Fifth day of Maslenitsa: "Teschins of the evening" on Friday on the passenger week. What do this day do? What are the traditions?


Folk walking on the eve of the Great Post is distinguished by original fun. All week Russian people treat pancakes according to the traditions of each new day. But Maslenitsa on Friday is a special case offering to strengthen family ties called dinner in the house of the son-in-law. Thus, a young relative expresses his mother's respect for his spouse. It is assumed that he personally prepared treats for her. In the modern world, it is rather a conditional moment, but to respect the older generation will be useful anyway.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:


Carnival is called a week of spending before the onset of the Great Post. And also this period is known under the ancient name of the cheese saddiment (by the number of days of the week) or meat suggestive week. In the oldest times, the believers of Orthodox from the heart knocked satisfying food, rested and having fun before the post.

The feast of Maslenitsa was accompanied by perky songs, noisy games, visits to visit.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

The passenger week began on Monday. It was denoted by a narrow carnival and honored three days. The next four days of the week belonged to a wide carnival. Each day on the meat suite week was their traditions, a specific role and its own name. Therefore, the people decided a clear schedule, who visits whom at the week what it means, and which ceremonies are complied with.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Friday is accepted to call turbulent sites or "turbulent evenings." The fifth day was traditionally conducted in a close family circle with close people. Maslenitsa on Friday is very different from the rest of the rituals. It is engaged in the fact that the son-in-law is relying not only to call the mother-in-house to her house, but also to treat the honorable guest pancakes prepared by itself.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

On this day, his wife's mother visited a son-in-law. And he had to pre-solemnly invite her to dinner. However, the invitation could be simple. In the first case, in honor of the parish, the real feast was satisfied, in the second - family gatherings.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Traditions and customs

On the eve of the "Ravystones of the evening", in a wide thursday, the mother-in-law sent the son-in-law everything you need so that he could make pancakes: a pan, a bowl for kneading the dough, taganok and a half. And from the testing young owner received a whole bag of flour and butter. In the morning, the son-in-law sent "Gonzov" for her parents. It could be friends or children who called birth to a visit to a young family. On the title evening, the mother-in-law was allowed to bring with him any relative, girlfriends or neighborings.

For dinner, son-in-law tried to take care and respect for the mother-in-law, surrounded her attention. And she in response shared with him good tips relating to family life. This action was accompanied by a cheerful feast, loud songs, active dances and laughter.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

A trip to the house of the young has always been a public event, with the outcome of which they watched the entire village. To be an invited husband's daughter was in great honor, so every mother-in-law could be proud of such a son-in-law. And for him it was considered simply indecent to ignore the "Techs of the evening". This relation was considered shameful, could lead to the eternal enmity between relatives.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

On the "Lesterstins of the evening" was allowed not only to have fun and spent tasty baked pancakes, but also guess. People believed that it was on this day that the window was opened in front of them. That is, you can highlight events that are coming soon. Cellular signs and divination helped to understand personal relationships and resolve controversial situations.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

In ancient times

According to the ancient traditions, entertaining guests in the carnival friday was supposed to be a man who was a friend at the wedding of a young husband. At the end of the feasting event, Tamad handed a gift for the efforts. But if by this time the boyfriend himself became familiar with his family, he was looking for someone to replace. The celebration was not accepted to let the sampling. In the course of the evening, all the rules should have been met and established well-established traditions.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

So, besides the treats, there was a place for family education of married children on dull gatherings. For the wise experience of the mother-in-law, the scientific mind, he answered with the words of gratitude and inconspicuously showed her his location, striving for mutual respect. In addition, the young owner had to convince everyone that he was state and deft. The mother-in-law prepared special tasks for dexterity and skills.

Sitting yourself, or competing with someone from the guests (more often with the test), cleverly scored nails, colop firewood and the like.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

In the go, other fun were familiar. What they just did not get out with the meters on the carnival evenings: I rolled up, metali in the target, wore, putting on the forehead, competing for the range and speed. And, of course, no cultural program did without a song chorus, dancing and chastushki. The holiday ended in a walk with riding in a sleigh, and the son-in-law was determined to ride next to the mother-in-law.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:


Traditions celebrate the passenger week preserved to this day, but have long been lost sacred meaning. Not everywhere in the rigor, rites of the Spring meeting and Wire Wires are observed. Many families do not meet Maslenitsa at all, but bake pancakes and treat friends and acquaintances at the end of the festive week. Massive walking everywhere is held only on the last day before the Great Post - in forgiveness Sunday. But the real fun in the modern world begins on Friday, because there is no "official weekend" from Thursday, as is customary in Russia. On the last day of the labor week, people meet relatives and arrange a real feast. In agreement with the ancient traditions on the "Lesterschi in the evening" men cover the treats on the table. Some even fry pancakes independently.

