Designer artist: features of work, training and job descriptions, functions of the artist-designer of jewelry


The artist's profession has been many centuries. Drawing people appeared in the Stone Age, but to get a remuneration for this much later. At first, artists were exclusively informative, then began to paint at home, create jewelry, clothes, and so on. In modern life, the profession of fashion designers, designers is most in demand. The artist-designer is one of the most popular professions according to the conclusion of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Features of the profession

The artist-designer is a very surround concept, because modern design includes a huge number of directions:

  • clothing designer;
  • graphic design;
  • landscape design;
  • Ceramist artist, interior designer;
  • Polygraphist designer and so on.

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The size and format in modern design is small. A professional can create any products starting from the postage stamp to huge signs, sculptures, buildings. The designer today can take single orders, work in freelancing or create on a national scale for a million-line audience. The artist-designer today must be able to not only create, but also sell, and sometimes teach. This profession is associated with visual content, its goal is to create a concept that will be useful to people in different context.

One of the foundations of the profession is to accurately understand the desires of the client, the task that is delivered, and recreate the visualization depending on the type of design. Select designers of several levels:

  • Junior designer who has already passed the trial period, but having a small experience of practical work, the first level of competence on which knowledge of theory and basic skills is checked;
  • Designer - already has a portfolio, there is an experience of about 3 years;
  • Leading specialist - with good experience, can teach;
  • The art director is capable of incarnating the most complex projects, the competence is high.

The word "design" is translated as an item that needs to be designed, that is, this is a visualization language that is used to create something. The artist-designer is a creative profession in which there is a creative place, its ideas.

Professional has its own style, income in this direction can be very high. In addition, you can very quickly reach a fairly high level and work yourself.

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Official duties

The functions that modern designer artist performs are very diverse. This largely depends on the direction of work, the job instruction in each case is its own. For example, jewelry designer and landscaped artist have completely different duties in the instructions. Perhaps, The only requirement that unites modern professionals is the knowledge of the computer and the ability to work in the relevant programs.

According to the job instructions, the designer artist must deal with various objects. His task is to make items more interesting, original. You must be able to look at the usual things in a new way and to convey your view to people. Regardless of the specialization, the designer must be able to:

  • Develop concepts, generate ideas in graphic execution, visually;
  • create projects, posters, sketches, layouts;
  • Imagine them into life.

For example, the task of the jewelry designer is the development of a sketch of hours, decorations of precious metals. The responsibilities of such a specialist include:

  • generation of ideas;
  • creating a sketch on paper and electronic media;
  • formation of a 3D model;
  • Supervision over the execution of a trial product.

It is necessary to know the knowledge with which the specialist works, their properties, painting, drawing art, designer skills. It is important to know everything about the design, have a creative look at things.

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Personal qualities and professional skills

Between designers and artists there are a lot of points of contact. All of them work on the principle of graphics, but artists are creating for self-expression, only their ideas generate. Designers decide practical tasks, become intermediaries between the audience for which the products and the customer are intended. This profession is in demand and brings good profits, but also requires a certain qualities. Not every person can be a good designer.

The modern designer artist is at the junction between creativity, digital and computer technologies. But knowledge of technology and programs is not enough, the most important thing is to create an idea and reporting it to the audience in understandable. It is necessary to be ready to continuously develop, study new methods, concepts, be ready to grow. Regardless of specialization, designers do not work in a vacuum space, they should be aware of everything that appears in a particular sphere.

Among the basic qualities that the designer must have several.

  • Observation . You need to be able to see and save in memory images, solutions, record, fix them. Without observation, it is impossible to be improved.
  • Listening skills. Only an active, interested hearing can help understand what people really want. But the ego and confidence in their flawlessness will only harm.
  • Love for the subject. The costumes artist must adore clothes, landscape designer - nature and gardens.
  • Trainability. This has already been written - a professional is always in finding new ideas and solutions, and this is impossible without development.
  • Understanding context. The task of the designer is to give things the meaning, to determine significance, understand their relevance.
  • Ability to make decisions . Without this, you will be trapped in place and you will not be able to solve problems.
  • Communicability. You need to be able to communicate, write, convey information, advertise yourself, work in a team.
  • Creativity. This quality, many consider the most important and no accident. A professional designer does not depend on stereotypes, imposed opinion, he is always looking for his creative way.

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Where are they taking?

In addition to practical experience and personal qualities, basic knowledge of the profession is needed, its theory. It is necessary to understand the principles of design, regardless of which specialization work is planned. Educational institutions can be traditional, remote, higher and secondary qualifications.

In addition to the system of universities and casuals, there are now a huge number of training seminars, courses, trainings, where you can learn the basics of profession, get new skills and knowledge, retrain. In addition to the history and bases of the design, the foundations of the composition, visualization methods, color theory, typography, design process are studied.

The choice of educational institution is one of the most important steps in the profession.

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