet A creative personality is suitable for drawing, which I like to draw. The tablet attracts children to the fact that you can play games, make computer animation. Especially good such a tablet in that if the child does not like the picture, or he wants to correct it, it can easily change it to his taste.

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  • Home planetarium. Choose it the average price category, but if you buy a cheap planetarium, it will also cope with all the functions. Before you buy it, make sure you have white ceilings in the apartment. The quality of the projection depends on this.

See that there are additional settings that you can change the starry sky angle and so on.

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  • LED backlit sneakers . When choosing, look at the teenager to be comfortable to wear sneakers. Pay attention to the material from which they are made.

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  • Aerofootball - This is a flying disc, with a rubberized surface. Now you can play football not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The surface of the disk does not spoil the floor coating, moves very carefully and smoothly, and also has a backlight.

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  • New gadget He is a practical gift for the New Year, which you can please your ten-year child. It can be a new tablet or smartphone.

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  • If you want to buy a creative gift, then choose 3D puzzles. They need to be selected by the age of the child. Puzzles for this age should not be too light. The optimal number of parts is 500 pieces. Puzzles develop logical thinking, concentration of attention.

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  • A delightful gift will be the steering wheel and pedals for the racing games. Choose a steering wheel with a wireless connection. Thus, the child is not confused in the wires and will not break them. For a child, a model is suitable with the presence of gas pedals and brakes. Pedals must be non-slip and elastic.

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  • An excellent gift for the child will be a game console. Buy it in the age of the child. The advantage of gaming consoles is that they are small and fit into pocket. So, they can be worn with them everywhere. In addition, the cost of them is low, which plays an important role.

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  • You can arrange an unforgettable New Year holiday. Organize a party, call all his friends in a cafe. Ride them on the attractions.

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If you do not have much money for the purchase of an expensive gift, then show your fantasy. Several tips are presented here.

  • Ordinary gift Pack in beautiful paper. The main thing is to show creativity and fantasy.
  • Give the book in accordance with the hobbies of the child.
  • If you do not have money for your smartphone, you can simply give accessories to it, for example, a phone case. Pay for communication services to a schoolboy for a year ahead.
  • Do not forget about sweets. Give your child to the long-awaited New Year holiday a large package of sweets. The new year is still associated with children with sweets and delicious presents.
  • Do not forget about the New Year's gift in the classroom. Talk to the parent committee about the choice of gift.

Invite the purchase version of stationery, chocolate and candy. You can buy an interesting book.

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Gifts for a child of 9-10 years for the New Year: the ideas of New Year's presents for 9-year-old boys and girls 18306_20

What can I give to girls?

To choose a gift of a 9- and a 10-year-old girl, you need to take into account its character, temperament, hobbies. You can choose an inexpensive gift, the main thing is that the girl gets what he wants.

At this age, pick up a gift is already problematic. Because the girl comes on the path of growing, and it seems to her that she is already quite adult. If fashionable is growing with you, then she will like a beautiful umbrella. Especially please her wristwatches. Here are some gifts that like your young princess.

  • Give the Monster High doll or a doll from which you can paint your hair, for example, Moxie.

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  • Present a soft toy, for example, a hat, as a symbol of the year. She will like it especially if the toy is in the form of a key chain on a bag, or a stylish backpack in the form of a teddy hare or bear.

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  • At this age, the girl appears their secrets. Give her a diary for girls, but that he is necessarily on the castle. When your young lady is growing, she will be happy to reread his romantic records in the diary.

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  • If the young lady is fond of creativity, then give her a creative set. For example, a set for embroidery or conducting experiments.

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  • If young lady has a lot of friends, then buy her desktop game. Children will be fun to play it.

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  • Give her beautiful clock. You can choose electronic or with a real mechanism.

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  • Present a handsome wallet with a daughter, with which she will go to the store.

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  • Buy decorations on hair or just jewelry, such as bracelet and earrings. But do not choose large accessories. They will look ridiculous on it. It is better to give preference to small elegant earrings. A good option will be the suspension with its zodiac sign.

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  • At that age, the girl loves to care for himself. Buy her baby cosmetics or perfume. She will be delighted with such a gift.

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  • Present her original bag or sports backpack.

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  • Buy her a ticket to the concert of her favorite group, or organize an unforgettable trip to another city.

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  • Organize her visit to the master class on cooking, needlework.

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Ideas presents for boys

The choice of the present should be approached carefully, because the boys at this age already consider themselves completely adults. They are interested in all sorts of designers, different robots. Here are several versions of the presents for the boy for 9-10 years.

  • If your son seeks to get knowledge, give an interesting book.
  • If the boy loves to play sports, then present it to the table football, badminton, boxing pear, bike, roller or curly skates. Buy a soccer ball.
  • If the passion of the son is fishing, then give him a fishing rod or a set of hooks.
  • Buy him a magnetic designer, a board game or puzzle.
  • If he is inquisitive, buy him a pylon tube, a telescope or a microscope, as well as other devices for comprehending science, for example, a set for experiments.
  • He will like the kit for work on the craft. Popular hobby is burning around the tree.
  • If the son is engaged in creativity, present him a set of painting on the canvas, a set of candles, magnets. If he likes to draw, give him a picture that he could paint.
  • If a child understands the technique, buy him a camera, a printer or a disk with an exciting game, helicopters and airplanes on radio control.
  • If a child is engaged in music, give a musical instrument.
  • Take it down on the tour.
  • Present a set of tools for children in which there will be a machine for grinding, drill and hammer.

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Gifts for a child of 9-10 years for the New Year: the ideas of New Year's presents for 9-year-old boys and girls 18306_34

Gifts for a child of 9-10 years for the New Year: the ideas of New Year's presents for 9-year-old boys and girls 18306_35

In the next video, see the best gifts for a child of 9-10 years for the New Year.

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