If possible, his wife help husbands, but the main part of the festive hassle of men take over.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

If desired, to express respect for parents, give tribute to the traditions of ancestors during the Maslenic Week, a young couple should call relatives to visit the pancakes. You can visit our own itselves if they do not have the opportunity to visit the daughter's family alone. Pancakes will become an excellent addition to a bouquet of flowers or a sweet cake. But without them, the meeting should turn out in family warm.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Tips for holding

The fifth day on the passenger week can be made an unforgettable holiday for the whole family. To do this, it will take quite a few improvisation, provisions and initiatives of the son-in-law and daughters. If the owner has a sought dinner there are no special culinary talents, help with pancakes can his young spouse. However, in modern times and it is not necessary to do this. Buy ready pancakes or order delivery to the house will be solved by all pressing problems. It will only be left on the table and add the entourage with symbolic items.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

An excellent surprise for the mother-in-law will be a stylized evening in the spirit of old Russian traditions. Here the focus with the pancakes themselves can be made on red andcker, sour cream and honey. Perfect if it turns out to get painted dishes, wooden utensils, samovar. On the table covered with a linen tablecloth or an embroidered trench, the company is colorfully making a bunch of rags or bagels. In principle, sideways are better because it prefers most. Suppose my wife's mom respects sauer cabbage or cottage cheese - heavy her pride properly. Pancakes with cottage cheese filling and crispy cabbage on the table will be ereper than thousands of toasts in her honor.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Regarding words, it is worth thinking and yet something to pronounce the mother-in-law in gratitude for the education of his wife or some good human qualities of relatives. It makes sense to remember interesting joint events, funny situations and funny jokes. And ideally, it is desirable to prepare some poems. For example, in the form of perky chastushki, which can be disappeared after tea. Such a holiday scenario will not allow anyone from those present to bother. In addition, the mother's wife will surely remember these cozy gatherings as one of the wonderful family events. Or maybe this style of the celebration and is at all come in the family and will become traditional?

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

For the most active and creative, it is proposed to continue the feast of the carnival in the fresh air. Especially since the walk after the satisfying dinner will be useful for everyone. If the weather allows, you can arrange riding on sledding. Even in the absence of horses, the jokes for the sake of damage in the wagon can also be a son-in-law with a test. Once a year you can dwell the mother-in-law of such a honor - to ride with the breeze, giving a little attention and adrenaline. By the way, in Sunny Cute weather, albeit in the frost, the son-in-law can be treated in pancakes and on the street. This scenario is suitable for owners of private houses, where there is a separate courtyard. There is easily placed a wide table for the whole family. And which fragrant kebabs can be cooked to pancakes!

Lean pastries Instrupeted with fried meat climbs appetite in the February frosty day.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

On the day of the destroyers, the gatherings costs, really, give her to sit and exhale. The son-in-law with his wife will easily cope with the role of the host without the help of mom. And she, in turn, let him take an honorable place in a comfortable chair or a chaise lounge at the head of the table. Show care for loved ones - the right and useful business. No need to neglect the opportunity. On the eve of Fridays, the guest gost is desirable to offer to select the menu. Then you will not have to think about how to treat the mother-in-law, so that it is satisfied with the reception.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

If the scenario of Carnival Celebrations in nature seems to be attractive residents of apartment buildings, there is a way out and they have. Joint family leaving the city is unlike relatives for further spiritual communication and good relationships. It is easy to organize destroyers in the suburbs or even in a gazebo in a reservoir. There are enough such locations in any settlement. And if it is not so, then there is nothing difficult to organize location in nature on your own. It is first necessary to take care of the tent - this design will save from wind or precipitation in the event of a sudden weather change. And the covered table will be more security, and the dishes are not so fast cooled.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

Each mother-in-law will be dear attention to the son-in-law. After all, not every day they make pancakes and feast. Even in the absence of the opportunity to arrange an improvised feast on "Leschin Day" worth going together at least to tea drinking. Wise mother-in-law will appreciate the invitation to dignity. By the way, it is possible to develop in this direction at a distance. Suppose when the mother-in-law lives in another city or even the country. Internet to help, and please the mother-in-law of fresh pancakes and a bouquet of flowers through kilometers separating the relatives. Especially tasty will seem the carnival treat if his wife lives abroad. The delivery service of finished food is now everywhere, nothing will have a stub. And pleasant emotions in both sides are accurately guaranteed. Moreover, all these traditions are only for the benefit of family values!

Fifth day of Maslenitsa:

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