How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home


A psychological feature of 10-year-old children is that such a defortion is actively and consciously interested in the surrounding reality, willingly take part in all sorts of competitions. This is due to the desire to show their abilities.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_2

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_3

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_4

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_5

What to take into account when preparing?

Children's birthday can be originally celebrated both at home and in a public place. For this, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. We are talking about the age of children, about their number and temperament. A key figure of any birthday is a birthday book, so it is always necessary to repel from his interests and preferences. It should be noted that if the guests are bored, it is not interesting will be the most culprit of the celebration.

For this reason, you need to pick up such ideas for entertainment so that the birthday room together with friends can well and with benefit spend time.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_6

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_7

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_8

Options Topic

Speaking about the time spent with the benefit, it should be noted that it is better to organize a thematic party. Then the holiday will definitely become not only cheerful, but also informative. For these purposes, you can come up with an event in a spyware, pirate, as well as a different fascinating style for children. Similar holidays with an emphasis on cognitive can be organized for both girls and boys. The party the subject may be related to the favorite cartoon or TV series.

Bright costumes and scenery in such cases only strengthen the interest of everything that is happening.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_9

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_10

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_11

For girls

Girls' favorite characters are Winx Fairies, Lady Bag, Rainbow Pony, and Other. With the help of these images, you can modify children not only to overcome obstacles, but also to knowledge of the surrounding reality. It may be a journey through various countries or in the world of nature, that in everyday life for most children seems boring. If the girl is already inquisitive, then you can simply arrange an interesting pastime with your friends, making the focus on gaming activities.

Well, in cases When I want to organize the most real thematic party, then among the girls are popular holidays in the style of the same Winx or Lady Bag.

A good alternative to holidays in the style of cartoon characters is a "sweet" party, as well as a holiday in a dance or pajama style.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_12

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_13

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_14

For boys

Psychological indicators of age characteristics of boys are not particularly different from the features of girls. The difference is probably lies in the fact that most of the boys prefer active activities than passive perception of information. As for all the rest, the boys also love bright costumes, funny and interesting games, gifts, and so on.

If we talk about a variety of favorite cartoon images, then the list here is much more. This may be justified by the specifics of interest. If girls are interested in such bright images like dolls and animals, then boys will have robots, cars, superheroes and the same animals. Bright samples are the heroes of cartoons "cars", "puppy patrol", "Ninja Turtles", "Robots-Transformers" and others.

The heroes of the cartoons mentioned in the same way as in cases with the organization of holidays for girls will not only allow the boys to their world (it is a thematic party on the cartoon scenario), but also help to introduce the guys with the world around.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_15

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_16

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_17

Mind games

It is the opinion that the holiday is intended directly for fun. But if since childhood, do not teach children to enjoy the activities of intellectual orientation, then the knowledge of the world will not be an attractive occupation for a child. The main condition in the entertainment of cognitive directivity is the age of age.

All games of the cognitive orientation can be divided into 2 groups. This is desktop and parody games. The first option is widely represented by bright printed models that are available in book and children's stores. Parody games are analogue of television gear. These include the following solutions: "What? Where? When? "," In the world of animals "," Guess the melody "," cheerful starts "and much more."

The pursuit of parents to introduce their child with new information should not go against the interests of children. It is especially important to comply with this rule when preparing for the holiday. Otherwise, the event may be spoiled.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_18

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_19

If the child is fond of music, then it is advisable to hold the game "Guess the melody". In case of acute need to make an emphasis on the knowledge of the new information, you can take advantage of the next cunning: to make a music selection, for example, about animals, and as a change of activity, give a task to tell about the animal designated in the song. So that the learning process is unobtrusive, you can use a pantomime.

For the greatest interest in the game, children must be divided into teams. After guessing the melody, an additional point gets the team that can, using a pantomime, depict the animal. As an additional task, a good option will be pleased to prepare a message about the habitat and the habits of the animal. With an insufficient number of information, the guys can complement each other or use adult prompts.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_20

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_21

Aims at cognitive interest and the game "What? Where? When? ", But its duration may be tedious to the child. So that this is not happening, the traditional televisionariant needs to be corrected for children. First, teams must sit at one table. It can be a team of the left and right side of the table.

