Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television


In fact, the producer is a high professional, under the guidance of which the success of the film project is fully solved. Integrate in the project of a knowledgeable producer - it means to solve the problem more than half. Consider in more detail who is such a producer in the movie and what he is doing.


The profession of producer appeared in 1910 in American Hollywood. "Factory Gree" by that time was already a powerful industry. However, for a successful film business, it is necessary to invest money, organize, improve the technique, make massive shooting, negotiate with talented actors and others. So there was a need for a specialist who would have the skills of a merchant, fondly focused in art. In other words, it would harmoniously combine creative inclinations and a business man's challenges in business.

A significant impetus for the emergence of the profession was television. After all, the position of teleproducer is a little different from the film producer, except for the product of labor. In the developing online industry, it is also not to do without good organizers and project managers.

In Russia, the first openers of this profession were, perhaps, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko (author of the idea of ​​the new theater), as well as the "Lokomotiv of Art" S. Dyagilev, who organized the famous "Russian seasons" in Paris.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_2

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_3

Filter example, in his ideal version - the embodiment of ideologically-artistic and organizational and financial control over the formulation of the movie. If we talk figuratively, but for sure that in practice makes a producer in a movie or on television, you can, referring to the opinion of experienced workers of this sphere, reveal the essence of this work. First of all, you need to do the following:

  • determine their weaknesses and fill them with more capable people;
  • Forget about your ego, for example, if you are notal in mathematics, then find a stronger, if there are weak points in the speeches - attract the competent speaker if it does not matter with creativity - find competent specialists;
  • The main task is to choose the real team of specialists for the purpose of the real team, which will be completely able to solve it in millions of times better, better than one person rather than; Such use of the synergy effect is the right way to success!

Profession requires high leadership qualities, commercial abilities are multiple more than creative inclinations. Nevertheless, individual personalities are successfully combined by the production, directing and even acting role. Such universals are rare.

Among them are the most bright stars: S. Spielberg, K. Tarantino, R. Zeekis, N. Mikhalkov, F. Bondarchuk.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_4


Producer is a thinking organizer who speaks as a person responsible for the meaning of the film, its budget, the timing of the project. He is also engaged in the further "spinning" of the film, successfully interacting with studios and cinemas, as well as issues of management of hundreds of employees. Its main responsibilities are conventionally divided into such three production stages as:

  • predakshn;
  • actually production;
  • post-production.

The target duties of the first stage are as follows:

  • Determine the content and meaning of the project;
  • provide the budget side of the project;
  • Decide on the candidate of the director and other members of the team;
  • organize casting, together with the director, to watch the cast (sometimes it is done and the director himself, if he is a professional);
  • Determine the locations and make adjustments to the budget part of the project;
  • Determine with the operator work details and special effects;
  • carry out the necessary rent;
  • Create a shooting schedule;
  • Develop a detailed plan for project execution.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_5

At the second stage, you must perform the following:

  • Help the director with akin and fresh creative proposals;
  • solve pressing problem aspects with acting and team as a whole;
  • Regularly browse finished materials.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_6

At the post-stage stage, the following should be performed:

  • Conduct a discussion on the choice of scenes with the director;
  • View finished parts of the film after their adjustment;
  • In some cases, making adjustments to the project - removal or addition of separate scenes, creating final installation;
  • carrying out business negotiations with distributors to ensure the distribution of the film show;
  • Run together with distributors of advertising campaigns for the project.

Important! The specified position is a guidance. There are persons with the highest professional formation, with the qualifications of "Production of cinema and television" and work experience in this area at least 3 years.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_7

Functions are as follows:

  • ensuring expert discussion of the project, the tactics of its implementation, the conceptual study of the script;
  • Guidelines for the passage of his incarnation.

In accordance with the post, the following must be performed:

  • work with the authors of the project or attracted by specialists an art canvas of the product;
  • evaluate and approve a scenario plan;
  • conduct a search for the necessary resources and perform control over their flow;
  • Create a team by choosing specialists and organizing its coordinated activities;
  • Preparing shooting and editing the film;
  • control the level of conformity of the filming material of the previously thought out previously conceptual line of the film and the approved scenario;
  • participate in the adoption of the finished material;
  • organize measures aimed at studying the market, creating materials to promote the film on it;
  • Within the right to solve issues of delegation of individual functions to other employees to perform certain tasks;
  • Provide control over compliance with the rules in the field of copyright and other rights.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_8

Producer has the right to do the following:

  • take part in the discussions of the future picture;
  • to line the documentation relevant status;
  • organize and hold meetings of the Organizing
  • send requests and receive answers from structural units about actual production aspects;
  • carry out verification activities on aspects of high-quality and timely implementation of instructions;
  • suspend work when detecting violations of the received requirements, non-compliance with norms and rules;
  • give orders to eliminate shortcomings and violations;
  • Require from the leadership of measures to assist in the fulfillment of their duties and rights.

Producer can be liable in the following cases:

  • for incorrect execution or failure to fulfill their direct duties on the basis of the provisions provided for by the TK RF;
  • For admitted offenses, damage in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_9

Knowledge and skills

Producer must know the following:

  • laws and regulatory frameworks, the acts of the Russian Federation in the relevant field of activity;
  • structural structure of the organization;
  • Methodic-regulatory documentation on the issues of filmmaking;
  • Rules and technological aspects of cinematography;
  • own the theoretical foundations of director, operator art and soundoforming;
  • Voting technologies;
  • The main styles and trends in the development of world cinema;
  • market mechanisms;
  • Procedure for conducting contractual practice;
  • techniques, techniques and styles in personnel management;
  • legislative acts on copyright and other conjugated rights;
  • Basic knowledge of the foundations of TK;
  • Regulations on labor protection, safety, sanitary control and fire fighting measures.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_10


To obtain education, it follows to the specialty "Production" or related directions (project management, management, and so on). We indicate a number of state institutions where such an opportunity is provided:

  • Belgorod Institute of Arts and Culture (separation of director, acting and choreography);
  • Tyumen Institute of Culture (Department of Social and Cultural Technologies);
  • Oryol Institute of Culture (Department of Social and Cultural Activity);
  • Khabarovsk Institute of Culture (Branch of Arts and Sociocultural Activities);
  • Moscow Institute of Culture (Department: State Cultural Policy, Media Communications and Audiovisual Arts);
  • All-Russian Cinematography Institute. S. Gerasimova (Producer Department);
  • St. Petersburg Institute of Cinema and Television (Office of Screen Arts);
  • Krasnodar Institute of Culture (Branch of Broadcasting);
  • Ostankinsky Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting.

Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_11

    Related compartments function:

    • at the Institute of Cinema and Television (GITR);
    • In the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins;
    • in the Russian Institute of Theatrical Art (Gityis);
    • In the Russian Institute of Stage Arts.

    When entering: the exam in Russian, literature, sometimes universities are conducted by social science exams or on history, foreign language.

    Professional or creative tests (interviews, oral performance and other interviews) can be carried out.

    Producer in the movies: Who is a film generator? What is he doing? How to become? His role on television 18012_12

    Place of work

                  Producers usually work in film studios, on television channels or in produce centers. Independent activity is not prohibited. The key to success is constant and persistent work. Career usually begins with the post of administrator assistant (for example, on a TV channel), with proper perseverance and zeal, you can reach the executive or main producer of the project.

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