Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation


A distinctive feature of the pajamas-party is a combination of two opposite characteristics. On the one hand, such a party always implies serious training. On the other hand, it must create maximum comfort for guests so that they do not have the impression that all its stages are part of a carefully thought-out scenario. Pajamas-Party is considered a universal party. It can be arranged on the birthday of a child, use for the usual meeting with girlfriends. The atmosphere that will be created during the parties will enjoy guests, regardless of gender or age.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_2

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_3

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_4

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_5

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_6

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_7

What it is?

A peculiar homeland pajama party is considered to be the United States. Initially, such a format of entertainment was intended for children whose age did not exceed the mark of 10 years. Gradually, I liked the idea of ​​teenagers. They changed the traditional scenarios, but the essence of the event remained unchanged.

Now Pajama-Party is arranged not only for children and adolescents, but also is popular for organizing adult holidays (from the usual meeting with girlfriends to the student club before the wedding).

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_8

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_9

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_10

Benefits of a pajama party:

  • Minimum financial costs (as a treats for guests, sandwiches, pizza, pies, Fast Food Categories) are most often used;
  • In the style of the pajama party, you can make not only holidays, but also the usual meetings with girlfriends.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_11

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_12

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_13

Invitation options

The use of invitations for pajamas-party is optional, but with their help you can create an interesting atmosphere before the event. There are two ways to notify guests - on paper or electronically. You can make a postcard yourself, order in photosallons or buy in thematic stores. It will be fun to look invitations in the form of slippers, pillows, with sleeping characters.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_14

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_15

Advantages of using invitations:

  • Using the invitation, you can immediately notify the guest about the required dress code and the subject of the meeting;
  • A fun postcard will be remembered and will return memory to a pleasant moment;
  • A cute invitation will raise the guest's mood long before the event itself.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_16

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_17

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_18

How to arrange a room?

Pajamas-party can be held in any room. It can be a bedroom, living room, rented room. The main nuance will be the creation of a certain atmosphere and the use of thematic decor. If the party is removed for the party, then to cover the table is absolutely not necessary.

An ideal option, for example, will be a studio with sofas or warm floors. Guests can be placed on blankets, mats, among the large number of pillows of different sizes.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_19

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_20

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_21

As decor you can use:

  • decorative candles;
  • balloons;
  • garlands and confetti;
  • Phosphoric pictures glowing in the dark;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Plates with funny inscriptions.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_22

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_23

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_24

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_25

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_26

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_27

What to wear?

Pajamas-Party implies a strict dress code. Clothing should be the most home and even funny. For example, Traditional shirts for sleep, pajamas, bathrobes can be supplemented with fluffy slippers with facet beasts.

You can make a bright and fun makeup, use various accessories, such as a mask for sleep or an antistress pillow, which are put on the neck.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_28

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_29

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_30

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_31

A fashionable novelty, which is impossible not to mention, are kigurumi. They constitute overalls, the hood of which is decorated in the form of a certain character. Kigurumi can be with ears, eyes, tails and even kietsytsy. The dimension range includes models for any age. Thanks to such overalls, you can turn into a funny unicorn, a tiger, a horse or a kangaroo.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_32

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_33

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_34


For a pajama party will need several categories of dishes. For example, light snacks that will always be at hand, drinks and desserts. If Pajamas-Party implies to resolve guests overnight, then the lunch and breakfast will be needed.

It is not necessary to separate dishes into categories, they can be supplied simply after certain intervals or simultaneously set everything on the table so that the guests choose themselves how to treat.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_35

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_36

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_37

Menu options and nuances:

  • As lunch at such parties, pizza, pasta with chicken or fast food (pizza and fast food are universal dishes, which rarely love);
  • Desserts can be represented as cupcakes, pies, self-preparation cakes or shopping options;
  • Water and carbonated drinks must be in large quantities (you can add an assortment of tea or coffee);
  • chips, fruit potatoes, pieces of vegetables and fruits, drying, candy, gingerbreads will perform the role of peculiar "snacks";
  • Waffles, pancakes or toasts on a fried baguette are considered the most popular breakfast options.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_38

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_39

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_40

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_41

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_42

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_43

Script options for children

It is noteworthy that even the same pajama party scenario can be used to organize different holidays - birthday, bachelorette party, ordinary meetings with friends and friends. Variables can only be different when carrying out activities for boys or for girls. For teenagers, competitions will also differ slightly.

