Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes


The era of the 90s, many causes nostalgic mood. It was a truly unique time, and those who were born or grew up in it, always remember him fondly. That is why today arranged a lot of parties, receptions, corporate events, subjects who are 90th. For those who remember the bygone era, will not be difficult to choose the right clothes for this celebration. But those who have a little forgot the trends of previous years, we can give some useful tips.

Features style

Clothes in the 90s embodies the spirit of rebellion and protest against the gloom and grayness. It was due to the shortage of goods in the Soviet Union, when people were forced to stand for hours in line to buy clothes that are sure to be like everyone else. Therefore, when the Soviet Union collapsed, the mods have received the so-called freedom of the will in terms of the choice of outfits. Many new styles, types of clothing, shoes and accessories. The selection was huge, and for many target was shocking. The image of thought over to trifles.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_2

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_3

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_4

In the 90s style clothes have a lot of features. First, we should mention the popular materials from which sewed clothes.

  • Jeans . Things denim in those days were almost everyone - is considered an indicator of excellent taste. Jeans could be anything: a skirt, shirt, trousers, jacket, overalls.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_5

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_6

  • Leather . Leather clothing was no less popular than denim. Especially leather jackets were fashionable-jackets, mini skirts. Leather model necessarily complemented by shiny elements: rivets, zips.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_7

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_8

  • knitwear . Of these fabrics often sewed shirts and t-shirts. They often have inscriptions or drawings: slogans, heroes movies and cartoons, images from popular music artists.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_9

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_10

With regard to other types of clothing, it is not less popular are the following options:

  • leggings (and put them quite often with a mini-skirt);
  • tight shirt, often with shoulder pads;
  • bulky sweaters with various prints;
  • long dresses are cast shine.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_11

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_12

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_13

It is worth noting that in the 90s welcomed shine. Outfits had to be bright, garish, saturated colors.

It does not really matter if the color is not combined with each other.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_14

How to create an image?

invitation to a party 90 - it is an opportunity to plunge into the past and experience the moments of his youth listening to your favorite music and being among the attributes of the past. And therefore the image must think through carefully, so that it is fully consistent theme of the holiday.


The image of a girl or a woman on a thematic party depends on what conditions it is planned to hold a festival. If it is a closed room, then options can be a lot. One of the most sought-after jeans jackets remain, which can be combined with different types of bottoms: mini skirt and leggings / tights, fitting shiny trousers, jeans.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_15

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_16

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_17

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_18

Mini skirtsPrort of slim girls. Their color can be different as the print. Pretty popular leather black skirts, brilliant satin solutions, "Scottish" models in a cell. If the skirts for some reason do not like or are not suitable, then you can stop your choice on the dress. Especially appropriate such outfits will look at costumed parties in expensive restaurants.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_19

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_20

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_21

Dresses that are suitable for the holiday in the subject of the 90s may have many options for cutting. Very nice looks at the free mini-models sent to the waist with a wide shiny belt. No less interesting choices will be products in the style of minimalism of the 90s. These are dresses of different lengths, monophonic, most often black or white.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the outfits had some spectacular detail: a large neckline, an incision that opened his leg to the thigh, asymmetry, an unusual print.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_22

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_23

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_24

If the party passes in nature or street, then The best option will be the street sports style. . He involves sports swelling swelling and tight leggings. There is another option of such a style: a slight shirt, a spacious sports sweater and sports pants, pulled on ankle rubber bands. An excellent addition to such a form will be Bag Banakani.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_25

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_26

Now consider a few relevant, and already ready-made bows for the ladies.

  • Jeans shirt . Checkered shirts became incredibly fashionable thanks to Kurtain Kashin. Coloring can be different, but bright options are preferable. From the shoes you can choose moccasins or sneakers.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_27

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_28

  • Bomber with mini skirt. The combination that is popular today. Bombers are recommended to choose saturated tones, skirts can be monophonic. Very popular leopard print. On your feet you should wear outdoor stiletto sandals.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_29

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_30

  • Rough with mini skirt. One of the best combinations is relevant at any party. At the same time, it is better to pick the crucial to pick up a shortened, and the skirt is with a high waist. So shoes and any shoes on a wedge look like perfectly.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_31

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_32

  • T-shirt with denim overalls. A T-shirt in this Luke must necessarily be fitting and with a print or pattern from the 90s, and jumpsuit - denim. From the shoes you can choose sneakers or models on a wedge.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_33

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_34

  • Dress with shoes. It would seem that lovely little baby doll dresses cannot be combined with rude and heavy shoes. This is not the case: even in modern fashion, the brutality is successfully adjacent to the tenderness, creating unique and very beautiful onions.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_35

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_36


The male fashion of the 90s was very similar to the feminine: it was also attended by bright and rich, sometimes incompatible colors. . One of the most popular items of the wardrobe was a raspberry jacket: he could be seen on leading various programs on TV, and on the street, and even in a working environment. Supplemented it with anything: jeans, classic pants, sports pants.

