Machine Pump Settlements: Qualifications of Work in ETKS, Education, Responsibilities and Justice


Various production processes imply the movement of liquid substances sent by pipelines to the tank using pumping installations. So that the pumping equipment is uninterrupted, a specially trained worker is required, which will observe this process and, if necessary, be able to prevent an emergency situation in a timely manner.

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Machine pumping installations He is a specialist whose profession is related to the functioning of various systems. In the process of its work, it needs to take into account the data of control and measuring sensors and instruments to maintain in working condition the pumping equipment. Most industrial facilities are equipped with automated pumping installations, for their maintenance by machine Establish knowledge and skills with such systems. During an emergency situation, the driver must take measures in a timely manner, which are to stop supplying liquid substances. Either their movement mode changes.

To fulfill their working duties, the driver of pumping installations Must understand the design features of pumping installations To be able to detect malfunctions and, as part of their competence, eliminate them, and if it is impossible, the specialist's duties include an emergency to higher management about the presence of an emergency. Before proceeding with the work, the machine is required Instructing according to the rules of work on pumping installation and safety . Every year the instruction is carried out again. If, when checking knowledge, the specialist will not meet the established requirements, it will be removed from work. Itself can only work only after increasing the level of its competence.

Besides the briefing, the tolerance implies also Medical examination - The worker passes a medical examination before accepting work and further, annually, on the schedule installed by the employer.

The inspections are carried out for medical contraindications to perform work in the specialty "driver of pumping installations", as the labor activity of this employee is associated with vibration, strong noise and heavy burden on the joints.

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On the territory of Russia there is a single reference book, where tariffs are indicated, as well as standards of workers' professions (ETKS), according to which for the specialty of the driver of pumping installations The degrees of their qualifications from 2 to 6 discharge are provided . On the basis of ETKS, which is updated every year, all enterprises and organizations, where there are employees in staff, update and job descriptions, leading them in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

The performance of pumping stations is different, and how it is higher, the more serious requirements are made to the qualifications of specialists who serve it. The wage of the employee depends on the level of the category. The lowest paid qualification of 2 discharge. Such a specialist is allowed to work on the installation, the total feed in which does not exceed 1000 cu. / m3 per hour, but if we are talking about gas or oil products, then the feed level is allowed to 100 cubic meters. / m3.

Installations higher performance from 1000 to 3000 cubic meters. / m3 serve machinists 3 categories . To work with the feed volume from 3000 to 10,000 cubic meters. / m3 will need qualifications 4 categories And for feeding from 10,000 to 15,000 cu. / m3 driver should have 5 category. Qualification 6 categories Permits work on installations with a feed over 15,000 cubic meters. / m3 per hour.

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In total, the pumping machinist must perform the following duties:

  • implementation in industrial sites, water intakes, construction sites, as well as in the field conditions for maintenance of pumping equipment with elimination of failures and disadvantages;
  • control over the work of vacuum pumping installations, as well as their maintenance;
  • implementation of commissioning and stopping system;
  • control over maintaining the given pressure parameters in the pumping system;
  • ensuring the operation of the system without interruptions throughout the length of the maintenance section of the pipeline;
  • repair and maintenance of electrical installations, control over the load of electrical equipment;
  • accounting and the creation of reporting on the operation of the pumping unit;
  • Participation in the current and overhaul of the installation.

For independent execution of works, the specialist must have certain practical experience.

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Knowledge and skills

From a specialist in servicing pumping equipment requires not only practical skills, but also theoretical knowledge. Driver Must know the physico-chemical properties of the product which is pumped through the system, as well as possess knowledge in the field of electrical work. In addition, to service the system you need to understand the used machine oils, know the principle of operation of the pump, engine, the device of the measuring equipment.

Since the duties of the driver enters Repair and commissioning of equipment He must have skills to work with pumps of different designs, know the schemes of any communications, limit loads that can withstand equipment can also be able to quickly eliminate emergency breakdowns of technology. The operation of the driver on the pumping station requires Compliance with labor safety and fire protection measures . To know and be able to make emergency measures in the event of dangerous situations should each employee of the installation. A competent and experienced specialist should have a certain warehouse of character: attention to detail, accuracy, high level of responsibility and discipline.

A responsibility

The worker of the pumping installation in his work should be guided by a local document called "Job description" in which his duties are clearly formulated. If these duties are not executed or work is carried out in improperly, as well as for violation of labor discipline, labor protection and fire safety requirements, the employee is personally responsible in accordance with the norms of current labor legislation. When applying material damage or causing damage to the business reputation of the organization in which he carries out its career, The pumping machinist may be punished within the framework of the norms of labor, administrative, civil or criminal law.

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To work with a specialty driver of pumping installations, it is necessary to have a secondary technical vocational education. You can get it in 2 ways.

  • After graduating from 9 or 11 classes Enroll in college or technician with a technical bias, where they are trained in the appropriate specialty. The term of study will be 2 years after graduating grades and 4 years after completing 9 school grades.
  • Having Basic technical secondary vocational education , You can get additional specialization in specialized courses in institutions accredited to educate. The term of study in such training centers on average is 1 year. It is possible that this period will be less - depends on the scope of the course program and the study clocks allocated.

Training can also be prepared by specialists in order to improve the level of qualifications and increase the discharge. For machinists of pumping installations in the labor activity process, a requirement to increase its qualifications with periodicity of 1 time in 5 years is presented. The learning process may be full-time, internally or absentia, when electronic methods of the remote educational process are used. After completing the training course, the listener issues a certificate of receiving the profession of the driver of pumping systems and installations with appropriate discharge.

This document on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation on Education No. 273 dated December 29, 2012 (Article 60, paragraph 11) gives the right to exercise professional activities.

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Where does it work?

A specialist serving technological pumps and compressors, as well as pumping stations, can be in demand in the following economic and industrial areas:

  • Agriculture;
  • Gas and oil industry;
  • industrial water intake;
  • construction sites;
  • operation and maintenance of water-heating installations, boilers, pipelines, heating systems, steam manifold, deaerator;
  • processing and coal mining enterprises;
  • Production workshop shipping liquid finished products.

Specialist salary depends From the scale of production, skills of a specialist and the volume of productivity of the pumping unit. Often pumping stations are located in adverse climatic areas, for example, in the extreme north. In this case, the employee receives a salary and certain benefits.

Minimum earnings rates range from 30 to 35,000 rubles. Average qualification specialists earn from 40 to 60,000 rubles. Maximum earnings from experienced specialists can reach from 60 to 100,000 rubles.

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