HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn?


If you pay attention to topical vacancies on the Internet, urban employment centers and on announcements boards, you can note the fact that one of the most popular and popular specialties is the recruitment manager (HR-manager). However, not everyone knows what a similar specialist is engaged in which requirements for it are presented and what is included in the official instruction of the employee. Today we will talk more about it.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_2

Features of the profession

HR manager - This is a specialist who is engaged in the selection of personnel for the enterprise. The name of the profession came to us from the English language, where HR (or Human Resource) is literally translated as "Human Resource". Such a decoding immediately gives to understand each than a similar worker does.

Generally speaking, This profession first appeared in the West. However, today such a position is popular in our country, as well as on the SIS. The HR manager is an employee of the personnel department, its work is to optimize the process of selection of employees. In addition, the HR manager is responsible for managing, training and development of personnel. Despite the fact that all over the world, this profession was known in the XIX century, the peak needs in the specialists of this industry fell in the 2000th year. Since then, the specialty has gained great popularity among applicants.

To date, the HR manager at the enterprise can act Specialist of a wide profile or specialize in narrower regions , for example, to engage only by recruiting, only learning, only by office work, etc. At the same time, those responsibilities that will be included in the official instructions of the employee are fully dependent on a particular enterprise and bosses. So, for example, small companies often hire only one HR manager, which is independently responsible for all processes. While in large international enterprises there are huge personnel departments, where each specialist has a clearly defined and fairly narrow area of ​​activity.

In addition, the HR manager may not be a hired worker, it can fulfill the functions of the consultant, thereby simultaneously serving several enterprises, or create their own personnel firm with a large number of subordinate employees.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_3

Responsibilities and functions

Specialist in personnel (regardless of whether it works in an enterprise or is an independent consultant) must perform a number of specific tasks. Before employment, it should be found at the employer that What specific duties for the HR specialist are provided for by this institution than it is engaged in a daily basis and what functionality only performs in special cases. It is also important to learn whether an assistant or secretary will be at your disposal if you can make certain tasks remotely. After that, be sure to appreciate your competencies to understand how you will handle or not.

It's obvious that The list of official duties of the HR manager can be modified depending on the specific place of work. . But at the same time, some functions remain standard. Consider a few of them.


These duties must fulfill each HR manager.

Formation of personnel policy

HR manager - This is a person who is engaged in the provision of personnel of a particular organization . Accordingly, its direct responsibilities include developing methods, methods and principles of finding the best specialists. Wherein The personnel officer should not only enjoy all the newest and technological achievements in this area, but also teach it its subordinates.

Thus, in the enterprise you can create a single policy of finding new employees, which will attract only the most experienced and highly qualified specialists.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_4

Search and hiring frames

If the previous paragraph carries a strategic and theoretical value, then the search and hiring frames are pure practice. At the same time, such activities consists of a large number of steps and additional steps. For example, many are actively searching for frames on the Internet, others - place ads and passively wait for feedback.

Development of a system of fines and remuneration

In order to work at work carefully, disciplined and actively performed all their functions, it is important to take care of In order for the company a clearly defined system of fines and remuneration. At the same time, in the process of employment, employees need to be told to every candidate. For example, for systematic dedication and violations of the schedule of work, fines can be appointed, and for overfulfing the plan - remuneration.

Improving staff skills

One of the areas of responsibility of the personnel worker - This education and development of employees of the company . To do this, it is recommended to organize seminars, trainings, conferences, master classes and other events on a regular basis, which will increase the qualifications of employees of the company, respectively, will increase their productivity and will affect the organization's profits.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_5

Adaptation of new employees

Employment of a specialist to the post is not the only task of the HR manager, on this work does not end. The personnel officer must make sure that the new worker adapts well to its new duties, and also understands the cultural features of the office.

Motivational work

Each HR manager must actively work on the motivation of its employees. It can be both specialized meetings and seminars and performances on workplaces and meetings.

Such motivational work is important in terms of the formation of a holistic team, which works on the overall result and seeks to achieve a single goal.


At the same time, there are some tasks that are performed only if all basic requirements are performed.

Monitoring the labor market

Working market monitoring helps HR managers Assess the number of applicants for one position or other position, the popularity of different professions, as well as the general economic and social dynamics in our country . In this regard, they may further help the authorities to form wages, as well as advise to hire a specialist who can provide invaluable assistance to the enterprise.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_6

Drawing up labor contracts

Such activity falls on the shoulders of personnel staff in the event that there is no full-fledged legal department at the enterprise. This is more about small companies. If you hit this situation, then You must necessarily familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework that regulates such questions.


