Maintenance engineer: Responsibilities in the work job instructions, where to undergo training, profession


The control and measuring equipment engineer performs the repair of all electronic devices, makes timely testing of their condition and maintenance. Thanks to vocational education, the engineer is able to improve the supply of equipment in each manufacturing workshop, this employee collects information issued by automatic devices and receives an idea of ​​the method of using electrical energy.

How to get the profession of engineer of kipia, what are the functional responsibilities of this specialist and career prospects - we will tell in our review.


To begin with, we will stop on the decoding of the abbreviation of the kipia, it means Control and measuring instruments and automation. Thus, it can be concluded that Kipovets Engineer is a division specialist who is responsible for the performance of all enterprise sensors and instruments. These can be water meters, thermostators, frequency converters, as well as pressure gauges, pressure and many other automatic meters - Kip engineers carry full responsibility for maintenance of these devices, their repair and recovery. The specialist of this profession is responsible for the introduction of modern technological innovations and the configuration of computer equipment.

Engineer of kipia is a guiding position, in submission of this specialist are designers, electricians and adjustments. A person who has a certificate from Rostekhnadzor on working with electrical equipment is assigned to this position on the basis of certification. The candidate for a position should have a higher technical education, the demand for labor experience is not presented.

However, so that a person with secondary technical education can claim the position of engineer of kipia, it should work for at least 3 years on the position of the first discharge technique or at least 5 years in related technical positions.

Maintenance engineer: Responsibilities in the work job instructions, where to undergo training, profession 17963_2

Maintenance engineer: Responsibilities in the work job instructions, where to undergo training, profession 17963_3


In accordance with the existing ECTC, which establishes professandards, engineer plot performs the following functions:

  • Provides the profile operation of the instruments;
  • conducts research and diagnostics of equipment;
  • if necessary, repair and restores the functionality of the failed electrical appliances;
  • carry out the adjustment of automated elements, production lines;
  • fixes the parameters of the devices, processes the results obtained and on their base amounts to protocols and other planned documentation;
  • develops a set of measures aimed at improving the operational parameters of technology, safety safety and production efficiency;
  • is a scheme for removing equipment from work during its breakdown, as well as reverse administration to the general production process after the repair;
  • coordinates with the contractor acts reconciliation on repair work;
  • takes part in the suspension of the equipment, as well as a re-launch in the case of preventive work;
  • In the deadlines, it carries out technical certification of electrical appliances;
  • provides external services for the conversion of production workshops in accordance with new modes and regulatory documents;
  • maintains a registry for timely feeding all necessary checks on checking;
  • Forms a production application for the purchase of measuring instruments necessary for the production process, their components and other necessary resources.

During the delivery and adjustment of the equipment, the engineer of kipia performs the following task:

  • Checks the presence and authenticity of certificates, as well as the passport of electrical appliances, clarifies the correctness of their design;
  • analyzes all proposals coming from subcontractors;
  • Attracts the installers to work, provides employees of assembly companies access to equipment.

Maintenance engineer: Responsibilities in the work job instructions, where to undergo training, profession 17963_4

At the installation and connection of electrical appliances, Kip Wovets is responsible for the following types of work:

  • Makes a service report on the need to make new codes into the system of internal electronic document management;
  • Fills data on goods and services in the current electronic system;
  • produces contracts with a contractor, scans all the necessary constituent and permits of the Contractor, coordinates with lawyers and higher managers a draft agreement with the specifications attached to it;
  • Checks the functionality of the purchased electrical appliances, when the declared parameters are insecured, the contractor complaints.

In addition, engineer of kipia:

  • Periodically removes data on the operation of the equipment used;
  • In the case of an exit of electrical appliances, defective statements forms;
  • Warning a guide on the risk of the emergence of the foci of accident and fire-hazardous situations.

Specialist in this post has the right to stop the equipment in order to repair it . In addition, it regularly reads the incoming primary information, it carries out its systematization, analysis and processing, and also performs the required calculations. An engineer of kipia in accordance with the job description is supervised by drawing up working reports, as well as tables, diagrams and graphs based on data obtained from electrical appliances.

In addition, the specialist of this position is involved in drawing up personnel documents and reports reports to statistical authorities.

