Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises


Italians accustomed to say that Italy is not a country, but feeling. A special charm here is inherent in almost everything, starting from music and ending with food. In addition, here you can see unique landscapes and chic mafios. That's why The party decorated in a similar style is in great demand and popularity..

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_2

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_3

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_4

Features of training

In order to create an unforgettable evening, which will be deposited in the memory of all guests, You need to carefully prepare for the holiday. If you postpone everything at the last moment, it will not be possible to consider such important moments as the decor of the room in the correct colors, table setting and feeding dishes. It will also be necessary to take care of dress code, decorations and entertainment. All this will create a truly Italian atmosphere.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_5

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_6

Today exists Many options for holding such a party. In Italy, there is a huge number of regions, each of which has its own unique features. It can be Venice with channels, historic Verona or ancient Rome.

A distinctive feature of Italy are wine, pasta and pizza. Be sure to try to file all this at your party so that guests can feel the spirit of the cultural capital of Europe.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_7

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_8

Of course, You need to take care of invitations in advance. They can be performed in the form of small flags of the country. It looks very interesting and stylish. In addition, the forms of Venetian masks are often used. If you wish, you can also use colored paper, cutting out pieces of pizza from it.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_9

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_10

In Italy, it is customary to make small gifts to guests. An excellent option will be figurines from Murano glass. If they are difficult to find, then you can pick up small souvenir wine bottles.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_11

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_12


Regardless of where the party will be held, it is not difficult to organize everything. You can choose a house in nature, cafes or an apartment - each room without problems and damage to the budget can be reeded.

Some details are preferably made with your own hands: it is quite simple and does not take much time.

In the process of decoration of the room, you need to pay close attention to the color gamut. The most popular colors in the country are green, red and white. If you need to show a rural flavor of Italian regions, then you should give preference to red and white.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_13

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_14

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_15

Among the main ideas for scenery, the following can be distinguished.

  • The use of tissue into a cell. These can be various napkins, bows, flags or other composite elements. A red fabric will look good on a green background.

The use of motley textiles is considered a more optimal option than the tissues of monochromatic design.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_16

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_17

  • In order to make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible, you can use Wicker mats and beautiful blankets.

Present preference is worth the natural tissues of the same color. Italians choose such options because in their background, a tricolor looks very beautiful.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_18

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_19

  • Walls are decorated with tricolor garlands or decorative pieces of pizza. You can also print beautiful Italian landscapes and glue them to the wall.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_20

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_21

  • For the scenery of the ceiling can be used Various balloons with ribbons on which the decor trays. Paper compositions of colors, cards in the form of boots, as well as the letter execution of the word "Italy" are used as decorative elements.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_22

  • In the market today you can find colored pasta or paint them on their own. They will become an excellent choice for decorating photos or a collection of beads. Spaghetti can be collected in a handful and tie with a bow.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_23

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_24

  • Use of various souvenirs who are directly related to Italy. This is the Pisa Tower, carnival masks and much more.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_25

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_26

  • The presence of Italian will allow to significantly increase the atmosphere in the room. You can sign invitations, photos on the walls and other interior items. If it is a regular party, then the inscription "Benvenuti Alla Festa" ("Welcome to the party") will be quite enough. In addition, you can search for various motto or jokes in Italian.

It is worth remembering that this people are considered extremely poetic in statements about love, food, fault and friendship.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_27

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_28

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_29

  • For scenery alive flowers You can use red or white lilies, as well as other flowers. Even the usual greens will become a suitable option.

From the use of VAZ it is better to refuse to favor pita and bottles.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_30

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_31

  • In the decor be sure to emphasize Reregnate attitude towards food and guilt. Olive oil is worth separating bottles, and grapes serve in wicker baskets.

If the party is planned for a lot of guests, then you should take care of the organization of photocons.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_32

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_33

How to dress?

The distinctive feature of Italian parties is that The dress code is pre-negotiated in the invitation. If the focus is on Italian mafia, then choose optimal clothing will not be difficult. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can give preference to long black cocktail dresses in combination with black pantyhose and a small hat. The perfect supplement will be red lipstick and clutch of small size.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_34

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_35

As for men, they will become an optimal solution for them and a dark blue or white shirt.

You should also not forget that cigar and holster are considered a mandatory addition of such an image.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_36


Set the correct mood at such a party is extremely simple - It is enough to include Italian music. Locals love relaxing and funny songs that are suitable for dancing. At the party you can sing, dance, play games and engage in all that your soul.

The choice of Italian singers is so great that each person can pick up the most suitable option for his holiday.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_37

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_38

From any plot or script it is best to refuse to entertain After all, it is not in vain that only the Italians know the lot on how fun to spend time. To immerse yourself in a unique atmosphere, you can come up with a quiz in advance and invite guests to pass it. Of course, questions should be on Italian topics, and as a prize, you can pretend a bottle of good wine.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_39

Recently, great popularity uses Game "Perevils" . You can simply redo the Russian songs on Italian manner and see who guesses the melody. For example, a little smoking, you can turn "O God, what a man" in Mamma Mia, what kind of syticor.

In the most of the Italy, one of the most sought-after entertainment is "Divine Taste" . A dish is served, and the contestants need to determine the maximum number of ingredients. For example, in the first round, the products that were used in the process of cooking pizza are guessed, and the sauce is tasting in the second round. The final tour is to study the composition of wine and determining the grape variety.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_40

If the party takes place in a house with a household site, then you can play football, because it is extremely popular in Italy. But in the apartment it turns out to arrange a real competition on desktop football or just throw olives into glasses.

The last option is extremely in demand among Italian youth, whose representatives drink a glass of wine every time you do not fall into the target.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_41

If you wish, you can arrange some Romantic contests. Each couple tells each other nice words and admits in love, trying to use Italian or just do it on Italian manner.

Well, the most popular game in the country are associations. Everywhere you can see crowds of people with wine glasses that show various words and try to guess them.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_42

Of course, it is almost impossible to imagine a thematic party in the Italian style without pizza and pasta. In addition, you can find a huge number of dishes, the preparation of which takes the minimum amount of time. You just need to show a fantasy and a little patience.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_43

In recent years, enjoyed in great demand at parties Salad Capres For the preparation of which tomatoes, Mozarella and Basil are needed. Each ingredient is the color of the Italian flag. You can also serve ravioli with various fillings, Pizza "Margarita" and Lazagna. As for the dessert, there will be an indispensable tiramisu or panna-cotta. If you manage to find in supermarkets, you can pamper guests Sicilian oranges. All together will be extremely tasty and satisfying.

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_44

Party in Italian style: clothes, scenario and competition for the birthday of the house. Selection of the menu and the ideas of gifts. Design of premises 18178_45

Thus, the Italian party will be an excellent solution for celebrating his birthday, new year or any other holiday. With a properly selected menu and scenery, it will be possible to recreate this Italy and surprise the guests of the greatness of this country.

About how to organize a party in Italian style, see the next video.

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