Raspberry jacket - Absolutely win-win option for the thematic party, and not only men can dress up in it, but also boys.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_37

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_38

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_39

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_40

Second classic solution - Boys sweater. For him, they also put on whatever, and combined with any comfortable shoes. By the way, such sweaters were considered a unisex style, so they were worn and women and women. Uncomfortable, hot and slightly spiny products fell to taste almost every guy and a girl from the 90s.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_41

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_42

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_43

Of course, at that time, no self-respecting man could do without a sports suit. It is now similar products only for a hike on nature, and it is not always, and then it was a real fashion peak. The tracksuit is ideal for a party in the style of the 90s, and it can be supplemented with sneakers, silver thick chains and bracelets.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_44

Very popular idea - Leather Jacket. Like ladies, men often prefer the skin. Jackets can be shortened or long, they usually put on t-shirts with prints or popular actors / musicians, jeans and sneakers or shoes. Mandatory torque is a wide shoulder line.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_45

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_46

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_47

In addition to these options, you can get dressed in the following types of outfits:

  • Dark T-shirt and wide jeans;
  • Classic suit with twin jacket and wide pants;
  • Shirt, jacket and pants in a pajama style;
  • Two jackets at once: from leather and denim;
  • Pants in the cell and knitted sweater.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_48

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_49

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_50

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_51

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_52


Thinking the image to the 90s party, should not be limited to clothing only. It is equally important to make makeup, hairstyle, pick up accessories.

Makeup of the beginning and late 90s will look different. In the early 90s, very bright shadows were welcomed, rich and not always a black eyeliner, which was drawn huge arrows. Eyelashes are simply obliged to be long, puppet, opened. The lips should be made of bright lipstick - are suitable red, burgundy, plum, saturated pink tones. It is important to allocate and cheekbones: they should apply blush.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_53

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_54

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_55

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_56

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_57

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_58

At the end of the described era, the brightness gradually began to go to the background. The naturalness began to be welcomed more: Pastel and nude tones, transparent lip sparkles, gray shadows. Determine which option to choose, only to you.

However, experts are still advised to dwell on the first: it is only so possible to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the holiday and really feel out of its time.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_59

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_60

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_61

As for hairstyles, you can choose a few classic options that are popular among girls. . For example, the win-win solution will become a wig. It is done on one side, and then it is well fixed with varnish. To add impressions, the nosch can be slightly twisted with curlers. Another idea is an ordinary high tail. It should be done as high as possible, but to tie with colored and bright elastic.

An interesting addition to such a hairstyle will be bangs: it must be put on the side and fasten the hair with a lacquer.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_62

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_63

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_64

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_65

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_66

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_67

On the thematic party of the 90s Gold and silver are not welcome, the only exceptions are men's silver chains or gilding . Girls better to give preference to plastic. It can be anything: earrings, bracelets, clips. Accessories must be bright, clinging. One hundred percent fauror will produce sunglasses, and the more strange the frame will be, the better. No sophisticated options, only thick rims in the form of hearts, ovals, stars, and preferably bright shades. Points must fully consist of their plastics.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_68

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_69

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_70

It is possible to effectively add the hairstyle with the help of bulk gum. Elastic bands should be chosen by juicy, even acid tones, they can be nursed beads, rhinestones, small and large pebbles. The main thing is that the accessory is very noticeable. Another option for hairstyles - rim. Beautifully looks and wide, and narrow models, and the latter can be decorated both by stones and bulk products in the form of butterflies, hearts, colors.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_71

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_72

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_73

Mandatory accessory at the party will be a bag. There are 2 solutions: a large backpack with an abundance of keyfobs, icons, or a bulk bag, preferably lacquered, saturated and screaming shade. Complete the bag can handkerchief in color: it is observed on the neck or on the head.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_74

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_75

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_76

Finally, we will give some useful tips to those who are afraid that the image of the past years will look on them strange:

  • if there is extra weight , do not choose too baggy or tight things, stop on the clothes of free cut, but not Oversiz;
  • Girls with bulk hips It is better to choose jeans, not leggings, but those who have a form of type "apple" should not be opened with the stomach;
  • Lady, not distinguished by high growth , you can advise to wear shoes or stiletto sandals, and to them - leggings and a dress-dress;
  • High girls On the contrary, you should not wear heels: Spearly hidden growth will help legs with a contrast mini skirt, boats, long jewelry of the bead type.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_77

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_78

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_79

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_80

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_81

Beautiful examples

From the clothing that was fashionable in the 90s, you can create dozens, if not hundreds of unique and beautiful images. Let's see what the outfits will be appropriate at thematic parties dedicated to this era.

  • Losuines and volumetric sports sweatshirts. Hairstyle - only "horse tail", decorations, sunglasses are welcomed.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_82

  • And again leggings, because they fit under the dress, and under the denim jacket. In this image, do not do without major and attracting accessories.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_83

  • Brightness and incompatible shades - "Chip" 90s, which can be seen on this photo.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_84

  • Denim things - a win-win option for the celebration. The main thing is to add them to the accessories of saturated colors.

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Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_86

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_87

  • On men are equally well looking at both classic jackets with elegant scarf and sports costumes.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_88

  • The bandages on the head - the spectacular accessory, which perfectly fit into the stylist of the 90s.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_89

  • Short top, high-fiting denim shorts and bulk sports jacket - all together it creates an excellent composition for the holiday.

Clothes for a party in the style of the 90 (91 images): how to dress women and men? The image of the girls' 90s, men's clothes and costumes 18173_90

  • Men, put on the raspberry jacket, a bright shirt and sunglasses, and even complemented the appearance of a bastard, will never give others to be mistaken in the subject of the celebration.

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