The advantage of a pajama party is the possibility of holding it at home and budget savings in connection with this nuance.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_44

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_45

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_46

Plan for

When drawing up an event plan, it is important to take into account the age of guests. Formally, it is possible to divide the possible options into several categories: for children 5-6, 7-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-16 years, for teenagers, for adults. Drawing up a clear plan of the event is mandatory. Points may vary in places, but to prepare for each of them you need as much as possible:

  1. meeting with guests;
  2. Easy snack and discussion of news;
  3. Funny contests or games, alternating tea drinking, use of sweets;
  4. quiet contests in a quiet atmosphere, for example, with an addition in the form of music;
  5. dancing, funny tasks (for example, battle pillows);
  6. Joint tasks (cooking dishes, drinks, you can make each other manicure).

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_47

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_48

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_49

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_50


For a pajama party, absolutely any contests will be suitable. You can choose the most active and fun options. The more jokes and fun, the better. The party should be remembered to guests and cause a long preservation of a smile on their face.

It is important to take into account the age of guests. For children, you can pick up the most movable options for adults - to focus on joyful and funny moments.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_51

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_52

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_53

Here are some examples.

  1. "True or action". Guests ask each other question: "True or action?". If a person chooses the truth, he needs to ask the most provocative question. In the event of a choice, he will have to make some cheerful or even stupid act. To invent the question and the action should the one who asks the question. You can do it collectively.
  2. "Twister". The game is of great popularity not only in children, but also in adults. It is a cloth with circles of different color. Lead twist arrow. The participant must complete the task, putting the leg or hand to the color that the arrow indicated. The game is always accompanied by pushes, funny drops, shared laugh and jokes.
  3. "Best Pajamas." You can spend this contest in the format of a kind of fashion show. Each participant must be beautiful or funny to demonstrate its outfit. You can tell something about him, compare with someone or something. The rest of the guests must choose the most original option. The winner can be determined by applause, voting or other ways.
  4. "Sleeping Beauty". A participant or participant takes a horizontal position, closes his eyes. The task of other participants is to laugh it or her. You can only do it with ridiculous stories, jokes, other actions. Physical touch to sleeping beauty is prohibited.
  5. "Merry pressing". On the sheets you need to write tasks and fold them in a box or bag. The tasks should contain indications of the parts of the body - which part of the body to which Participant to another participant should be counted. For example, "ear to the knee", "Hand to the heel". Participants at the same time occupy positions next to each other, and each of them should take part in the game. Some in this position will be difficult to reach the desired part of the body. But this is the meaning of a fun game.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_54

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_55

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_56


For a pajama party, you can use any options for games. Even the desktop entertainment is suitable, which are available in any children's or specialized store in a huge assortment. For example, The most popular can be called "UNO", "Monopoly", "who ate the cake".

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_57

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_58

There are other examples.