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Maintenance engineer: Responsibilities in the work job instructions, where to undergo training, profession 17963_6

Knowledge and skills

In order to fulfill their professional duties, The leading specialist of kipia should know:

  • technical, as well as economic and design parameters of equipment when operating in the accident mode or during repair and restoration work;
  • approved regulations of industry electrical installations;
  • Methods and methods for visual assessment of electrical equipment efficiency;
  • mechanism for calculating electrical equipment parameters;
  • methodology and toolkit for all necessary measurements;
  • a combination of existing methods used to obtain data, their processing and subsequent transmission to higher structures;
  • standard work with computer equipment;
  • The basic principles of economics and ergonomics in the field of work of the manufacturing enterprise.

Engineer Kipovets should be able to work with specialized programs on a PC, and also have the skills of diagnosis and adjust automation. This employee should know all security requirements in the enterprise related to the use of individual protection products, as well as fire safety standards.

An additional bonus is knowledge of labor legislation and legislation in the field of environmental protection.

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As for the training of a candidate for the post of engineer of kipia, then secondary education, even professional technical here will be clearly not enough. At the end of the technical school or college, a young specialist gets a qualification of a locksmith Kip, it does not allow him to take the position of engineer. If a person wants to have a high category, he should take care of obtaining higher education. Graduates of polytechnic, energy and technological universities, in words, any educational institutions that give full-fledged technical education may apply to the specialty of the engineer of kipia. The names of the programs that can be applied to the position of the engineer, usually sound as follows.

  • Management in technical systems.
  • Automation of industries and technical processes.

The training period is 4-5 years. During the period of training, a specialist of kipia receives profile knowledge of physics, mathematics, information technologies, mechanics, design, as well as automation, hydraulics and electrical engineering. In Russia, there is a fairly wide list of technical universities with a good reputation, so you should not worry about learning. Modern institutions offer both day and absentee training for engineers.

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The second option is optimal for those who have already graduated from college or technical school and got a job as a monter or a locksmith and plans to continue to make a career engineer. Due to the passage of absentee training Young specialist can get the necessary education without separation from production However, in this case, the training period will last for a year longer. However, a mechanic with secondary education also has the opportunity to acquire the desired profession even without study in the higher educational institution. If a person has worked for several years by profession, then he can go to specialized training centers at any time and go back there on retraining courses. After passing classes, certification is held - A document is issued that allows you to qualify for the post of engineer.

In the functionality of an engineer of kipia, one of the main tasks is to maintain the trouble-free operation of all electrical appliances. That is why, regardless of the professional category and employment experience, every three years, a specialist should be certified on labor protection issues. This specialist has direct contact with the working devices and during the fulfillment of professional duties is the danger of electrical shock, gas poisoning, burns and other health risks.

In addition, the engineer is responsible for the activities of his subordinates, if necessary, he must be able to provide first aid. As part of retraining, he receives fundamental knowledge in the field of electrical safety.

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Automated systems are available everywhere where any devices are used, therefore the profession of the engineer of kipia is truly universal. It does not have absolutely no meaning, this person will work in the boiler room, the construction industry or production - this specialist can always choose for himself the place that will give him. However, in most cases it is HOA, ACS TP, as well as enterprises associated with automation and instrument making.

In the course of its work, the engineer contacts other services. So, employees give him information about the malfunction of individual devices or the entire line. Specialists of the measuring units convey schedules of planned and unscheduled service, as well as information on the timing of early overhaul and commissioning work. Functional employees receive defective acts from the engineer with estimated calculations.

The work of an engineer of kipia is estimated by the speed of correction of malfunctions, as well as the smoothness of the equipment, compliance with all the schedules of repair and inspection and minimizing downtime in work. On average, in our country, the salary of Kipovits Engineer varies within 45 to 50 thousand rubles. Specialists in Moscow and St. Petersburg receive the highest salaries, after them there is a Republic of Bashkortostan.

IMPORTANT: Applicants entering the technical university must clearly understand that only those people who do not have serious health problems can be taken to the position of the engineer. . If the applicant has problems with coordination of movements, vision and hearing, as well as the pathology of the cardiovascular and nervous system or a disease in which a person can suddenly lose consciousness - they will not take it to the position of an engineer of the kipia.

If the applicant is not able to be at high height for a long time - it will also be an obstacle to the occupation of the desired position, since a set of professional duties is often related to high-rise work.

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