New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration?


The celebration of the New Year in Australia is significantly different from the celebrations both in Russia and in America or Europe. The main reason for such nonsense is the climate - the main night of the year Australians are not met in winter, but at the height of the hot summer season.


New Year in Australia celebrate most often outdoors in the water. High temperatures, lack of snow and bright shining sun turn a cozy winter fairy tale to a beach party. On January 1, January 1 is a public holiday, and therefore the official day of recreation, but on January 2, all Australians have already come to work. The main tree of the country is located in Sydney on the central square of Martin. The tree is usually installed artificial and abundantly decorated with garlands. No less attractive trees are put in the centers of Melbourne and Canberra.

Need to add that In the same Sydney at midnight in the Harbor Sydney Harbour is organized by one of the most impressive fireworks in the world. This event is so attracted to tourists and local residents that many of them additionally acquire tickets for the highest viewing platform of the city tower Sydney Tower. Rising at 250 meters above the ground level, enthusiastic people with convenience enjoy the light representation.

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_2

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_3

How to get ready for the holiday?

Given that before the New Year, Australians also celebrate Christmas, preparation for both holidays passes at the same time and lasts more than a month. In the first days of winter, all cities are held competition "New Year's lights", therefore, the inhabitants of Australia are proceeding to the creation of scenery. Public institutions are usually drawn up by shining garlands and figures of festive characters. Owners of private houses in addition are mounted on the site. Pretty expensive light-music structures. The entrance doors are universally decorated with christmas wreaths, and the streets flas out with garlands.

Living airs are brought from Europe, and artificial people are purchased in advance in hypermarkets. Some Australians are used as a festive village an evergreen metrosiderus, which does not even require a special decoration, because during the celebration of the new year, his flowers are painted in an amazing dark red shade. Next to the Australian "Christmas Tree" there are a variety of sweets and numerous gifts. Somewhere in mid-December in Australia, excursions begin to be held for everyone who wanted the most decorated streets.

The shopping centers organize meetings of children with Santa Claus, which can be asked to ask the best christmas gift.

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_4

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_5

How and what number is celebrated?

Despite the fact that the Australian New Year was celebrated on the same night, from 31 December to 1 January, it happens in the summer. The fact that the seasons in the southern hemisphere do not coincide with the European, so the onset of festive season occurs in the month, representing the beginning of the hottest time of the year, when the average temperature ranges from 25 to 30 degrees and rain is not seen. Moreover, New Year's Eve in Australia, comes in 16: 00 Moscow time, making Australians among the first in the world to "flip" the calendar page.

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_6

Festive table

Noting the new year, the Australians do not pay too much attention to the festive table. Of course, it is always organized plentiful and very tasty, but the food at the same time can be quite commonplace.

  • For residents of Australia is quite normal to eat on New Year's night well done steak, sausages on the grill or barbecue.
  • Quite often, women bake a variety of cakes, and some of them are hidden surprises: coins, paper with predictions or nuts. Those guests who will fall treasured piece is sure to be happy next year.
  • From traditional dishes on the Australian table except that you can find a pie-float - covered meat pastries, served in a bowl of pea soup.
  • By the choice of drink people of the continent are not choosy: New Year's Eve they drink champagne, local wine or even beer.

In general, I must say that for the majority of Australians are not accepted on a holiday to gather at the family dinner. Rather, they show up in the park and on the areas where, by the way, worked through the night stalls with holiday treats.

However, if so resident, for example, Sydney decided to arrange a festive date a house party for friends and relatives, he certainly will make sure that no one is left hungry and the table was shining white cloth and new instruments to attract good luck.

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_7

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_8

Traditions and customs

Celebrating New Year in Australia often happens in noisy party format. Everywhere sounds loud music and fireworks lit the sky. It is also possible masquerade format or some thematic activities. Many Australians travel to the countryside or even organize a vacation on a cruise ship. At midnight Australians raise their glasses with champagne, shake hands or kiss. Be sure to run fireworks, symbolizing the transition from the old year to the new. Everywhere buzzing horns, sounding drums and bells ringing. Australians believe that the new year will come only if it as "to ring". New events continue almost until 4am.

Santa Claus to Australia, by the way, is getting, but giving the reindeer a rest, sometimes grafted on a kangaroo or a surfboard. Gifts Good wizard leaves either under the Christmas tree or under MetrosiderSos. In response, the kids prepare for his deer carrots, and her grandfather himself leave beer pies. Despite the fact that Santa Claus is a symbol of christmas, people in the red caps and beach shorts of the same color can be found on New Year's Eve. Instead of snowy snowmen, children at this time enjoy sanding from the sand.

Morning on January 1, many Australians meet on the beach, because it is there that surfers arrange demonstration performances. Then the townspeople go to relax, walk and continue to have fun in bars and clubs.

As it was already above, most of them return to their usual affairs.

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_9

New Year in Australia: How to celebrate and what time are the Australian New Year celebrate? What are the traditions and customs of the celebration? 18099_10

In the next video you can take a look at the New Year's fireworks in Sydney.

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