Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs


Maslenitsa is the first spring holiday. In recent years, it is increasingly accepted to celebrate the carnival with a wide sweep. This day for many is a real farewell symbol with winter and meeting long-awaited spring. But there are those who are preparing for the holiday seriously and is not limited to one day. So, it should be considered in more detail the carnival week, as well as learn about all the traditions of the day.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_3

Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_4

Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_5

Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_6

Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_7

The value of narrow carnival

All the peasants were expected to arrive this holiday in Russia, they were carefully preparing for him, not forgetting about all existing traditions. The last decades began to celebrate Maslenitsa and in Russia for all rules. She is celebrated in every city, and even more so in the village or village. Culture Houses prepare the program, organize theatrical views. Prepare platforms where people can note a fully feast, get a lot of positive emotions and positive energy. But the carnival week is divided into two parts, and exist their traditions by day. Follow them or not - everyone decides himself.

But in any case, this is the holiday that is worth paying attention and know at least the highlights of it.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_9

Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_10

The first three days - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - are a narrow carnival. Every day has its own name and their customs, which in ancient times followed strictly. For example, the peasants in the first three days could carry out those rituals that they prescribe the traditions of this wonderful holiday, but at the same time they did not stop their work. After all, the peasants were in abundance. And just so having fun and nobody could afford.

Nowadays, the situation has changed little. Everyone must fulfill its tasks, no one will quit his job, explaining the boss that he is preparing with a wide scale to meet Maslenitsa. But nevertheless there is an opportunity to follow the traditions. Especially since it is not so difficult.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_12


This day was called "Meeting" and was intended to think about the basic place of the festival and time. Preparations also had to be committed on this day. And it was a lot of affairs, and the main event was to prepare the scarecrow, which will be squeezed on the day of festivities and fun. They made it from straw. Now in modern cultural institutions, this is also paid to attention. As a rule, children of creative studios crawling it together with teachers. This is where you can show your creative abilities. From any girlfriend, you can cook scarecrow, dress it, paint face. As a rule, this occupation likes children and becomes an exciting pastime. In addition, on Monday they started the furnace pancakes and remember the deceased. At the same time, the first pancake was worth paying poor. And today this tradition is valid.

Volunteer organizations exist in each city, and the bake of the pancakes for those who need also became the usual activity these days. Many, knowing about the needs of neighbors, be sure to treat them with baking.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_14

Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_15


His name is "toy". In families where young girls were, there were potential grooms and their relatives to arrange loose. With a successful coincidence, the wedding was assigned to a red slide, when the great post ended.

And today, absolutely there are no obstacles to to get acquainted with the future fiance or with his parents, if the groom already exists, and it goes to the wedding. And the pancakes on this day will become the best and timely treat.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_17


Received the name "Landca". And this is already a family day. The son-in-law went to the mother-in-law to taste the pancakes that she prepared for him. And today, the saint with pleasure go to visit the bride's parents. After all, this is not only a reason to enjoy internally treats, but also to communicate in a family circle, a pleasure time with loved ones. Moreover, such an event is most often turning into a warm family tea party. And to the pancakes you can prepare a lot of delicious fillings.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_19

What do on a wide carnival?

Wide carnival already meant the beginning of the celebration. It was possible to postpone their affairs and immerse yourself in fun and meetings with friends. At the same time, all customs and rites are somehow connected with pancakes. These days almost all bake and eat pancakes, treat close and friends.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_21


The harbinger of the parish of Maslenitsa. The favorite day of the kids, because the walking already began. This day means that it is time to ride on sledding, bargaining horses, carrying fist fights and hold the capture of a snowy fortress. Of course, such fun winter fun makes them to fully enjoy the most residents that they live in the snow regions. Here you can play in snowballs, and sculpt snowmen, and build ice slides. Well, who has no snow, can choose other entertainment. Why not arrange a dance on the seashore, and do not arrange a swimming polarity? Also a very invigorant and fun event.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_23


On Friday, "Leschin's Evening" gave the opportunity for women to find out all about the culinary abilities of their daughters. After all, it was customary to go to visit the son-in-law. And there, a married couple sacrifted to whom to fully apply their culinary abilities, the main thing is that the pancakes get tasty and mother-mother-mom is pleased. In ancient times it was believed that the mother-in-law should be invited in advance, and perhaps sending the messengers. In addition, according to the ancient customs of the mother-in-law was to ensure the presence of the necessary inventory (pans and pots), as well as ingredients, in particular, flour and oils. And this means that the son-in-law was to treat the mother-in-law on Friday and show a whole location to her and respect.

By the way, the mother-in-law could come to visit with his relatives, girlfriends and celebrate the onset of the carnival along with them visiting her daughter and son-in-law.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_25


The name "Zolovkina gathering" speaks for itself. The daughter-in-law invited her husband's sisters, besides his girlfriends. Moreover, if the sister's husband is unmarried, it was possible to call only unmarried girlfriends, and vice versa. But these days, of course, you can expand the face a little, simply this day can be turned into wonderful maiden gatherings, share joys and problems, just meet and talk about souls. We often do not have enough time to such conversations, and the passenger week is a great reason.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_27


Well, perhaps the most important day, which was called "Forgiveness Sunday". Of course, for believers, this day is especially important. A visit to the church is a prerequisite, prayer before the great post, the mismatch of the deceased with all rituals, prayer for forgiveness. But nowadays the tradition gained a second life. Opport to each other forgiveness has become the usual phenomenon these days.

The main thing is that it was sincerely, from the pure heart. A wonderful reason for many to make up, forget the old resentment, start everything from a clean leaf.

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Even very important moments of this day are to remember the deceased, visit the bath. The outcome will be the burning of the stuffed, and then it is necessary to dispel his dust over water or the field, saying goodbye to everyone in this way and preparing for a good meeting. A wonderful tradition, giving a chance to each of us to let go of bad thoughts, and free the place for new positive moments. In addition, the old things can be burned on this day, saying goodbye to all unnecessary and bad. At the same time, it is necessary, of course, consider an extremely important moment. With all these manipulations, it is necessary to remember all the measures of fire safety, so that cheerful festivals leave positive memories and have not turned into trouble.

On this day, not only burns the scarecrow, but also demonstrate their most diverse talents: they sing, dancing, show all sorts of scenes, read poems. Organize exhibitions of applied creativity. The craftsmen arrange culinary fights, offering different baking. Men compete in force, dexterity, and, of course, in eating pancakes. For children, cheerful contests and games are held. This is a family holiday, where it is not necessary to miss anyone.

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Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_30

Maslenkaya week - traditions by day: the name and meanings of each day on the carnival, signs and customs 18212_31


For the onset of good days, well-being, many of these days tried to follow the Russian customs, without retreating from them, and also listened and looked closely to all that they were surrounded. After all, the signs were also of great importance. Many, especially the elderly, believe in them now.

Here are just some of them:

  • If you hit the frost in front of the carnival, the summer will not be sultry and dry, but the crop promises to be abundant;
  • Blinkers need a stove these days as much as possible, without regretting the ingredients, then wealth, and good luck will certainly do not work the house side;
  • If a lot of snow fell on the days of Maslenitsa, it is worth waiting for a rich buckwheat harvest;
  • Magnificent, beautiful and delicious pancakes in the hostess say that in the house everything will be fine, wealth, love and prosperity are provided to all its tenants;
  • If there is no one to treat anyone to the carnival and not invite to pancakes, you can wait for ruin and bad days;
  • If they say goodbye to the old things these days, new ones will not appear;
  • If you sincerely forgive your offenders, there will be good events and people in life.

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