Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages


For each of us, the New Year's meeting is the time when all people are waiting for surprises and a wonderful celebration. Wizards and magicians become big, and small: preparing gifts, adorn the house and green guest from the forest. How to make these days unforgettable? Holiday in a family circle is a great solution: adults and children can play together, show their talents, get joy from communication and training.

Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_2

Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_3

Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_4

Features of training

With the advent of children, the ride of life of the family changes. Weekdays and weekends are built, taking into account the schedule of the baby's day and those older. This applies to the meeting of the New Year, which is now spent at home.

In young parents, such innovations often cause a sense of discomfort - because there will have to stay at home and skip bright impressions, the opportunity to chat with friends.

To slander these days in a circle of family, we offer to organize a magic idea by attaching fantasy, a little time and labor.

Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_5

Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_6

The preparation of the children's holiday will delight the children and will help adults to switch from everyday affairs. Parents know their children better than anyone else. If the arrival of guests is scheduled, it should also be considered.

For example, it is not recommended to invite a large number of visitors to the family, where the child is completely small, - such an event will not bring joy to the baby. Let only close relatives or friends be invited.

Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_7

Several tips.

  • It is better to plan and write the scenario of the athex in advance. A plan is drawn up in a family circle, and the tips of the younger are accepted on a par with the elders.
  • Write a list of guests, among which will be both adults and children.
  • Discuss home decoration, festive menu with regard to preferences invited. Find out your parents in advance which products are under the ban, and what the child wants to visit. And, of course, select and pack gifts.
  • Be sure to remove the time for children's games, pick them up so that the guys of different ages are interesting. Be sure to participate adults in this process. Festive contests, quiz and even ordinary hide and seekers will raise the mood and erase the boundaries between the ages.
  • Help pick up the preschooler outfit, with younger schoolchildren discuss the options for clothing. For a masquerade, if it is planned, costumes are preparing in advance and keep secret from other participants.
  • Free the space around the ate, the dance is one of the New Year traditions. Why not arrange funny dancing around the forest beauty!

Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_8

Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_9

    When planning to organize a New Year's holiday, it is necessary to decide whether Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will be invited. It is important to remember that the animators for small guys should not be as noisy and clowns as for an older audience. A stranger in a bright suit with a white beard can cause a timidity of the baby and even scare. How long will communicate with a fabulous guest, depends on the reaction of the baby, its willingness to come into contact and the interest of what is happening.

    In preparation, the age of participants should also be taken into account, and the time allotted for itself. The smallest is recommended to give a small, but the most important role. If you plan to invite Santa Claus, then the gifts will, of course, will hand it. Dad, grandfather, family friend in Tulupus and with a beard will not create a fairy tale atmosphere - even kids will easily recognize a familiar face. Mystery and attaches a unique charm to the main day of the year.

    You can do without a snowy grandfather, for example, to say that Santa Claus came and left a bag with gifts. To do this, it is necessary to sew a large bag of fabric suitable color, decorate and folded gifts into it.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_10

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_11

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_12

    Successfully organize and carry out a thoughtful plan and a pre-prepared scenario for children for the new year. There are options for different ages on the network. It is interesting to come up with on the basis of proposed your own. Roles and replicas are distributed, taking into account the age and ability of everyone. Let all those present be prepared and involved.

    Select unexpected ideas for the event so that it does not look like a matinee in kindergarten or the Christmas tree in the puppet theater. For the kid, it is better to make a chamber evening without fireworks and extra noise. From a lot of impressions, small children quickly get tired, you can try to combine active and quiet classes.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_13

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_14

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_15

    Interesting ideas

    The optimal option is to prepare a flexible program in which all the main points of the upcoming celebration are prescribed, and there are several additional fragments. The main action sometimes ends quickly, then a pre-prepared list of contests and games will come to the rescue.

    Usually, The script consists of a plot that play 2 leading characters, and several modules, including tournaments, competitions and contests. For the smallest better limit to a small view with a dance around ate and presenting gifts, which smoothly go into the familiar games for them. For schoolchildren, 8-12 years old will need a more active and challenging event - Masquerade, Quest, theatrical scenes or even a small performance.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_16

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_17

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_18

    If children of different age take part in action, it is recommended to select instructions and tasks according to age. For kids, it will be reading the poem, guessing the mysteries, imitation to the music of movements of fabulous characters, for example, as the grandfather repka pulls or bunny in the forest jumps. Senior guys give the tasks of logic, questions about the intelligence and horizons, one can offer to independently draw a well-known fairy tale in the format of militant, comedy, melodramas.

    It is important to use everyone so that the cheerful mood filled the whole company.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_19

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_20


    For a holiday, which will be arranged at home, preparing more thoroughly. They decorate the rooms, make out the place where the event is planned. For a short concert or performance, make an improvised scene, and for the masquerade create a mysterious atmosphere. Guests warn in advance, you can even make special invitations.

    At costumed ball, each participant is preparing a suit, a fun story from his character or number. For the concert, they are offered to fulfill their favorite song or a scene from the film, and the audience must be guessing the artist or film.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_21

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_22

    And you can crash to the teams and arrange a competition, who is better cutting the snowflakes, the costume of a snowman will put faster, will tell the most unusual history. For victory in competitions, we give a sweet prize - marmalade, cookies.

    Inconsider the children to pass the quest in search of a bag with gifts that Santa Claus left for them. Deciding the first task, the guys find the following and so up to 6 levels. It can be verbal riddles or pictures and even photographs on which the next task is encrypted.

