Games programmer: What is the work? What are the responsibilities of the developer of computer games?


Game Developer (Game Developer) is an IT specialist who solves the development of a program code, a graphical representation and semantic filling of a particular game that he wished to create. He also knows solutions that make it possible to embody his creation to the life of users. This profession takes its own on the basis of computer science.


The main feature - the development of games, no university will teach 100%. In institutions and universities, students are in-depth (compared to the school program) the computer science course, study computing techniques and computers are more fully. Even the faculties of information systems, computer science and management, which are part of polytechnic universities, are able to introduce a future programmer to the case - it studies two or more programming languages, including the basics of website development.

However, this developer of games and application programs becomes A student who has live and sincere interest in programming. Soon he is ahead of the university program in terms of learning, leaving his head in what will become part of his worker and professional being.

Games programmer: What is the work? What are the responsibilities of the developer of computer games? 17843_2

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the profession are reduced to the following.

  • Really good, sensible programmer gets more than worthy salary - 100 and more than thousand rubles per month. But the money is paid to him not in vain. It is one of the IT specialists remaining on the tip of computer progress - software part. His creativity and ideas are, without which the "Soft" -industria would not develop.
  • His profession is a dream job. He is often visited by new ideas for creating something "sort of" or refinement of what is already there. "Make better others" - his motto, the ability to continue to develop, and not stand still.
  • Permanent movement forward. He does not just refresh his knowledge, but also strives if not to get out of the future, then keep up with the times. To be aware of the latest developments - this applies to software, with the help of which it creates and / or modifies games.
  • A high level of education, self-organization, which some can only dream. This allows the programmer to reveal its creative ambitions. Career growth provides for the opportunity to get away from working on games to develop sites, application programs, and even become a member of the company developing operating systems and software for servers.
  • Popularity, And not only in the narrow circles to him like. If he does not just work, and also removed in an interview - millions of fans are guaranteed, and this is the best advertisement and self-configuration in the world. He always has the opportunity to prove himself as a specialist.
  • Teamwork. The game programmer works in the team where playdizainers are present, testers, artists, composers and sound engineers. The game, which is distinguished by a long and exciting plot, colorful and luxurious graphics and sound is too much for one person. Dozens of assistants come to the rescue.

The disadvantages of the profession can be as follows.

  • The programmer may not have enough time for a personal life. His day begins and ends with what he needs to have time to "bring out" and bring to mind. Work can be in Rhythm 24/7/365.
  • Difficulty to implement original ideas - Often, the requirements of the customer company are coming to the fore.
  • Huge competition.

If the dignity of the disadvantages, you feel that they found themselves here - you can continue learning with an emphasis on playing programming.

Games programmer: What is the work? What are the responsibilities of the developer of computer games? 17843_3


A group of developers is at least a playodizer, artist, map designer, programmer, tester, PR. Their work is managed by the manager over which, in turn, is the director. So the simplest gaming company publisher is arranged. The programmer, as the creator of his profile, is only responsible for the "coding", the layout of what was provided by other members of the group. Another graphics, sound, and the plot are engaged in other.

For example, Jade's character from the game Mortal Kombat played the actress. She was filmed by the directories, the image itself resented designers, artists, animators. And the programmer added it to the version of this game. The tasks of the profession are to implement ideas on games in the form of a program code. The purpose of the programmer is to study the main management in a specific game. It determines how the game will give and reveal itself, what capacity and features it possesses how clearly and quickly it works. The actions of the programmer are as follows.

  • Study of documentation on specific designs related to the design.
  • Creating a new and improved program code already written.
  • Appointment of their qualities, features.
  • Studying the fundamentals of control in the game - Mechanics (Keyboard combinations and / or "swipes" on the sensor, the main keypad on the keyboard).
  • Presentation of the program in the form of a file structure. Without files, the game will not start. Even the "Noliki cross" have a startup file in which all changes in the game are recorded.
  • Packing files in the installation package (installer) that the user downloads before installing and run the game.

The programmer is obliged to perfectly own mathematics, one or more popular programming languages ​​on which modern programs are written.

Of course, he must improve his knowledge to keep up with the time and not to be "in the tail" of the army of the same specialists as he.

Games programmer: What is the work? What are the responsibilities of the developer of computer games? 17843_4


Excellent start - technical education in any of the relevant universities. But the university program is lagging behind programming - additional courses are needed. Do not do without self-education - the best learning is practice. Easy and fast learning, self-discipline will help achieve their goals. It is impossible to spend your free time only on entertainment - the life of a person is limited, one day - one big step forward.

As an example, the Mortal Kombat game with a 27-year history. Ed Bun began work on it in 1992. She came out for dendy and Sega console. Around him and his shields there was a staff from dozens of professionals of various profiles. Today he collaborates with four firms. The game changed 11 versions and ported on PCs and smartphones, has tens of millions of fans.

Games programmer: What is the work? What are the responsibilities of the developer of computer games? 17843_5

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