PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager


The PR manager is a popular profession, which is very in demand in the XXI century. Young people are actively interested in this specialty, in order to better understand what a PR represents and what he will have to come across during his work.

Who are these?

PR-manager translated from English (Public Relations) means "public relations". This specialist is engaged in creating and supporting the prosperous reputation of a certain brand or firm. Such work is the best option for people who are interested in such humanitarian sciences, like Russian, literature, psychology and social studies.

Public Relations Management As a profession has become known in the United States not so long ago at the beginning of the twentieth century. This happened at the moment when the Department of Public Relations appeared at Harvard University. At that time, the Democratic Party of the United States resorted to the services of vocabulary by publishing, and already in the period from 1930-1960, most companies began to take a PR manager.

In almost every modern company there is a PR manager vacancy, and some firms even create entire departments, where professionals work.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_2

Currently popular PR-agencies that carry out services to promote different areas of activity, media, trademarks. The company includes technologists, copywriters. They are responsible for developing and implementing ideas.

The politics of the PR manager is considered an indispensable link. It is with his help that political individuals receive confidence from society.

The positive qualities of this specialty include:

  • relevance;
  • Formation;
  • high labor payment;
  • Communication with the media.

Negative qualities include greater competition.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_3

Official duties and functions

The main feature of the Parashka is to assess, analyze and forecast actions that may be favorable to influence the image of the company, further development. Some confuse this profession with the work of the advertising manager, which is engaged in promoting services or certain products. This is not the case, because the concern for the company's good reputation or brand and the process of promotion is completely different directions.

The functions that are imposed on the PR manager may vary depending on the scope of the company's activities. Therefore, the specialist functionality may vary. It is influenced by the tasks and questions that need to be solved in the selected business.

The main functions that PR-Manager performs:

  • determination of the direction of PR activities;
  • the basis and conduct of PR campaigns;
  • monitoring available resources that are required in order to carry out conceived programs;
  • forecast productivity of selected programs;
  • the creation and support of the desired image of the company, its product line, work and policies itself;
  • evaluation actions of the company's reputation and voice acquired by the manager;
  • Events on informing information to a society about activities, assortment, existing services and employees in order to achieve maximum understanding.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_4

The list of responsibilities of this employee will depend on the scale of the company where it works. The larger the organization, the more specialists need. Often the PR manager requires an assistant, which indicates an increase in the degree of responsibility of the PR, as a coordinating link.

In large business, there is a PR and press meadow. In most cases, it consists of director of the press service, along with a public relations manager. They are subject to managers who are responsible for various types of public relations channels, as well as analysts engaged in monitoring open sources.

As a rule, the PR manager is negotiating with customers, hears media communications, controls published material along with reviews about the company and sold products . Similar words, this specialist is following everything that is said and writes about his company, in a timely manner and competently reacts to the information received.

Also, such a specialist is entrusted with a large amount of work related to the controlling of workers, along with the briefing of representatives from the Client. It is a piercer who affects how the actions carried out and what will be the effectiveness and positivity of events.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_5

PR manager is a key link in preparing suggestions for future customers and public cooperation.

PR Tasks:

  • engaged in PR technologies;
  • Develops a strategy for promotion;
  • Creates articles, makes press releases and other publications for the media;
  • Conducts advertising campaigns, stocks;
  • Organizes image programs;
  • engaged in budgeting and forms a campaign for the development of a PR program;
  • Analyzes the productivity of events.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_6


Exolve specialist should own many skills. The job instructions are clearly prescribed all the requirements that are inherent in this profession.


In general provisions that are attached to the job instruction, there is a list of what the PR manager should own.

As a rule, basic skills are represented by the following list:

  • awareness of the company's history, the process of its development and the current situation, along with plans for the future;
  • detailed familiarization with the product line or the services of the submitted person;
  • Acquaintance with all employees, investors and managers with whom he will communicate;
  • PR manager must have an idea of ​​the field of activity that the company is conducted, familiar with the list of competitors and leading companies;
  • know about meaningful events, details about the consumer market and target audience;
  • Awareness of what top or profile media is suitable for a specific campaign.

Also in the list of PR-manager skills, the ability to make press releases, draw up columns, reviews, the availability of experience in writing articles, edct, media monitoring, knowledge of terminology. Such skills as high literacy, ownership of foreign languages, the ability in writing and orally to express their thoughts, are also considered inherent features of a good porchik.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_7


Professional PR manager It is obliged to possess the following features, without which he has nothing to do in such a business.

