Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company


A pirated style party is a holiday that will be remembered not only to children, but also adults. After all, books and films about pirates do not lose their popularity from all generations. And it does not matter, birthday is, corporate or just a party for friends - pirates love everything, and people of any age will be glad to such a holiday. You should learn how to organize and spend a similar party.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_2


Decoration of a place where the event will be held is the first step in organizing a party. The simplest and easier is the stylization of the room under the ship. Making the Hall, you should consider a number of factors.

  • Compliance with the size of the room with the number of invited. If there is a lot of guests, then in a small hall they will be uncomfortable, like a dozen people - in a huge loft.
  • Interior of the original room. For example, if the decoration in the hall of the tree or "under the tree" is suitable for styling under the ship than the typical room in neutral tones.
  • Since the ship is typically a multi-level device: a few decks, masts, hold, then the hall should be equipped with at least the balconies so that it is possible to close the stylization to the original.
  • Appropriate decor elements will be required, so you should take care of the purchase or rental of guns, anchors, steering wheel, ropes and other ship attributes. If there is time and skills, part of the requisite can be made with your own hands.

Blue curtains or film simulating the sea will look at the windows. If the hall allows, the waves can be migrated on the walls.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_3

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_4

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_5

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_6

Pirate party - an event on which most guests want to take photos. That is why it is necessary to organize the so-called Welcome zone at the entrance, that is, a photocona, where everyone can take a picture with a pirated attribution. In order for the photos to be successful, the photowon should be well lit.

If a children's party, an animator in a thematic suit must be in the photowline so that children can take pictures with a real pirate.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_7

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_8

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_9

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_10

How to invite guests?

It is a pirated party that makes it possible to create truly interesting and non-binding invitations for guests. A stylized invitation will immediately give to understand the guest, what holiday it expects him to prepare. The invitation for a feast in a pirated style can be decorated in different ways.

  • On artificially aged paper, on the form of a wind and scattering. You can purchase special paper in the vintage style, and you can soak out the usual sheets of A4 format in tea, dry (from this sheets are slightly twisted), burn from the corners and write the text of the invitation for each guest.
  • Message can be put in a bottle, turning it into the tube. In the same bottle you can pour a bit of sand or seashells, or colored sea salt. The invitation leaf itself can be seal from wax or tower.
  • A modern invitation printed on the computer is also suitable provided that the picture on it is suitable: ship, pirates, sails, parrot, treasures. The text of the invitation, by the way, can be placed on the sail.
  • For those who are well versed in the subject, you can make an invitation in the form of a black mark. On the one hand, the round label will be an image of a funny Roger - skull with crossed bones, on the other - an invitation to a party.

No matter what kind of invitation card is not selected, they all must be withstands in one style. Various invitations for different guests are undesirable.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_11

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_12

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_13

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_14

Choosing an image

It is difficult to come up with the topic that will give a bigger imagination than a pirated party. Even from everyday clothes, you can create a harmonious image: eye bandage, vest and a bandana from an ordinary person will make a real pirate. If you want to work out in more detail in more detail, you can put on a white shirt (ideally with lush sleeves), vest, Cossack boots and a triangular. A little grima - and here the captain Jack Sparrow is ready to take part in the fun! Women and girls can experiment either with a pirate image: a vest, a magnificent skirt, boots, a bright handkerchief, or the image of the sea princess: a long magnificent dress, artistically disheveled curls, headband on the head, casually suspended eyes.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_15

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_16

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_17

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_18

Well, the children always disguise in pirates and pirates, they really like the attributes of sea wolves: Eye bandages, belts with huge buckles, lace shirts, bandans with a fun Roger, tri-brings and so on. And the makeup, which can be applied for the completeness of the image, pleases all children without exception: and girls, and boys.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_19

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_20

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_21

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_22

Festive table

The holiday menu is a very important thing, it is necessary to think carefully. Pirates drink rum, everyone knows. Therefore, take care of the presence of Roma and Gina in the sputted bottles with the trusted stoppers need in advance. Ladies can afford cocktails with these drinks. If a child's party, then, of course, no alcohol. But in flasks and thick-walled jugs can be pouring juice.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_23

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_24

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_25

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_26

As for food, meat cutting (predominantly smoked and ferocked meat), assorted exotic fruits: Mango, Kiwi, bananas, pineapples, grapefruits. A bird baked entirely as a hot dish. If the party passes in nature, of course, you should prepare meat on coals or on skewers. Well, if each dish has a corresponding pirated name.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_27

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_28

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_29

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_30

For a children's party, all the dishes must be "on one bite." Children rarely sit at the table, they are generally very difficult to sit down and feed. Therefore, it is better if the food is such that the child can immediately put in his mouth all portion: canape, octopus-sausage on a skewer, small sandwiches and mini pizza, nuggets, potatoes in rustic or fries. Cupcakes and Muffins are suitable from the sweet, decorated in a pirated style. If the event is carried out in nature, you can fry on the fire of Marshmallow - children love it very much.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_31

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_32

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_33

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_34

In addition to food, you need to take care of the table serving. Seats in the form of barrels and massive tables from wide boards - what is needed to create a pirate entourage. No excess textiles - tablecloths, towels and other things - not required. You can deliver deliberately simple and rudely made candles on the tables. Forks and knives, taken like from different sets, will be organically looked.

A papers of disposable dishes with the appropriate print are perfectly suitable: skull and bones. If you try, you can even find napkins with such a pattern.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_35

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_36

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_37

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_38


As at any other party, on a pirate, in addition to treat, an entertainment program is assumed. And, of course, it must comply with the subject of the event.

For kids

There are many games.

