Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional


In the past few years, among graduates and students of high school schools, the working professions have acquired popularity. This is due to many reasons, for example, a short period of learning and high wages. In today's article, we will talk in detail about the peculiarities of the profession of mechanics for the production of motor vehicles on line.

Who is that?

Initially, it must be said that The mechanic for the release of motor vehicles on line is a position that requires a producer of a large number of knowledge, skills and skills. The work of a specialist is directly related to road transport, respectively, it is desirable for the availability of interest in this area. From the mechanic depends on the health of the transport served by him. For this, the specialist should conduct regular technical inspections, to carry out timely replacement of faulty and defective parts.

It is important that in the implementation of these functions a specialist used the advanced experience of Russia and foreign countries.

Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_2

As a rule, a mechanic for the production of vehicles on a line operating in the enterprise is included in the general structure of the company. He submits to the superior management: the chief engineer, the main mechanics and the director of the fleet.

Consider several key features of the profession.

  • The need for professional knowledge and skills. To be relevant in the labor market and in demand among employers by a specialist, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate education. In connection with the nature of the work, the mechanic for the production of vehicles on the line should be theoretically littered, as well as possess a large range of practical skills.
  • Possibility of career growth. Specialists with a high level of knowledge can qualify for the best posts. So, starting from the post of ordinary mechanics to issue vehicles on line, you can take the position of head of the enterprise. At the same time, you should not forget about the possibility of opening your own automotive workshop.
  • High profit payment . Usually the salary of technical profile specialists is significantly higher than the average for the country. This characteristic of the profession attracts a large number of young people in the described sphere.

Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_3

Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_4

Responsibilities and requirements

Its functional responsibilities of the mechanic for the production of vehicles on the line on the basis of generally accepted official documents. Specialist's activities are regulated by job description and professandard. With such documents, it is necessary to carefully read even before it is officially employed for the position . This is due to the fact that for non-fulfillment or incorrect fulfillment of their duties, the mechanic may be subject to responsibility.

Consider the main responsibilities of a professional:

  • carrying out technical inspection of transport (and this event should occur regularly, and for these purposes it is necessary to make a clear schedule or plan);
  • repair work, replace faulty and defective parts;
  • identification of causes and consequences of breakdowns;
  • use of modern techniques;
  • control and monitoring of vehicles;
  • drawing up documentation (reports, technical passports and other);
  • maintenance of credentials (for example, a sheet of instrument accounting);
  • preparation of applications for the purchase of parts necessary for the implementation of the correct operation;
  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • following internal regulations;
  • Guidelines for undergoing subordinate employees.

Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_5

Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_6

It should be borne in mind that the above-mentioned list of duties is not closed. It can be complemented and adjusted depending on the requirements and wishes of the employer, as well as the specifics of the work of the enterprise. Accordingly, during the employment process, you must be ready to adapt to the conditions of the external environment.

In addition, the employer can nominate the requirements for theoretical training of specialists. Mandatory knowledge of the mechanics for the production of vehicles on line can be attributed:

  • knowledge of labor legislation;
  • Knowledge of all legislative and regulatory acts that regulate the work of a specialist;
  • Understanding organizational aspects of work;
  • The ability to read and interpret various technical documentation (for example, instructions for the exploit of machines and equipment), etc.

Based on this information, it can be concluded that Mechanic for the release of motor vehicles on line is a specialist who needs a lot to know and be able to.

At the same time, a specialist, especially in demand and relevant, it will be in the labor market, has the larger qualifications.

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Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_8

Personal qualities

In addition to professional skills and skills, personal qualities play a huge role for a specialist. Often, the requirements for personal characteristics employer prescribes in detail in the announcement of the vacancy, respectively, it is necessary to read as much as much as possible before applying for the position.

The most important personal qualities of the mechanic for the production of vehicles on line can be attributed:

  • preferably;
  • tendency to painstaking work;
  • attentiveness;
  • Analytical mind;
  • tendency to technical thinking;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • Love for technology;
  • a responsibility;
  • punctuality, etc.

Only if you combine professional and personal characteristics in yourself, you can succeed in the professional sphere. Remember that the employer hires not only a highly qualified specialist, but also a person who will fit into the already established team.

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Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_10


In order to qualify for the position of mechanics for the release of vehicles on line, it is necessary to undergo appropriate training. At the same time, your professional study can take place both on average special and higher educational institutions. In most cases, the second option is preferable, as it will allow you to quickly advance through the career staircase.

Advantages of higher education:

  • high-quality and long-term preparation;
  • The curriculum includes both practical and theoretical knowledge;
  • A diploma from the highest educational institution allows a specialist to quickly advance through the career ladder, as well as claim leadership positions, etc.

On the other hand, training in an average special institution (for example, in a technical school or college) has the following advantages:

  • Long-term learning;
  • low cost;
  • Orientation for practice, etc.

Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_11

Thus, It is very important to decide in advance with what educational institution you will do. Remember that On the secondary special, one can come after grade 9, and in the university after 11. In addition, it should be said that In some cases, and for some employers there will be enough retraining course. Before entering the selected educational institution, it is recommended to visit the Reception Commission. Thanks to this, you can find out which exams will need to pass for admission, as well as inspect the school itself, to get acquainted with the teachers.

In the process of obtaining knowledge It is necessary to take attention, responsibility and seriousness . So, always strive to get the highest points, as some employers, when taking a job as applicants, ask to demonstrate not only the diploma himself, but also an extract with estimates. It is also important to be prepared for the fact that in the process of obtaining education you will have to master a large number of complex technical disciplines. Seriously need to approach practitioners and internships. First, in the framework of these events, you can purchase the skills you need. Secondly, if you can manifest yourself from a good side, you can further get a job on the enterprise where the practice passed.

The duration of learning can be from 3 to 6 years (in some cases, this period may be increased) . After graduation, you need to undergo certification and pass the qualifying exams. Only after that you can be considered a professional mechanic to produce vehicles on line.

However, even then it is worth continuing to pay attention to your education: visit thematic conferences, seminars, lectures, etc.

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A responsibility

In addition to duties, in the official instructions and professional standard contains provisions that concern the responsibility of a specialist. So, as a general rule, the mechanic for the production of vehicles on the line is responsible in such cases:

  • Financial damage (in this case, material losses can be committed in relation to both the enterprise itself, on which the mechanic works and in relation to colleagues, customers, etc.);
  • providing unreliable information to the authorities (and this may concern both their personal data and information regarding technical or repair work);
  • non-compliance with domestic graphics, plan and work schedule;
  • non-compliance with the deadlines;
  • refusal to fulfill orders of higher management;
  • non-compliance with safety standards (labor, fireman, etc.).

Depending on how serious misconduct is, the responsibility may vary by intensity: from disciplinary to criminal.

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Place of work

Mechanics for the release of vehicles on the line can work both in private workshops and in public fleets. In general, this specialist is An integral employee of almost any motor transport enterprise.

It should be borne in mind, the earnings will depend on the place of work. Thus, the most material remuneration for their work will receive those specialists who work in private workshops in large cities. But mechanics who work at state-owned enterprises located in the provinces receive a small wage.

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Machinery for the release of motor vehicles on line: job description, training and responsibilities at work, professional 18017_15

In the next video, an interview with the control mechanic is waiting for you (the controller of OJSC "Transport"), in which he talks about labor weekdays.

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