  1. "Wonderful bag." The essence of the game is that funny accessories need to be folded in a small bag. Next, music is included. The bag should be transmitted in a circle. When the music stops, you need to get an accessory from the bag and put it on yourself. Someone specific or all guests can be stopped and including music. The game ends when the bag will be devastated.
  2. "Socks hunting. Each participant must wear socks so that they close only part of the foot. Next, everyone becomes on all fours. The team turns on the music. Participants must catch up each other and try to remove socks from the opponent. The winner becomes the one who managed to keep both socks. You can make a game in several stages. Who lost both socks, removed from the game zone.
  3. "Pillow fight". This game knows absolutely everything. Play her love at any age. No adult woman or man will refuse to arrange a battle with a pillow with an opponent. Such a competition always delivers a lot of pleasure to participants.
  4. "Tell me Gryuk." A fun game that will also enjoy both adults and children. Its essence is that the participants take place in sleeping bags or simply wrapped up. There should be no persons in this case. The presenter, coming to a particular person, must say "tell me Gryuk". The participant must rose in response. The task of the master is to determine who the guests belongs to the sound.
  5. "Multicolored manicure." For the game you will need several bottles with bright nail polish. The participant twists the bottle on the table surface. Who indicates the cap, should make it possible to make a nail color. The game continues until several nails or all fingers are filtered.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_59

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_60

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_61

Other entertainment

On a pajama party, you can arrange any entertainment and contests, any company will find something to do.

The main condition for their selection is universal interest. Close girlfriends and friends are invited to such events, so the interests of each of them will be easy for the organizer.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_62

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_63

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_64

In this case, you can even take wedding scenarios.

  1. "Pajama photo session." This entertainment can be carried out at any stage of the event. The essence of entertainment is to make as much fun photo as possible. You can beat the task as a fashion show.
  2. "Home Beauty Salon." If the pajama party is satisfied with the girls, then you can hang ourselves and girlfriends with a fun task. All participants must make each other manicure, makeup or unusual hairstyles. The organizer must be carefully prepared for such an event. You will need bright nail polish, hair styling agents, various accessories. At the end of the event, you can make a photo session.
  3. "Guess the melody". The presenter should include music only within a few seconds. Other participants should guess who executes the song, as it is called. To facilitate the game, you can use any devices. For example, whistles, other sound tools. It is necessary in order to determine who the participants first guess the correct answer.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_65

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_66

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_67

How to arrange an adult party?

Preparation of an adult event is practically no different from the child's option. The organizer must accomplish similar tasks - to choose treatments and drinks, draw up a list of contests and purchase all the necessary accessories, take care of the interior decor and invitations. Pajamas-party are quite popular in adults. In such subjects, photo shoots are often arranged, bachelides in front of the wedding, celebration of birthdays.

Conduct an event for adults can also be both at home and in a rented studio.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_68

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_69

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_70

Interesting ideas:

  • Girls can not only be in the galatics or pajamas, but also use additional accessories in the form of curlers, fabric masks for the face, patches;
  • You can arrange a party in a single style or color scheme (for example, only red bathrobes or white T-shirts).

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_71

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_72


For a pajama party, you can make a variety of accessories from girlish materials with your own hands. For example, tents. A few pieces can always be placed even in a small room. Make a tent can be made of sheets, plaid. You can pull a large sheet from one wall of the room to another, making a kind of canopy. The idea will appeal not only to children, but also adults. Everyone can feel like a small boy or a girl sitting in an improvised chaolate.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_73

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_74

Other ideas:

  • From multicolored sheets you can make huge lollipops (for this you need to first twist the material in the strip, and then turn it on the helix, securing the end of any convenient way);
  • You can use bright disposable dishes for holidays (among the range you can find excellent options even with thematic inscriptions);
  • The use of a chocolate fountain (such a device can be leased, it represents a small tower, which continuously flows into liquid chocolate, it can be saved pieces of fruit, cookies and other delicious blanks);
  • Pajamas-Party implies many contests and games for which encouragement prizes must be thought out (for example, candy, funny souvenirs, greeting cards with fun wishes).

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_75

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_76

Pajamas-party can be carried out on any scenario. The main nuance is to preserve the mandatory atmosphere. It must be the most home and relaxed. In the process of the event, guests should not feel tension.

Ideal if the meeting will take place sitting or even lying on the floor, on the sofas, on the bed. Mandatory attributes are pillows. They will create maximum comfort and comfort.

Pajamas-Party (77 photos): Scenario of a pajama party for children and adults, birthday and other holiday, invitation 18150_77

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