Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary?


Each production cycle consists of a complex of related technological processes that are divided into basic, as well as providing and developing. A key position in this chain is a technologist engineer, which is the main link responsible for the development and implementation of a new product. This specialist plays a huge role in any company. Therefore, a person with the necessary knowledge and skills will never be left without work and a worthy level of payment.

Let us dwell more on the description of the post engineer and requirements for applicants for this position.


Translated from the Latin "engineer" means "the discoverer" - that is, a person responsible for the introduction of options for improving one or another sphere of life. In other words, this is a person who makes the invention. Engineer-technologist - an engineer who is responsible for the effective organization of the technological and production process. As part of this specialty, 3 main directions are distinguished:

  • inventive and scientific and practical activities;
  • design work;
  • The introduction of scientific and technological progress in production.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_2

The main goal, which is placed in front of the employee in the position of a technologist and designer, is reduced to the implementation of the competent choice of rational production methods.

Like any other profession, the work of the technologist has its pros and cons. So, engineering technologies have such weighty positive characteristics:

  • the demand of the profession;
  • the possibility of choosing proposals in the labor market;
  • high salary level in the presence of appropriate competencies;
  • possibility of career growth;
  • Weak competition.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_3

At the same time, and their negative sides are available to them:

  • increased responsibility;
  • high risk of injury during professional duties;
  • Contact with harmful production factors.

The status of a technologist assumes the presence of fundamental knowledge in all areas and directions of the production process, as well as related disciplines.

This person should be engaged in continuous self-development, it should be distinguished by initiative, active life position and the desire to continuously improve its skills, knowledge and competencies.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_4


In accordance with the professorists specified in the ECTC, The official instruction of the employee in the position of engineer-technologist includes the following tasks.

  • Drawing up and implementing a set of measures aimed at Growing the competitiveness of goods manufactured , reduction of material expenses and labor costs at all stages of the production cycle.
  • Creation and implementation of highly efficient technological processes , modern equipment, methods and solutions in terms of automation and mechanization.
  • Adjustment Working modes of production cycles.
  • Rationing of all processes in production.
  • Calculation of economic efficiency Production cycle.
  • Spending planning Required materials, fuel, as well as tools.
  • Drawing up equipment accommodation schemes in industrial workshops, Providing jobs, monitoring equipment load and planning the use of production facilities.
  • Determination of the sequence of maintenance , Development of a relevant product output route.
  • Formation of technical design To snap, fixtures, as well as a tool.
  • Implementation of standards build structures used technologies, route cards, as well as other documents, one way or another related to the release of goods.
  • Making adjustments in the technical documentation of production if necessary.
  • Participation in research and experienced Exquisites.
  • Coordination of documentation with adjacent divisions of the company.
  • Exercise Experimental studies on the introduction of advanced technologies.
  • Performing Functions by Registration of applications for patents and prototypes.
  • Development of a system of events aimed at improving productivity, The introduction of advanced domestic and foreign experience in production.
  • Formation of a complex of work aimed at a more practical and efficient development of existing production capacity and improving the technologies used.
  • Active Participation B. Compilation of management programs Production equipment.
  • Study The main causes of the emergence of marriage and poor quality of the product produced. Operational development of measures to further eliminate and prevent.
  • Control Ability to fulfill the requirements of production and labor discipline and the correctness of the use of equipment.
  • Consideration of introduced rationalization proposals In order to improve the existing production technologies, making an expert assessment on the feasibility or inappropriateness of their implementation.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_5

Knowledge and skills

The competent engineer technologist must be perfectly known:

  • Features of the technology of manufacturing the main product of the manufacturing enterprise;
  • The exact composition of the raw materials used and the finished product, the structural features of the products;
  • Main methods and options for designing existing technical and technological processes;
  • laws, decisions, orders, as well as some other regulatory and methodological documents regarding production processes;
  • construction and composition of equipment, requirements for its maintenance, basic mechanisms of their work and permissible operating modes;
  • standard technical and technological work;
  • basic standards for the quality of the used raw materials and manufactured goods;
  • established GOSTS, standards and norms;
  • Economic indicators of production technology;
  • Permissible marriage indicators, methods for warning and removal methods;
  • Principles of labor organization in production;
  • basic means of working communication and features of the use of IT in the production sector;
  • Approved requirements for the design of technological and reporting documents;
  • The main postulates of the economy and ergonomics;
  • Knowledge of the TK RF;
  • existing norms of TB and industrial sanitation, as well as the rules of fire protection and legislation in the field of labor protection;
  • rules for business communication with subordinates, colleagues and partners;
  • Knowledge of computer programs.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_6

Engineer-technologist is a highly qualified worker, it should be good to understand the intricacies of the production cycle.