    The festive table for children is also part of the celebration. It is necessary to decorate it and make an unusual and memorable.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_23

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_24

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_25


    Getting to walk in the company for preschoolers and younger students are an adventure, especially if you are going to the whole family. Walking outdoors strengthen health, and the New Year's entertainment in the yard or on a country cottage is a movable and fun pastime.

    Modern children spend too much time in the virtual world, and there is no time for live communication. How do you know the idea of ​​celebrating a holiday without television and the Internet, far from urban fuss? Dress the Christmas tree on the plot, decorate the porch, spread the fire or arrange fireworks. It is important to forget nothing, leaving for a holiday from home.

    Here an open-air disco is possible around the Christmas tree, in which everything is dancing. Or you can divide into two teams and arrange a competition, who blinds the best snowman or build a fortress, will sing a song, win in snowballs.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_26

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_27

    A good idea is to spend a role-playing game, only you should distribute roles in advance and discuss the rules. Imagine yourself with astronauts that fell on an unfamiliar planet. Night sky, LED garlands, white snow will create a suitable design. Or let the cosmic aliens come to win the planet the Earth per day when the earthlings are completely losing their vigilance, and will remain to celebrate the New Year. You can not leave anywhere, but, for example, go to the rink, ride from the slide. Joint walks in the park or in the courtyard to diversify games by entering the element of competitiveness. There will be funny contests or phantas.

    After fun on the cold, it will be nice to return to the home comfort, to warm up and gather at the table. Then play the whole family in the "field of miracles", relax and chat. Everyone can take part, but questions, prizes and chocolate coins will distribute the lead. Then go to bed kids and wait for the kraist battle at the table in a circle of friends and relatives.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_28

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_29

    In other places

    You can spend the children's Christmas tree and where many children are often going to:

    • in the center for out-of-school classes;
    • at school (general education, musical);
    • in kindergarten;
    • in library;
    • In the gym.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_30

    Choose participants who will help the organizers to conduct an idea. They are assigned a role, give out words and carry out rehearsals. With the rest of the guys, they are learning a funny song or offered to break the team: come up with a name, motto, draw posters for a support group.

    An excellent idea will be a journey or quiz dedicated to the traditions of the holiday. For example, as New Year is found in the countries of the world: France, Spain, Denmark, Poland and others.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_31

    The offer to prepare theatrical representation for children may like to friends and colleagues. It is possible to organize his show in a hospital or an orphanage.

    The script for holding the theatrical performance is easy to find on the Internet. Raise the mood and charges the positive performance "Silver Arrow" - about the adventures of fairy-tale heroes in modern realities. I will not let the game program for preschoolers and younger students "New Year's Fun". Among the many existing options are selected and create a suitable for a particular event.

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_32

    We come up with the program

    The plot of the script can be different, it remains to fill it with the game program. Even if the planned event takes a small period of time, filling with its competitions and small games will be an excellent solution.

    • "Who has better Christmas tree." From white paper cut out the Christmas tree and distribute to each guest. Distribute billets, pencils and markers, glue and sparkles. Offer decorate the Christmas tree. The best christmas tree is awarded the first prize.
    • "Owl on the hunt". Choose a leading, it becomes the "owl". The rest depict different animals on their own selection. After the word "day!" All participants move and having fun. The presenter says: "Night!", And everyone gets free. "Owl" flies on the hunt, watching each other carefully. Loses one who moves out, laughs, - he becomes leading.
    • "Donashi snowball." Two representatives from different commands should chance to run to one place. Everyone in the hands of a spoon with snow (such a game is great for the street). Who turned out to be faster and did not drop the snowball, he won.
    • "Shooting snowballs." Prepare a target. On Snowball Street, real, and in the room, shells are crushed out of paper and throw, trying to get into the basket. Who has more hits in the goal, he gets the title of "Metsky himself."
    • "Snowman tagged". Two people from plasticine should make a snowman. Everyone uses only one hand, the second is tied up behind the back: one is right, and the other is left. At the whole process is given for about 5 minutes, it depends on the age of participants. Compete several pairs. Who coped faster and better, I won.
    • "New Year's auction." It is proposed in turn to call items associated with the winter holiday: snow, spruce, snow maiden, gifts and so on. Who could not come up with the next item, finishes playing.
    • "Congratulations". Offer come up with congratulations for each other. The text should start with the letter specified by the leading. For example: on "P" - "joy, success, health and happiness to you and your relatives next year."

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_33

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_34

    An entertainment quiz on the topic of the coming celebration will make it possible to learn a lot of interesting facts. Sample answers list:

    1. Joulupukka, Per-Noel, Babbo Natal - this ... (Santa Claus).
    2. What is never the same in winter? (Snowflakes).
    3. In which country first dressed up a fir? (In Germany).
    4. What do, if a New Year's Eve is a person meets one? (Put an empty device).
    5. What is Santa Claus? (Sanya, harnessed by the top of the horses).
    6. Homeland Snow Maiden? (Kostroma).
    7. What is the favorite dish near the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus? (Ice cream).
    8. When did the new year begins to Peter I? (September 1).
    9. What is the Russian traditional dance near the ate? (Dance).
    10. What gymnastic trick makes the earth by the beginning of the upcoming year? (Turnover).
    11. Why was it taken in Russia to tie the legs of the New Year's table with a rope, when they sat down for him? (They did in order for the next year the family was friendly and not separated).

    Scenarios for children for the New Year: How to organize a children's New Year holiday at home and on the street? Game program for children 8-12 years old and presentation for other ages 18054_35

    About what games to play with children for the New Year, see the next video.

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