How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband?


Nature wakes up with the first spring rays, shaking off the winter soak and sadness. The present symbol of spring is an amazing, romantic holiday - International Women's Day. He praises female beauty, tenderness, spiritual wisdom, which are inherent in representatives of the beautiful half of society. Men on this day are especially attentive and helpful, seek to take care and tenderness. On how to make on March 8, a special day, which will leave after herself warm and joyful memories, will be discussed in this article.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_2

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_3

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_4

We hold a holiday with your family

The woman rightfully acts as a keeper of the house and family and it is in a cozy home setting that feels most comfortable and safely. The holiday of March 8 is a wonderful reason to collect several generations at one table. For this, it is not necessary to organize a lush feast - it is enough to organize a festive lunch or dinner.

The modern rhythm of life is so rapid that sometimes on spiritual, sincere conversations with mom, grandmother, sister lacks time.

March 8 - such a day when you can forget about all the troubles and with pleasure to celebrate it, plunging into the world of family memories and dreams with native people.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_5

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_6

All worries and troubles on this day, of course, takes on a man. The head of the family knows what kind of rest prefers his woman. Homemade natures love to be at home and spend time reading or watching your favorite films. Some are devoted to this day exclusively: visit the beauty salons, go to shopping, etc. An active recreation is an advantage of collective family sealing orders, visits bowling, amusement park, etc.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_7

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_8

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_9

Completion of the day should be light and relaxed. The younger generation on the basis of such cozy, home holidays determines for itself family values. Children learn to love and take care of their loved ones, respect the older generation.

In order to show their women how they love them, it is not necessary to wait for the eighth of March. This should be done daily, and their gratitude will not make himself wait long.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_10

We celebrate with friends

Each of us has people with whom any rest becomes fascinating and cheerful. Any holiday held in their circle is remembered for a long time, leaving extremely positive emotions in the shower.

Due to the fact that The holiday on March 8 is dedicated to women, you can spend it in a circle of your favorite friends. It can be a collective campaign on cosmetic salons, shops or homemade gatherings for a cup of tea.

When a big company is going to girlfriends, you need to take care of a fascinating and interesting holiday in advance. If it is not possible to do it yourself, you can resort to the services of the company that is engaged in the preparation and organizations of all kinds of events.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_11

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_12

Among the bright and memorable vacation options with girlfriends, you can allocate such:

  • visiting the quest-room;
  • paintball;
  • Flying in the aerodynamic tube;
  • visiting the amusement park;
  • Maiden Party in a modern club with all classic charms: dancing, cocktails, male striptease;
  • Pajama party without make-up with many sweets or terrible battle of pillows, etc.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_13

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_14

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_15

Celebration with the working team

Work is a place where many of us spend a significant part of their lives, and with colleagues in some cases communicate even more often than with relatives. Therefore, a corporate holiday for International Women's Day is a mandatory annual program in each team. It is no secret that collective events bring together, make it possible to learn their employees, especially the male part, closer.

The charm of the female holiday at work is that there is no need to do something or invent himself, - in this case, men are perfectly coped with this.

The main thing is to go to work in a stunning dress, which will reveal your femininity and beauty as much as possible.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_16

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_17

Men on this day decorate office space with flowers, balloons, trying to create a festive atmosphere, preparing the ladies pleasant surprises. Women's holiday can be held and not in the office, but in a restaurant or in nature. In order for the celebration to be the most enchanting and unforgettable, you can contact the specialized agencies that will select the festive program individually for each team.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_18

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_19

Romantic date

Every man tries to arrange an unforgettable romantic date on this day. In order for it to like the beloved woman, you need to answer just one question: "What does she want?". If the guy with a girl is only found, he may not know how well. In this case, one of the proposed options will be win-win:

  • organization of romantic riding on horseback;
  • Visit the indoor rink, where flowers are in advance on ice;
  • Date for two in the planetarium;
  • trip to day excursion or tour on another city;
  • Restaurant for two;
  • visit the concert of her favorite performers, theater;
  • visiting the caramel or chocolate master class, the living gallery;
  • Romantic holidays in nature, etc.

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_20

How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_21

    The celebration of a female day among family couples is more natural. The spouses have long known each other, and a woman can, without constraint and hints, ask her husband what she wants. However, this is not a reason for a man relax. The beginning of the day should be started with the classics: fragrant coffee in bed and amazing fragrance of living colors lying near the bedside table. Undoubtedly, it will cause a sleepy, but such a cute smile at the beloved woman.

    Particularly romantic nature for a date with his wife choose the most unpredictable places: hippodrome, zoo, bowling, beach, roof, gym, dolphinarium, etc.

    The main thing is to ensure your half the maximum comfort and convenience.

    How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_22

    How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_23

    Romantic dinner, prepared by her husband on his own, is another reason to surprise a woman. And nothing terrible if the salad is a little shown, and the crust on the fish is too golden. The very fact of the presence of a man in the kitchen behind the cooking process for his beloved can surprise many women.

    As the final stage of a romantic date - a warm flavored bath with rose petals.

    How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_24

    Having arrange a surprise woman, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

    • its financial opportunities - in order not to be in an awkward position, it is necessary to determine in advance how much money will be needed on a romantic date;
    • Discuss in advance with your half the time of date;
    • Be sure to take into account the personal preferences of the woman: where she wants to go, what kind of place to visit, where I would like to visit, as belongs to an extreme rest, etc.

    Woman, regardless of his age, always feels insincerity. Therefore, if all efforts for organizing an unforgettable holiday were only for a tick or a pian, decent recognition can not be waiting.

    In order for a woman to feel his beloved and desirable, you only need to be pleasantly surprised to surprise her, to show signs of attention and care. Everyday life should be full of bright emotions. You are always very nice to delight close people.

    How to celebrate March 8? How to celebrate a team or family, with girlfriends, with a girl or with her husband? 18200_25

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