  • Communicability . You can rarely meet in such an introvert profession, because a piercer is a person who is able to communicate on an impeccable level by communicating, to establish the right contacts, to work with information, solve the necessary questions.
  • Curiosity . It allows the specialist to familiarize themselves with the company, study its history of the emergence, the development process. Such a feature makes a specialist to explore not only the information provided, but also independently produce additional data, trying to learn as much as possible.
  • Curiosity . This quality should be distributed to the following areas: media, competitor market, study of investors, partners, target audience. The competent PR manager is obliged to be aware of everything that happens around his company to be able to respond correctly and in a timely manner.
  • Initiative . Without this quality, the PR specialist will not be able to achieve success in his work. The initiative will be required in publications and infamps. It should also be initiative to study, evaluate, search for information, working with the media.
  • Sophistication . This item is an integral in extracting from the incoming flow of information of the desired information, considering business cases from different sides, the ability to transform the information received and competently sell them.
  • With the help of purposefulness and perseverance, the prayer will be able to achieve the desired results . Modest and insecure personalities are unlikely to achieve such success, which is waiting for a more confident manager.
  • Intelligence Must be accompanied by a piring around the clock. This quality will agree to negotiate, find compromises in their activities and establish the right links.
  • Friendliness . No evil and sullen piercer could not achieve success. In any situation, a specialist is obliged to maintain benevolence, do not succumb to provocations, be able to correctly respond to a negative from customers or media.
  • Stress tolerance . This is an important point that will help the PR man always be located in its direction and fail to be failed and the negative, with whom he will still have to face. Despite numerous dating, interesting meetings and events, and the scandalous situations can often occur with which you need to be able to cope.
  • Mobility, operationality . The PR manager must always be in touch, to be able to quickly move. The media often requires an urgent answer, and if a piercer did not take the phone at the right moment, someone else can answer for him, which could lead to negative consequences for the PR campaign.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_8

A good porar, who managed to achieve good results in his field, will always receive proposals on cooperation, and wages can only be envied.

Rights and responsibility

There is rights and responsibility in any profession, so the PR manager is no exception. The key right of the PR will consist in requesting information and quick response to the information received.

Responsibility depends on the right. That's why PR specialist is obliged to be responsible for all the information he provides the public . In this regard, he must competently filter information and refer to its work with maximum seriousness.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_9

Training and career

Many people attract the profession of the PR manager, but not everyone knows where you can learn to such a specialty.

It's no secret that the foundation of each profession is education. The PR manager is obliged to own a large list of knowledge from the field of psychology, journalism, sociology, marketing. However, this does not mean that a person without specialized education will be able to get a job by a PR.

In some cases, this specialty take people without passing profile learning, but should always strive to become a certified specialist.

Employers react positively to applicants who have learned in Moscow State University, MGIMO, RUDN or RGGU. Other universities are not an obstacle to obtaining desired work. International-level certificates will be an advantage along with the passage of auxiliary training on PR courses.

Such a humanitarian specialty is available in any university where there is an advertisement and public relations department . For receipt, it is necessary to take such objects as social studies, Russian. The rest of the disciplines may vary depending on the educational institution, in which training is planned.

You can also take advantage of the courses that offer different companies. Popular to the Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" . It regularly conducts training wishing to learn from the specialty PR manager, and on a distance basis.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_10

Skillbox is considered a unique course for prachics, as it was developed in accordance with professional standards. The training of the course belongs to the Russian Public Relations Association. This organization is the oldest association of PR managers in the Russian Federation, the existence of which originates since 1991.

After receiving education, graduates must already have the basic bases of PR management, wish to work and develop in the selected field. Specialists without experience can contact PR agencies, publishing house or media, and you can also pay attention to public relations departments which are in many companies related to advertising.

When the employee works for two years in this area, there are already elevated demands, unlike newcomers. Skill list can be added to the knowledge of how articles are written, press releases are made up advertising campaigns. The specialist is obliged to know the principles of planning PR strategies.

As a rule, on the third year of work, a specialist will acquire skills in organizing exhibitions, can hold seminars along with press conferences.

PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_11

        It is worth noting that the level of earnings at this stage also rises. The amount of payments becomes higher than 1.5 times the initial rate. Those specialists who have extended over three years in the selected sphere receive a higher salary. The employee will acquire its workshops, the base of the right contacts, is able to develop PR strategies.

        Usually girls go to PR managers. The number of men in this profession is about 30%.

        You need to think about creating a summary that will act as a business card of the PR . It is with the help of this questionnaire that the applicant will be able to advertise himself, his skills, demonstrating visually, as it will promote the product of the future employer.

        We must not forget about work experience, education, description of your qualities and skills, the passage of additional courses. All items must be reflected in detail in the summary.

        Portfolio is a confirmation of a professional career of a PR manager, so every specialist should own . This is due to the fact that the skills of the PR skills can easily be checked, and with the help of a portfolio composed, the employer will be able to evaluate the activities of its potential employee and its results.

        PR Manager: Who is this? Where to learn to the PR manager? Responsibilities at work. Training at the Public Relations Manager 17799_12

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