Despite the fact that the office work is not the main responsibility of the recruitment manager, this task can be carried out by this particular employee. That's why Often employers require quite wide knowledge from personnel in various fields.

Thus, before it is difficult to find a HR manager, it is important to carefully read the job descriptions that the authorities offer you, and objectively assess your competencies.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_7


To date, many employers nominate in relation to HR managers defined professandard , that is, the requirements of what this specialist should know and be able to know. So, first of all, such a standard includes education. Specialist in the selection of personnel must necessarily have a higher education. At the same time, in some cases, education may be required on specific specialization, but as a general rule, education should be in the field of jurisprudence or economy. Wherein It is not enough just to have a diploma, you need to have systemic knowledge and constantly improving as a specialist.

Professional skills and skills are that the HR manager is primarily appreciated. As described above, this specialist performs a fairly large complex of work at the enterprise, while on only its main, but also additional responsibilities can be located on only its shoulders. That is why, the large number of competencies the specialist has, the better.

In addition, the requirements for work experience can be shifted. So, young professionals who have just graduated from the university, are quite rare to take this position due to the fact that it is associated with great responsibility and to some extent is a guideline.

That is why many managers require the applicant to have experiences (while preferably in leadership positions).

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_8

What qualities should have?

In addition to the requirements described above, it is very important that the personnel specialist has a number of personal characteristics and features that will help him in professional activities and career growth.

Among the personal qualities that should be inherent in each HR manager, you can select the following:

  • self-organization (often the work of the personnel is not controlled on a daily basis, so it is necessary to achieve the results independently);
  • The desire for self-improvement (the profession is constantly modified, so you need to follow all new trends);
  • Communicability (within the workflow, a specialist must communicate with a large number of people, which will be difficult for an introvert or person with a closed or shy character);
  • Creativity (recruitment of personnel is a rather creative job that requires non-standard and original approaches);
  • Stress resistance (work is associated with a large emotional load);
  • Attention (in order to choose the most suitable employee to the position, you need to pay special attention to the details).

At the same time, when filling a resume, try to be the most open and sincere, do not make your character and do not rewrite the templates found on the Internet.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_9

Education and advanced training

In order to become a recruitment manager, you need to receive higher education at the university. At the same time, it is possible to study in a variety of specialties: management, economy, sociology, etc. In this case, you should choose exactly the direction of preparation that will be as interesting as possible for you as personal. At the same time, it is desirable to give preference to prestigious large universities, which are located in large cities and enjoy authority among employers. However, if it is impossible to visit such a university, you can learn in the province. One way or another, you must have a diploma with high estimates.

At the same time, you should not be upset if you have not received the knowledge you need to work at the university. You can learn from the HR manager or his assistant from scratch due to professional retraining. So, today there is a huge number of diverse courses, trainings and master classes that will help you improve your qualifications, to become a competent, popular and competitive specialist.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_10


The HR manager career can begin and develop in several ways. For example, it is often experts who have already worked in senior positions come to the position of personnel worker: They have the experience of recruitment of personnel, as well as managing underground employees in rank . On the other hand, your way can be started as an assistant or an HR manager assistant. In this case, you will have a clearly defined professional orientation from the very beginning of your career.

At the same time, as mentioned above, The HR manager does not necessarily fulfill the role of a hired employee. Very often, such specialists are gaining experience in the enterprise, and then go to the consulting business, they organize the IP or open their own firms. In this case, the choice of a particular path depends solely from you personally, from your desires and opportunities.

The salary of the recruitment specialist is located in a rather wide range: It can be minimal to be 10-15 thousand rubles, and the maximum - about 100 thousand rubles. At the same time, many companies pay their employees unenochnakovo: some get a strictly defined wage, while others are a percentage fee (for example, depending on the number of closed vacancies).

So we were able to make sure that HR-manager is a fairly popular profession in the modern labor market. . At the same time, it should be borne in mind: in order to become a highly qualified professional, it is necessary to have a large amount of special knowledge, as well as a sufficient number of professional skills and skills. The personnelist is the specialist who should constantly learn and increase his professionalism. Otherwise, your work will be ineffective and will not benefit the company on which you work.

HR-manager: Who is it? Responsibility manager for the selection, training and development of personnel. Retraining. How to learn? 17803_11

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