Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training


Every young man in his life faces a rather complicated choice - the definition of his future profession. Today in our material we will tell you in detail about who such a technologist and what does this specialist do during the fulfillment of their professional duties.


Technician-technologist is a specialist who at the enterprise is responsible for the implementation and development of various types of technological processes related to the production of goods.

The need for this profession arose in the 20th century, which was associated with the development of technologies. At that moment, when the production began to use complex and complex cars, and not only primitive guns, the need for specialists arose, which are well versed in the intricacies and details of various technological and production processes. Thus, technicians - technologists have become the staff, who were responsible for the production of the most identical goods.

Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_2

To date, the most important function of technology technician in production is Detection of various marriages and defects in the product. The specialist should not allow their occurrence or in a timely manner. In this regard, the person who occupies an appropriate position should be a rather wide range, as well as a large number of specialized theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

A specialist can be involved in various spheres of human activity, however Most often, technology technician can be found at catering establishments.

It is important to note that the specialist can actively advance through the career ladder and take the position of senior technology technician.

Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_3

If you think about tie your life with this profession, then you need to carefully analyze all the existing advantages and disadvantages of the profession. Only so you can take the most objective and weighted solution.

The advantages of the profession can be attributed.

  • A large number of open vacancies . Technician technologist is a highly qualified specialist who will never remain without work, as the profession is relevant and in demand in the modern labor market.
  • High income . The higher your qualifications, as well as the more experience, the more high material reward for your work you will receive.
  • The possibility of career growth and self-realization. Profession will require constant development and self-improvement.

Among the minuses usually allocate.

  • High level of responsibility. It is from the technologist that the final quality of the product depends on the final consumer.
  • Stress . Due to the fact that on the shoulders of the specialist there is a big responsibility, he constantly experiencing stress.

As you were able to make sure, the profession is not perfect, as it has some drawbacks. It is necessary to carefully familiarize themselves with them so that in the future I will not regret the professional choice made.

Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_4


Before putting forward the applicant an official employment proposal, the employer must familiarize the candidate with the job description. Besides, The future technician technologist must carefully examine the professional standard and domestic documents of the organization, which regulate the work activities of the specialist. These documents describe in detail that it makes a professional on a daily basis and what tasks are assigned to it.

It should be borne in mind that the list of duties is not closed. Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, as well as the wishes of the employer, the list of working tasks can be changed and supplemented. In this regard, you must quickly adapt to changing working conditions. In addition, there is an increased need to familiarize themselves with the above documents, as it is necessary to make sure that you are capable of performing all the functions you prescribed at the highest level.

Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_5

The standard duties of technician technologies include:

  • compliance with the rules and safety standards in production;
  • development of production processes for all elements of the finished product;
  • implementation of controlling functions;
  • compliance with standards prescribed in regulatory documentation and legislative acts;
  • drawing up instructions, technological maps and other manuals;
  • conducting reporting and accounting documentation;
  • researching;
  • application of advanced international experience in their work;
  • clarifying the causes of the occurrence of defects;
  • Elimination of marriage (if necessary).

Remember that with incorrect execution or when refusing to perform their direct official duties, you can be responsible. This responsibility can be different levels - from disciplinary to criminal.

Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_6

Knowledge and skills

Since the technician-technologist - This is a specialist who performs very important and responsible work. He must have a lot of specialized professional skills and knowledge. To them, first of all, can be attributed:

  • Understanding the technical side of the work of industrial equipment;
  • State and international standards for the production of products;
  • existing types of defects, the causes of their occurrence and methods of elimination;
  • Basics of Labor Organization;
  • safety rules;
  • The ability to conduct a document flow;
  • Knowledge of the range of products manufactured.

It should be borne in mind that if you want to move through the career stairs, it is expensive and remain a relevant specialist in the modern labor market, then you should not be limited to listed competencies. The larger number of theoretical knowledge and practical skills you possess, the more popular specialist you will.

Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_7

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when looking for a candidate for the post of technology - a technologist, the employer puts forward demands on not only professional, but also personality characteristics. This is due to the fact that a person should be both a qualified specialist and an effective team member.

    The most important personal characteristics of the technician technique should be attributed:

    • a responsibility;
    • system approach to work;
    • attentiveness;
    • the ability to independently make a decision;
    • stress resistance and emotional stability;
    • organizational abilities;
    • leadership skills;
    • logical thinking;
    • Analytical mind.

    Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_8


    If you want to get the post of technology technology, then you need to pass vocational training and acquire appropriate qualifications. Depending on the particular enterprise that you want to work, as well as from the requirements of the employer, you may need a diploma of higher or secondary vocational education.

    The specialty can be obtained in a variety of areas of preparation: For example, a technologist of printing production, a technologist in the field of oil and gas processing, a technologist for the processing of aquatic bioresources and the like. It all depends on your personal interests and wishes.

    Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_9

    If possible, give preference to the well-known and prestigious educational institutions that enjoy authority among the professional community. Before entering university or college, Be sure to visit the Admission Commission and find out all the details regarding the receipt, as well as the learning process.

    Depending on your chosen educational institution, as well as programs and areas of preparation, the process of obtaining education can last from 3 to 6 years (and longer).

    At the same time, on obtaining basic education should not stop - if possible, be sure to attend various advanced training courses, conferences, trainings and master classes to stay up to date with all the latest trends in their professional sphere.

    Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_10

    Where does it work?

    Techniques - technologists are specialists who are involved in a variety of spheres of human life. Professionals work at the enterprises:

    • oil and gas industry;
    • Food Industry;
    • welding production;
    • woodworking;
    • sewing production;
    • mechanical engineering;
    • biochemical industry;
    • printing;
    • Print products.

    Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_11

    Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_12

    At the same time, the level of salary of a specialist depends on a large number of factors:

    • specialization (the highest salary is obtained by those techniques - technologies that work in the oil and gas refining industry);
    • education and experience;
    • region of residence;
    • Specific place of work (most often experts who are involved in the private sector receive more than those employees who work at state-owned enterprises).

    Thus, it can be concluded that the technician-technologist is a very difficult and interesting profession. If you choose the sphere of human life, which causes your interest, you can exercise your creative and creative abilities.

    Technician technologist: What is this profession, salary and duties in the field of catering, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas, training 17998_13

    However, be prepared for the fact that you will need to constantly detect and increase your intellectual level to remain relevant and in demand by a specialist.

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