Crisis Manager: What is the Project Manager profession? Training, Functional Responsibilities and Career Perspectives


The crisis manager is a specialist, without whom not a single large company that has fallen into a difficult situation. Requirements for such a professional are presented quite high, but financial remuneration is always "at the level".

What is this profession?

The crisis manager is invited by a manager who helps either successfully cope with the crisis situation or even bankruptcy, or to prevent their occurrence.

The activity of the anti-crisis specialist begins with identifying the problems of the organization. They may turn out to be both internal and external, and in the legal, and in the criminal field.

In order to assess the situation and get to the bottom, the specialist has to work out a huge reservoir of the information. Considering that everything happens on someone else's enterprise , whose employees are not always ready to cooperate, even The request for all necessary documents is often a problem task. . It is necessary to add that the whole process is carried out in a rather stressful environment and, as a rule, in stunt.

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After completing the analysis of the current state of the enterprise, the crisis manager proceeds to develop measures capable of correcting the situation. In most cases, they are poorly perceived by the team, as they include the reduction of personnel and the elimination of entire departments, freezing of expenses and overlapping capital leakage.

The management of the managerial continues from 3 months to a year, no more. Having completed the work with one enterprise, the specialist leaves him and goes to another.

It is also necessary to add that in anti-crisis management it is customary to allocate 2 main directions . The representative of the first is arbitration consultant Participating B. Non-profit partnership . Union of managers and anti-crisis managers sends such a specialist in that company that officially declares its bankruptcy Either about the crisis situation. Engaged in this union arbitration court. To become such a specialist, only the relevant license is required.

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The representative of the second direction is an independent consultant. It is he, being individual entrepreneur Invited by the organization On a commercial basis For detailed analysis, finding problems and forming ways to solve them. He also negotiates with creditors, assesses the state of the enterprise and takes part in certification events. The list of his duties is much worse than the arbitration consultant, the same can be said about the level of responsibility.

Naturally, the salary at an independent consultant is much higher than that of the representative of the Union.


The demand of organizations in crisis managers from the outside is very high:

  • expensive specialist with specific knowledge and skills usually do not hold in the company "Just in case";
  • It was someone else's person who can look at the situation in advance and see the problem.

It is necessary to add that it is the work of an anti-crisis specialist allows the organization to save or even earn significant amounts that after and are used for direct payment.

    The payment of a specialist begins from 10 thousand dollars a month. The manager can receive a fixed salary defined by a share in the authorized capital or salary in combination with a percentage of the company's profits obtained from its work.

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    Requirements for qualifications

    The profession of crisis manager is complex, serious and highly paid, Therefore, the requirements for such a specialist are quite diverse.


    Currently, in many economic universities, the country can learn to the crisis manager, enrolling the specialty of the same name. Having finished the undergraduate, the young specialist can already begin work. However, initially such training will cost much more expensive than in the case of other economic specialties.

    In general, successfully managers believe that a particular education in this case plays a non-involving role. It is much more important that the manager had all the necessary economic and legal knowledge, and also inquiryed special skills.

    Higher education can be any other profile, For example, in the field of personnel management, jurisprudence or finance.

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    The anti-crisis manager must have a flawless reputation, as well as be able to establish links both with power structures and with other managers. A big advantage is the presence of "psychological" skills, that is, the ability to conduct a dialogue, to organize negotiations, publicly act, solve conflict moments and not give in pressure.

    Another important skill coming over time is the ability to maintain self-control and exposure in any situation. The crisis manager should be equally convincing during negotiations with creditors and debtors, power structures and a team of an unprofitable organization.

    He must adequately perceive the opinion of others, but remain independent in his own decisions.

    Since the crisis specialist works in the economic sphere, it is important for him to understand well in financial strategies and theories, as well as legal legislation. It is important to know the knowledge of the company's structure, the relationship between departments and the processes occurring.

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    Personal qualities

    One of the most important qualities necessary for the work of the anti-crisis manager is stress tolerance.

    An employee must make serious solutions that are often associated with large sums, in conditions of deficit and time, and information.

    Quite often occurs unfinished aggression And the unwillingness to make contact from the representatives of the collective, the irritation of which about the lack of salary or the worsening conditions is "poured" to a stranger. Previous managers also do not experience enthusiasm for the arrival of the anti-crisis specialist, After all, the success of his work will mean the complete incompetence of employees in the organization of managers.

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    As a result, if a specialist does not have such qualities as anti-conflict, the ability to cause confidence, to remain a professional in any situation and abstract from unpleasant moments, it will not be able to stretch in the profession.

    The main motto of the professional should be phrase "End justifies the means".

    It must bring the company from the crisis or bankruptcy by absolutely any means, including dismissal, reinstallation and lowering. This will help him as a quality as composure.

    Another important characteristic is observation - Experienced anti-crisis managers, thanks to this quality, determine all the flaws of the company for a couple of weeks.

    In general, the requirements for an anti-crisis professional may differ depending on the specifics of the company that is required by a specialist. However, usually from an employee requires higher education in the profile area, experience in senior positions and the availability of a portfolio with projects implemented. The main personal qualities expected from the manager are stress resistance, purposefulness, responsibility and non-standard approach.

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    You can immediately say that a specific list of responsibilities of the crisis manager will be determined depending on the current situation in the enterprise. However, some items are still repeated from time to times.

    Expert must be diagnosed which reasons led to the emergence of a crisis situation at the enterprise, and for this, it is necessary to analyze the state of the economy and finance. This, by the way, will also also help develop a complex of healthy measures.

    If necessary, the crisis manager decides how an enterprise will be able to counteract external threats, It also constitutes a business plan for financial recovery. In most cases, this happens by refinancing the obligations and optimization of spending.

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    It is the anti-crisis manager Begins a bankruptcy procedure , conducting negotiations with creditors, and also checks whether the signs of the crisis situation are fictitious. This specialist also Conducts an inventory of available property And analyzes, in what condition it is. Optimization of financial flows and production also turns out to be its task.

    Career Perspectives

    Most crisis managers in Russia work upon themselves. They start their career while studying at the university, passing practices in consulting offices, law firms or those major organizations that have their own anti-crisis departments. In the same place, their career begins.

    For a managerial crisis, there is an opportunity to start its activity as an arbitration manager, and then, gaining experience and knowledge, start practicing an independent consultant.

    By the way, in this case, a professional must register with the Union of managers and anti-crisis managers.

    Some managers finish at this stage their professional growth, but others go on. For example, they are registered as individual entrepreneurs, form their own department in the Union of managers and anti-crisis managers, or even open full-fed firms.

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    Since the anti-crisis managers are very in demand, they receive a rather high wage. However, to form, indeed, a high-quality portfolio and receive the most profitable orders, the managerial must work for the most part with large enterprises, cooperation with which is about a pair of years. The projects lasting about a pair of months are not always well perceived by employers, although in cases where they are accompanied by outstanding results, the reaction is opposite.

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