Secondly, the question of the issue may be boring for young participants, so you need to make a note of theatrical skills in the course of the holiday. The package for guessing content can bring, for example, postman Pechkin.

So that children do not tire, you need to take breaks. It can be musical pauses or various contests.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_22

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_23

Movable contests

In childhood, nothing brings the guys as opposing games and contests. They may not only be fun and interesting, but also aimed at development. You can make entertainment aimed at coordinating movements, the development of the accuracy or cohesion of the collective. It all depends on the free space indoors.

For the holiday of the 10th anniversary, you can entertain the company Birthday company, attracting them to the funny dance numbers. It can be numbers from break dance or from the "Dancing Peoples of the World" series. At the age of 10, the staging is well underway on modern topics. It may be a "case in school", "Visiting a fairy tale", "Once on the street" and much more.

The main rule is that all tasks be entertaining and accompanied by the presentation of prizes. In addition, it can be guessing mysteries to obtain them.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_24

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_25

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_26

Other entertainment

If the holiday takes place at home, then you can make a culinary contest. To do this, it is absolutely necessary to mess with the test, although it is not excluded. You can prepare a competition for the most original salad or the fastest cooking. In homes with a large kitchen will be relevant to the contests aimed at cooking pizza. Conventional apartments are also not the reason for which the holiday at home becomes impossible.

In addition to traditional design, in the apartment, too, you can organize interesting entertainment.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_27

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_28

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_29


Consider some interesting entertainment that you can spend at the table.

  • The game "Chinese". Each child on a plate is laid out sliced ​​vegetables or fruits and Chinese sticks are issued. The task of the child - as quickly as possible chopsticks to empty a plate.
  • Team game "Aerofutball". Guests are divided into teams. Along the edges of the table put an imaginary gate. Participants take a cocktail tube and, blowing in them, try to blew the ball from the wool or foam in the rival goal. The number of commands may vary from 2 to 4.
  • The game is "yes-no". Leading makes item. Participants using leading questions should define the mandated. The presenter can only speak "yes" or "no".

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_30

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_31


In cases where there is no place to get roaring with rolling games, creative contests become a real salvation.

  • "Sonneteer". Guests sitting at the table give a leaf and handle. Children must enter a congratulatory phrase and get a sheet so that only the last word to which rhyme is selected is visible to the next participant. The last participant transmits a birthday list, and he reads congratulations out loud. The most original poet should receive a prize. A drawing contest can be carried out in a similar way. His essence will be that one participant draws his head, the other is a torso, and the third - legs. The winner is the one who can describe the resulting creature or tell a story about him.
  • "Mosaic". The guys get a coloring with a large image and cut old postcards. Children should make the image of cutting paper as quickly as possible. Wins the one whose work will be the most neat and original. Speed ​​is also taken into account. Work can be both individual and collective.
  • "Continue the song." The presenter includes a well-known melody and starts singing (you can do without it). The goal of the players is to continue singing. If the participant did not cope, the move goes to another player.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_32

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_33

A good alternative to traditional entertainment is the popularity of quests.

Possible quests

Under the quest implies the passage of the obstacle. In addition, the test should not be one-time character. It is a system leading to a single end result. Often for a birthday is arranged, for example, a quest aimed at finding a cake. If the party is thematic, the quest may be associated with the search for treasures (they can be a box with small presents for guests).

When the holiday passes in the family circle, it is always interesting to host the quest for the birthday girl "Collect Gifts". Each family member is anywhere hides his gift, and only tips are given a culprie. The end result is to search for all gifts. In the family circle, this event will remind the game "hot-cold".

It is not recommended to hold a similar quest for a birthday room if there are many children among guests. This is due to the fact that small guests will not be very interested in running in search of other people's gifts, which can cause a bad mood.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_34

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_35

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_36

If you cook the quest, then all children are interested in passing tests. The organization of such an event begins with the "bookmark" of the main present. It is desirable that several rooms are involved in the search. At the initial stage, the participants receive a letter where the first tip is given in the form of a riddle:

  • "In a dark-dark corner,
  • In the sunny side (it's about room)
  • It is worth something very large.
  • There in the very bottom
  • There is something small and square.
  • And it will be your salvation. "

Children should guess that the letter speaks about a wardrobe, where you need to find, for example, a box. It may be, for example, the key. The guys must find, from what this object, and then open it. The following test may be a set of letters from which the word is compiled. It will also be the next tip for the mystery.

