Operating Engineer: Official instructions for work, duties of engineers of equipment and vehicles, gas objects and other specialties


It is usually considered that engineers only create new machines and devices or control their creation. But the operating engineer is knocked out of this series. Learn the main features of the profession, the provisions of the instructions and other subtleties are useful to everyone who decides to associate themselves with this work.

Who is that?

First you need to figure out the essence of myself. An operating engineer, as follows from the name, controls the technically competent use of various equipment, communications. He is responsible for ensuring that all objects that fall into his maintenance worked immaculate in any situation. Under objects may be understood:

  • residential, office, industrial and other buildings;
  • individual machines and devices;
  • Production lines;
  • transport, energy, information communications;
  • Life support systems;
  • Security and emergency systems;
  • Vehicles and equipment installed on them.

Operating Engineer: Official instructions for work, duties of engineers of equipment and vehicles, gas objects and other specialties 17950_2

Pros and cons profession

It is obvious that such a wide field of activity opens solid employment prospects. The engineer can operate in any region of our country, in rural areas and in cities, public and private organizations. And even abroad. The need for specialists of the economic plan is not reduced, but is growing, because the total number of used equipment is only increasing. Improving technical systems allows you to constantly grow in a professional plan.

But there is, of course, the negative sides. Responsibility of the Operation Engineer is very large . And he cannot console itself with thought, as a designer engineer that someone else will deal with problems and errors. From such an employee is often waiting for a "miracle" - so that "how the clock" worked strongly worn, poorly thought-out facilities and structures. The working day is not always normalized. You have to control every trifle . You will also have to study all new and new professional information. Otherwise, it will not be possible to evaluate the current situation. And the slightest mistake threatens sometimes not only financial costs, but also more serious losses.

Much depends on how an employee will put himself in relation to subordinates how well he will coordinate their work - and this is very difficult.

Still worth noting:

  • the fascinating nature of a number of tasks, elements of creativity;
  • the ability to work even people with disabilities;
  • Increased risk of injury and harmful effects of workers factors.

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Official duties

Typical instruction manual engineer says that it refers to the number of specialists, The responsibilities of which usually include such items:

  • the management of the daily technical operation of the object or group of objects;
  • providing technical assistance to employees of other services and structural divisions of the organization;
  • drawing up and adjusting plans, repair schedules, surveys;
  • control of the correctness of the use of equipment;
  • study of measures to improve the reliability of technological infrastructure;
  • timely elimination of disorders during operation (independently and / or using subordinates);
  • facilitating the preparation of applications for equipment, various material resources, spare parts;
  • the distribution of the necessary funds and material resources between the workshops and other divisions;
  • drawing up operational, repair and emergency instructions;
  • control of the execution of the main operational requirements;
  • tracking that in the workplaces always needed the desired schemes and drawings, if necessary, so that they are adjusted;
  • preparation of conclusions regarding rationalization proposals and inventions;
  • participation in certification of jobs;
  • Summary of experience of positive and negative exploitation, creative application in the future.

Also engineers:

  • Participate in commissions to investigate any abnormal situations;
  • Consider accidents and failures, prepare reports and reports on them;
  • follow the execution of protective, anti-emergency and repair measures;
  • adopt new and renovated, renovated property;
  • Consider and coordinate construction, assembly, restoration projects;
  • help monitor the observance of environmental parameters;
  • Participate in training to identify and eliminate abnormal situations, their main consequences.

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The main provisions that the engineer must comply be consistent with the workshop on building maintenance. The specialist should be constantly ready to occur when the emergency brigade will be needed. In this case, he must interact with them fully. And for this you need to understand at least:

  • A complete list of dangerous and harmful factors, points on the facility;
  • key risks for major structures, equipment and technical systems;
  • degree of wear of fixed assets of the object;
  • staff schedule of the organization;
  • measures that are accepted to prevent and eliminate emergencies;
  • The main features, structure, powers, methods and ways of operation of emergency rescue services, formations;
  • First aid rules.

Like any other engineer, it is very important to have the skills of working on the Internet, be able to use the computer and its software for professional purposes. It is necessarily important to understand the language of drawings and schemes, formulas and graphs.

