Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places


Birthday is a holiday that every child is waiting with a special trepidation. On this day, everything should be perfect: Favorite people near, interesting entertainment, sweet table and, of course, gifts. At such a young age, holidays usually hold at home, but it does not mean that the kids do not need interesting games. One of the most popular quests are. In the article, we will tell about the features of this game, tell me where you can hide gifts, we will give advice on holding.

Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_2

Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_3

Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_4


Quest is a type of game, during which boys and girls should find gifts hidden in a secret place, with the help of the prompts scattered around the house. Each previous tip depicts or describes the location of the next, and so on the chain until the children find the "treasures". The quest will be an excellent way to entertain children 8 years old at home. The game will take schoolchildren at least an hour, and at the end it will be possible to rejoice at them, turning out the prizes found.

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Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_6

Since in 8 years, children are already able to read and write, the script can be complicated. If cards are often used for preschoolers, cards with pictures are often used, then adult guys have to break her head over more complex tasks than just understand what place in the apartment indicates a drawing. Of course, some hints may contain a simple picture so that children are not tired of constant puzzles, but to increase the passage time, they can be complicated.

The main thing is that the task is to be saturated for the development of children of 8 years.

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Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_8

Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_9

It is desirable that during the game of schoolchildren accompanied at least one adult:

  • He will be able to fulfill the role of a photographer and at the end of the holiday to provide the rest of the parents of photographic materials showing how their children spent the evening;
  • If children have difficulty with solving a task, an adult will be able to help and direct their guesses in the right direction.

The quest can be organized both individually for one child and for a whole group. If it allows an apartment or a house, you can divide children to teams and follow, who first find the treasure chest. Of course, for each group there should be your prize, so that in the end everything is satisfied with the obtained gifts and sweets. It is advisable to first learn from the parents whether allergy sufferers will be among the guests, and remove chocolate or nut bars from prizes. It will not only lock the game, but also will not let the child feel superfluous. All hints must be placed in the searches in advance. During the feast, throw the first tip to the children with a letter, where it will be told that they are waiting for fun adventures, and at the end - a big surprise. Further, everything will go with their own man, because the children's excitement and fantasy do not know the borders.

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Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_11

When creating a game script, gender children should be taken into account. Boys are interesting will be pirated, cosmic and football quests. Girls at the age of 8 have grown out of pink ponies and fairies, but they will certainly have favorite book heroes or music performers.

An excellent solution will use thematic prizes.

For example, for boys to make a treasure chest and, in addition to gifts, put inward chocolate coins. For girls, final gifts can be put in a large bright box, decorated with sequins and bows.

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Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_13

Very good for kids there are mini-awards in the form of stickers, cookies and other small joys left at the prompts. It will give them the opportunity to stay and with even greater enthusiasm to continue solving the tasks. For a more atmospheric holiday, prepare schoolchildren beautiful costumes. It can be a pirate sword and a gun, handcuffs and a walkie-talkie, crown princesses and dresses. It all depends on the theme of the game and the floor of the birthday room and its guests.

Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_14

Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_15

Places and subjects

The search for a gift in the apartment will take a lot of time as a solution where you can hide all the prompts and the gift itself. Here is an exemplary list of places for cards:

  • in the bathroom behind the mirror;
  • in the sink;
  • in a bottle;
  • behind the curtains;
  • at the computer;
  • under the pillow on the bed;
  • under the rug (pre-rinse itself carpet and floor);
  • on the windowsill;
  • attach to the lamp;
  • on the balcony (if heat);
  • in boots;
  • under the pillow on the chair;
  • in a backpack;
  • in a jacket;
  • In the vacuum cleaner and other places depending on the size of the apartment.

Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_16

Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_17

    Box with prizes can be hidden in:

    • bedside table;
    • wardrobe;
    • fridge;
    • Kitchen Cabinet;
    • oven;
    • washing machine.

    The main thing, remember that the child should not look anywhere before the start of the game, and even more so he should not find a gift, otherwise the surprise will not work.

    Description of tasks

    For children, 8 years old will be optimal tasks for logic and something from the school program.

    Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_18

    Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_19

    We offer the following list of games that are suitable for children of both sexes.

    • Riddles. This is a universal version that everyone loves. The mystery may indicate the location of the next prompt. You can write a few riddles at once, the answers to which will not directly point to the cache, but only hinting where to search. The first riddle can be written in a letter that is awarded the child as an entry.
    • Puzzle. Draw a picture with the following tip and cut it into pieces. Only by folding the puzzle, the children will understand where to follow them. You can pre-order a puzzle with an appropriate picture. The main thing is that it can be quickly gathering - otherwise the excitement will disappear.
    • Rainbow. A leaf is made several multi-colored circles, inside of which letters are written in random. To guess the Word, the Children will need to remember the correct arrangement of colors in the rainbow.
    • Superfluous word. Schoolchildren are offered several chains of words to underline extra. It is they will give the right associations with the following key.
    • Fruits. Inconsider the guys a vase with apples, each of which will be scratched the letter. Only placing everything in the correct order, it will be possible to guess the prompt.
    • Mathematical examples and alphabet. Write a list of examples whose answers will indicate the sequence of the desired letters in the alphabet. For example, it will turn out again 3, the third letter in the alphabet "B", which means that it is written. So the next tip will work.
    • Crossword. Come up with or find an entertaining crossword with a secret word-to-guess on the Internet. Task is better printed on the computer.
    • Shadow The picture shows the shadow of a particular item, and at the bottom of the answer options. Suitable drawing and will be the key to the next hint.
    • Labyrinth. Children should pass the labyrinth and bring the hero to the exit. On the way, they will collect letters that later get to the right word.
    • Past and present. To obtain a prompt, you need to place pictures in the chronological sequence. On the reverse side of the drawings will be written letters that will be in a key.
    • Rebus. Invent the rebus, the answer of which will be the location of the next tip.
    • Pirate card. Print the card and cut it into pieces. Having collected everything together, the children will see the location of the key.
    • Song. Choose a popular song that you like to children. It can be a composition of a cartoon, a film or a favorite artist. The main thing is that schoolchildren knew her by heart. The song will be missed words that will help decipher the hint.

    Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_20

    Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_21

    Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_22

    Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_23

    These are common riddles that will be interesting to both girls and boys.

      You can come up with additional tasks on the topic of quest.

      • Football mystery where you need to call the rooms of your favorite football players who will correspond to the location of the desired letter in the alphabet. Then fold these letters into the word-key.
      • Girls can offer envelope with tip But it will be possible to open it only after each will sing a song, tells the verse or stits.

      Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_24

      Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_25

      Try to pick up tasks in which children will be able to reveal their talents and show intelligence.

      Recommendations for holding

      Of course, on the birthday, the chief acting person should be a birthday boy, but do not forget about the guests. It is important that everyone is involved in the game process so that there are no bored. You can assign captains for each task, so everyone will be able to show themselves and take part in the conquest of the desired prize.

      Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_26

      Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_27

      In the box with gifts, everything should correspond to the number of participants.

      For a larger excite, you can slightly complicate the receipt of the deposit, put the tasks into the envelope, wrapped with threads, into a plastic bottle. An excellent idea will be the use of several boxes on the principle of matryoshki, where a smaller box is put into greater and so on. For complication of the process, each box can be wrapped in paper and put inside the mini-prize of the type of cookies, stickers or icons.

      Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_28

      Quest for children 8 years old: how to make a quest scenario for a birthday for a girl or boy, job descriptions, items and places 18253_29

      How to spend the quest at home, look in the video.

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