The test content and their quality depends on the imagination of the event organizer. It can be various puzzles, rebuses: all that makes children think and while running throughout the apartment, find the necessary items. Quests are held both indoors and on the street.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_37

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_38

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_39

How to congratulate the child?

It is believed that the originality of congratulations lies in beautiful congratulations. Understand the words coming from the bottom of my heart, forces only to an adult person. Children 8-10 years old should be congratulated visually bright or unexpectedly. Imagine what will be the emotions of the child, if the household will meet in the morning in bright suits. The image can be any: Carlson, Cat Leopold, Pirates and any other favorite characters.

In the morning you can present not only the main gift, but also "coupons of harm." Their validity period can be any: during the day, week, month. Under the "coupons of harm" is meant that on any other day is prohibited. It may be a ban on the evening viewing the TV or overnight at a friend. Options will have each other.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_40

A memorable event will be the installation of video spending for a child. It is desirable that this was not just a chronicle of life, but a parody of a favorite cartoon or a transmission. Preparation of such congratulations requires certain installation skills. If necessary, you can always refer to specialists.

Congratulations can be represented in the form of a lottery, where the culprit of the celebration independently pulls out its present. You can diversify their list comic options, for example, "I give you a mug of a berry tea" or "I give the opportunity today not to wash the dishes" and so on.

The main task of such congratulations is to surprise during the day.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_41

Scenario example

Holiday preparation for the birthday man is a secret. Parents carefully recognize the list of desired guests, independently distribute invitations. Guests come until the culprit of the celebration is not at home. Young jubilee, returning home, does not suspect about guests there. He calls the door, the parents open, together with the guests they meet it with applause and whistle from festive whistles. Then everyone goes to the table.

After a short conversation, the master announces that the parcel was thrown into the door, where "Dasha (or any other name) is written in hand, but not to open." A letter is attached to the parcel, which reports that the address is delayed and asked for a video of the assumptions of the participants of the Content Celebration. Video filming is further stored in the family archive. Guests sniff the parcel, shake it and put forward your versions.

After that, the host carefully pulls out the encoded letter, which is either pleasantly fragrant, which is a reflection of his hostess, or is terrified (the appearance is associated with the character, which will come to congratulate in the future).

The letter may be the following content: "Dear friend, we met years ... ago (time when the jubilee first met the character). I then visited you ... (Remind of the first impressions from dating). We are with you for a long time ... (Mark relationships). In this significant day, I could not not congratulate you, because ... (specify the reason). I guessed, who am I? "

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_42

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_43

After a short assumptions, guests are offered to distinguish a bit.

  1. Competition "Dancing on ice". Participants are on the sheet of paper A4 format, their task is to dance moving dance, without tilting the paper and without falling out of it.
  2. Competition "Votokhleb". The presenter says: "You, for sure, tired thirst, is announced by the competition" Votokhleb ". Children are suitable for a special table where they are waiting for glasses with a small amount of liquid. The task of the participants - how quickly the glass is empty. The winner receives a letter with the tip: "I am sure that today there is a great team from your friends today. I ask everyone not to relax, to eat well and gain positive emotions, as you need for an important task. "
  3. Competition "Support". The task of the guys - without the help of hands to eat the proposed product. It can be fruits, vegetables or sweets attached to the rope.
  4. Game "Delived a place." Under the musical accompaniment, the guys walk around the chairs. As soon as music stops, children should sit down. To whom did not have enough space, he drops out of the game. Chairs should always be 1 less than players.
  5. Game "Beauty Salon". Children are presented billets of paper dolls or machines. They need to create the necessary image as quickly as possible on a separate sheet.

By the end of the holiday, a birthday character of the birthday character appears since childhood. He removes a gift paper from the box and takes a gift to the birthday and memorable presents to guests. For a greater mystery, you can make a box that will open from all sides.

Selecting entertainment, it should be remembered that the alternation of active and passive activities is necessary. At the same time, children should have time for free pastime.

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_44

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_45

How to spend birthday for 10 years? Funny and fun competitions at home, games for boys and girls, an example of a child's holiday script at home 18133_46

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