Operating Engineer: Official instructions for work, duties of engineers of equipment and vehicles, gas objects and other specialties 17950_5

The order of operation is determined by a number of documents As in the scale of the structural unit and the organization as a whole, region, departments, countries, even internationally. All this should be known clearly and in topical versions. Still requirements for the operation engineer include the ability to always turn the situation with minimal costs and with maximum benefits.

He needs to own:

  • the skills of the preparation and reading of the working, design and design documentation;
  • common workshoot skills;
  • ability to coordinate the work of many people and structural units;
  • the ability to control the work of work at the facility, identify the shortcomings and find the right ways to eliminate them;
  • the main information on the technology of work, about the associated hazards and risks;
  • methods of visual, instrumental examination of technical systems;
  • methods of destructive and non-destructive control of the health of these systems, their individual parts;
  • rules of operation of specific equipment and property;
  • Requirements for verification of various property and tools.

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You can go through the engineer on the engineer in various educational institutions of our country. But among them it is worth highlighting:

  • St. Petersburg University of Industrial Technology and Design;
  • MEI;
  • FEFU;
  • Samara Research University named Queen;
  • Bashkir University;
  • MISIS;
  • MSTU;
  • Stankin;
  • Pacific State University;
  • Voronezh Technical University;
  • Kazan Research University named after Tupolev.

Operating Engineer: Official instructions for work, duties of engineers of equipment and vehicles, gas objects and other specialties 17950_7

Where can I work?

As already mentioned, the work of the operation engineer is very widespread. In fact, he can find a place wherever it comes to a particular equipment. It is not only about industry (although such a position is usually concerned with the service or department at an industrial enterprise, on an energy or transport object). Operation engineers are needed even in cellular companies. There their main role is to maintain the health of base stations, without which any such company does not have the slightest value.

But at all, it is not necessary to raise somewhere on the roof or on the tower systematically. Modern telecommunication firms are highly dependent on servers and computer networks. And to care for them, it is impossible only at the program level. And again appears the figure of the engineer. Another place where it can be defined - this is any organization in the field of vehicles.

Machines can carry people, various loads or used for technological operations in place - the same wells drilling or roads sweep. But all this is unthinkable without fulfilling all components. And for structures, the car service tool constantly follows. And one more not quite expected at first a place for an operating engineer is work at school. After all, there are also large buildings with a serious technical equipment. And for all such components it is necessary permanent, close control. Especially if we talk not about the usual, but about a specialized school - flight, automotive, sports and the like institutions.

But if you go from school classes to the office business center, then there is no choice without an instruction engineer.

Operating Engineer: Official instructions for work, duties of engineers of equipment and vehicles, gas objects and other specialties 17950_8

Only he will be able to ensure normal operation:

  • ventilation;
  • elevators;
  • distribution networks.

Of course, such a specialist is also waiting in firms for the production, repair and commissioning of the relevant equipment, as well as in communal services. You can not forget, by the way, about servicing ventilation systems in industry and other areas where there are special risks. For example, somewhere it is unacceptable to hit even small particles from the outside (as in the "clean room"). And somewhere else (for example, in the biological laboratory) already dangerous emission of infected air outwards. All this and many other nuances can be taken into account only by a specialist.

And what to talk about the exploitation of oil and gas objects, oil and gas pipelines, petroleum products, storage tanks, distillation columns. The combination of huge amounts of combustible and exploding, sometimes direct toxic substances with high temperatures and pressures require a sophisticated balance. And again the prepared engineer will help minimize the risks, achieving efficient work. The same applies to the machine-tractor fleet in road and utilities, in the field of agriculture. Sometimes it is worth overlooking just one car or even the only spare part, and the work of the whole organization for several months is threatened.

If an engineer is even not enough, he can try himself as well:

  • at airports;
  • at train stations and bus stations;
  • in river and seaports;
  • on military and special airfields;
  • on shipper
  • in managers;
  • on power plants;
  • on mills;
  • in amusement parks;
  • in shopping and shopping and office centers.

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