  • Both children and adults will suit the quest "Search Vladen". Of course, the keys and tips will differ for participants at the age of 4, 5, 7 or 27 years, but the principle remains the same: the participants are looking for a treasure. If children play, it is better that the team is alone - to avoid the offense of the losers. Although at the age of 8-12 years most children, on the contrary, want to compete.
  • Adults, depending on the number of invited, can be divided into 2 or more teams. If the participants are small, then the treasure can be sideways.
  • Children from 6 years old and older can take part in the round-world quiz. It can be a team or individual game. For each correct answer, the team or the participant receives glasses, the winner becomes the one who has them more.
  • An interesting game for children is 5-6 years old, but older players are pleased to take part in it. The meaning of the game is to synchronously perform one movement to one melody. Participants are divided into several teams, after which they begin a kind of "Battle movements". You can play, as long as the fantasy dancers. It is better to choose music in the spirit of maritime themes, for example, from the cartoon "in the blue sea, in white foam", the song Mammoth, music from the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea.
  • "Fishing" - an excellent game for children from 4 to 10 years , Often, the children of 11 years old are happy to catch plastic fish floating in the pelvis, magnetic rods.
  • Competitions in the accuracy may become no less exciting. It doesn't matter what it will be: throws of crumpled paper in a bucket, throwing a loop on the mast, shooting from a water gun - such things invariably cause delight and in children, and in adults.
  • Competition for the best suit at the pirate party is appropriate as anywhere. Choosing the king and queen of pirates is an excellent completion of the holiday for both children and adults. The prize, depending on the age of the participants, can be a bottle of Roma or cakes with a cheerful Roger.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_39

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_40

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_41

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_42

For adults

For adults there are also many entertainment.

  • The game "Last Hero" I know everyone, so it can be an excellent entertainment on the corporate. Commands compete with each other, conquering totems and getting keys. The organizers should take care that the main prize that the winning team receives, collecting all the keys, was divided into several people (for example, a certificate for a collective visit to something) and was really worth it.
  • And adults and children will have great pleasure from moving games on marine topics. First of all, this, of course, "the sea is worried - once." The people of the most different age play with pleasure. Participants can also be divided into teams and show not individually created figures, and compositions on the topic "Treasure Island", "Mermaid". The team or a participant wins, who can longer hold out without movement, froze. And, of course, a living sculpture must be creative.
  • After dance and mobile competitions, you can associate in the intellectual sphere. Sea quiz - a great option for warm-up mind. The lead is asking questions, and the one who knows answers. All as in the usual quiz, only the topic - the sea, ships, pirates, mermaids. It is better if there are questions about 20-25 questions, so the participants do not get tired, and the competition will be interesting.
  • An interesting entertainment can be a game called "Black Tag". In the center it is worthwhile, the rest of the participants form a very dense circle, literally touching each other shoulders. The hands of each player are behind. One player in his hand is a black mark. Players pass the label to each other, and they do it so that the leading does not notice the transmission. And the leading should guess who has a black mark. The transfer occurs while the music plays. Once the music stops, the leading gives the answer. If he guessed, he ranks player, and the player becomes leading.
  • Everyone played on school changes in the "sea battle". And in the team "Sea battle" on a large field from Watman, with different additional tasks like a sea dance or pirated greeting a birthday name, no one will definitely play.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_43

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_44

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_45

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_46

Script ideas

In the warm season, a pirated party can also be conducted in nature, ideally on the banks of the river or lake, or the sea, depending on the region of living celebrating. Natural scenery can be slightly supplemented by the corresponding pirated-ship attribute. The quest associated with the search for the treasure, in the conditions of the "wild" nature will be even more interesting, because literally under each branch the key or hint can be hidden.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_47

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_48

If the party passes in the room, the script is usually built on the principle of alternating moving games and entertainment contests with a treat. The event can lead a lead, or it may not be. Then holding contests and other entertainment programs falls on the shoulders of the event organizers, whether it is a corporate organizing committee or a birthday room / Birthday man.

If the party is chamber in nature, and there are several people who have long been acquaintances, the lead may not be too necessary. Friends are completely able to cheer themselves alone. If the event is large, a large number of guests are invited to him (for example, a corporate company of a large company), then by tradition, the lead welcomes guests in the Welcome zone, where they can make beautiful photos of memory at the very beginning of the holiday, when they have not yet disengaged hairstyle, outfits are flawless . Next is the official part with the performance of the leadership, perhaps a concert of invited artists, and after that an animation program begins with contests and games.

The script most often does not have a clear plot, mostly everything comes down to the need to repel the attack of competitors' pirates in one competition, to shoot them in another, and also to hit everyone with their ability to dress in a pirated style.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_49

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_50

Pirate party can be held for children or for adults at home. Of course, it will be necessary to free some amount of free space for games and contests, as well as think over the interior decor. But if guests are a bit, it will be quite possible to spend even the quest. At home, parents are often in the role of animators.

The script is better to think about in advance: what time is it is left for food, what - for contests and quests (and what), what prizes winners and participants will be awarded. Then everything will pass according to the plan, and no linings will occur. When drafting a scenario, it is necessary to remember that funny contests should be alternate with serious, movable - with calm. This will help to avoid excessive activity and early fatigue of children.

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_51

Pirate Party (52 photos): Scenario for children and adults, Birthday decoration, Competitions for a fun company 18152_52

The most popular scenario of a pirated party remains a quest. It has everything: the ability to show intelligence, the ability to unconvently think, to move quickly, perform certain tasks. This is a gambling and exciting adventure, and adventures love everything: both children and adults.

How to organize a children's birthday in a pirated style, see below.

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