Accountant-economist: responsibilities and job descriptions. What is this profession? What is your training and what specialty? What objects need to take?


The choice of profession is the most important decision in the life of every person. Before finally, decide on the profession, it is important to explore all the features of the career path of the specialist. Today in our article we will talk about the accountant-economist profession.


Profession accountant economist is Very sought-after. A person who claims to this position must comply with the requirements of a special document, which is called Professandard, have a large amount of skills, skills and knowledge. Consider several characteristic profession features. So, first of all, it should be noted that high-class and experienced industry experts receive high material reward for their work. Wages exceed the average indicator, which attracts many young people. On the other hand, high material remuneration should be compensated by a clear consequence of the job instruction, as well as the possession of a large number of competencies.

If you want to get such a specialty, then keep in mind that Work is associated with a large number of risks and stresses . At a specialist to fall a big responsibility, as it works with material benefits. The demand of the profession in the labor market is due to the fact that an accountant-economist is a necessary specialist at any enterprise (both small and large-scale). Most of the work is connected using analytical abilities. In addition, an accountant-economist Constantly communicates with colleagues, bosses and customers. Accordingly, the requirements are put on demand not only about professional skills and skills, but also relative to personal qualities.

The optimal combination of personal characteristics will help you perform your work as well as correctly and efficiently.

Accountant-economist: responsibilities and job descriptions. What is this profession? What is your training and what specialty? What objects need to take? 17946_2

What does it do?

All responsibilities and tasks that accountant-economist perform on a daily basis are registered in the job description. This document needs to be familiar with even official employment: for example, on a personal interview. He will help you soberly appreciate your capabilities and understand whether you will cope with all the requirements of the employer.

So, the accountant's functional responsibilities include:

  • Implementation of the economic plans of the organization;
  • development of financial and economic policies of the enterprise;
  • analysis and control over the current activities;
  • work with primary documentation;
  • work in specialized computer programs;
  • permission of current issues and difficulties;
  • creating business plans;
  • accounting, analysis and audit;
  • reporting;
  • Conducting calculations and calculations;
  • control over the use of material resources, etc.

It should be borne in mind that, depending on the specific place of work and the requirements of the employer, the activity of an accountant economist may have specific features. That is why you need to be ready to adapt to one or another conditions.

Accountant-economist: responsibilities and job descriptions. What is this profession? What is your training and what specialty? What objects need to take? 17946_3

Necessary skills and knowledge

To effectively and efficiently do its work, book-economist Must own a large number of skills, as well as possess a wide range of knowledge.

Specialist should know:

  • The legislative base of our state (and in the case of work in the international company - also foreign countries), regulating accounting and economic activities of enterprises;
  • forms of accounting;
  • the procedure and principles of documentation;
  • methods of conducting economic analysis;
  • trade accounting (including the principles of shipment and sale of goods);
  • tax law;
  • methods of maintaining economic activities that correspond to the market in which the company's activities are carried out;
  • regulatory acts regulating labor relations;
  • Rules for labor protection, etc.

Accountant-economist: responsibilities and job descriptions. What is this profession? What is your training and what specialty? What objects need to take? 17946_4

Accountant economist should be able to:

  • work in specialized accounting computer programs (for example, 1C);
  • manage the team;
  • apply theoretical knowledge in practice (this applies to both regulatory acts and accounting principles);
  • be able to navigate in electronic legal systems;
  • Have the skills of efficient information processing (first of all know the methods of analysis and synthesis), etc.

It is also important to say about the necessary personal qualities of a specialist. Among them:

  • stress tolerance;
  • a responsibility;
  • leadership skills;
  • teamwork skills;
  • readiness to make decisions and be responsible for them;
  • punctuality and discipline;
  • Performance, etc.

Accountant-economist: responsibilities and job descriptions. What is this profession? What is your training and what specialty? What objects need to take? 17946_5


In order to take an accountant-economist, It is important to pass the appropriate training. . Similar specialty can be obtained as an average professional institution (for example, in college or technical school), So in the institution of higher education (for example, an academy or college). So, first of all, it is necessary to choose an appropriate educational institution, in which there is a similar direction of learning and faculty. If possible, give preference to the capital universities and custodies, as they enjoy great respect from the employer, besides, you will have a chance to work out and entrenched in the capital.

An important preparatory stage is a visit to the Admission Commission. At a personal reception at a specialist, you can clarify all the questions you are interested in, and also to deal with what items you need to pass in order to pass the competition. Please note that this specialty is very popular among applicants, so you will have competitors. The term training may vary, but the minimum you have to go through 3 years of study in the establishment of secondary special education. Obtaining a master's level can take about 6 years, but will allow you to advance the career ladder faster.

In the learning process It is recommended to be as serious as possible and responsible. - Some employers in employers may require you to make an extract from the test book. In addition, practices and internships, which are an integral part of the educational process and help you get the experience needed for future work. Also (in the process of its working activity), an accountant economist should constantly improve its qualifications, increase its knowledge and expand practical opportunities. For this Recommended Attend specialized seminars, trainings, master classes and workshops. So you will constantly know all trends. It should be concluded that Accountant economist is a difficult and responsible profession, to master which not every person can be able.

However, if you have the necessary personal qualities and are ready to develop your skills, as well as for a long time and diligently, in the end you will be able to become a high-class specialist who will be in demand among employers.

Accountant-economist: responsibilities and job descriptions. What is this profession? What is your training and what specialty? What objects need to take? 17946_6

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