It is this specialist that is responsible for the quality of products, the continuity of technological processes and their speed.

That is why, except for deep technical knowledge, This employee must have good managerial skills. Since it is from the organization of the effective work of the entire labor collective the most directly depends the effectiveness of all production in general.

The position of engineer-technologist involves not just a set of narrow-professional specialized skills and skills, but also a certain list of personal qualities. In submission of this employee there is at least a dozen workers, so his ability to build communication and efficiently dispose of labor resources in many ways depends on the efficiency of production as a whole.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_7

An important personal qualities for the candidate for the post of engineer technologist are considered:

  • organizational abilities;
  • high level of self-discipline;
  • attention to details;
  • Scrupulousness when working with schemes and drawings;
  • preferably;
  • self-organization;
  • perseverance, perseverance and dedication;
  • Analytical and abstract thinking;
  • High traumatic speed;
  • the desire for the relentless improvement of their skills and knowledge;
  • ability to memorize a large data array;
  • balance and restraint;
  • Communicability;
  • hardworking;
  • punctuality.

In general, this list may vary, it largely depends on the industry of the company in which the technologist will work. As a rule, each manager presents its requirements for personal qualities of an employee.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_8


Under the general concept, a technologist is hidden a number of specializations, they depend on the peculiarities of the production and technical orientation of a company. Despite the existing species of this profession, in any case, in order to take the position of the senior technologist, the highest technical or secondary education on the technical profile should be obtained. Medium-special education is usually obtained at the end of the 9th grades at school, studied in the School / Technical School of 3-4 years. In order to become the owners of the "tower", 11 school classes should be completed, and then 4 years learned on the undergraduate and for another 2 years in the magistracy.

The passing score at the specified areas may vary depending on the region of finding an educational institution, as well as its prestige level. Training may be free or carried out on a commercial basis, the cost in Russia is 20-110 thousand rubles. in year. For admission you need to pass such objects as Mathematics, physics and informatics.

Preference is given to graduates of day learning programs, absentee education is allowed only if there are great experience in the selected specialty.

In our country there are about 110 universities and over 200 educational specializations that allow graduates of an educational institution to apply for the position of engineer-technologist.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_9

average salary

The salary level of the engineer-technologist largely depends on the particular enterprise, on which it works, as well as the region. If we take generalized indicators on the basis of data sent by the exchanges of labor, on average, by the Russian Federation, payment of engineer-technologist is:

  • Minimum wages - 25 thousand rubles;
  • average labor payment - 50 thousand rubles;
  • The greatest level of payment is up to 450-550 thousand rubles.

This indicator is average, it may vary depending on the nature of the position.

So, average salary indicators for positions:

  • Main technologist - amount to 66-70 thousand rubles;
  • Lead Engineer Technologist or the head of the Technical and Technological Department receives about 55-60 thousand rubles;
  • Oblast Engineer Earns 40 thousand rubles.

If we talk about the average salary by regions of the Russian Federation, the picture with an average salary will look like this:

  • Moscow - 75 thousand rubles;
  • Vladivostok - 60 thousand rubles;
  • Ekaterinburg - 48-50 thousand rubles;
  • Rostov-on-Don - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Kazan - 40 thousand rubles.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_10

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_11

Where to work?

The list of production areas that require a mandatory presence in the state engineer-technologist is rather impressive. Depending on the selected specialization at the preparation stage, the employee with the necessary set of competencies and skills can be involved in the following industries.

  • Food - Confectionery and bakery industry, production of dairy and lactic acid products, meat processing enterprises, catering system.
  • Light - Fur, sewing, as well as textile production.
  • Chemical - Workshops for the production of drugs, cosmetics, as well as building materials, concrete, etc.
  • Mechanical engineering and instrument making - electroplating shops, locomotive farms, CNC, the manufacture of welding equipment, energy combines, oil and gas and petrochemistry, as well as plants and factories in the process of maintenance of technological equipment.
  • Metallurgy and metalworking - production of steel and alloys, heat treatment of ore, coke-gas factories, mining and processing companies.
  • Oil refinery - production for the extraction and processing of oil, the manufacture of fuel and supplies, drilling solutions, the manufacture of petrochemical products, enterprises for the provision of oil and gas fishery.
  • Information Technology.
  • Printing industry.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_12


A person who has a higher profile technical education is usually appointed to the position of the engineer-technologist without specifying some difficulty experience, or a person with secondary special education, whose work experience at the technique of technology-technologist is at least 3 years. Thus, a person without work experience can qualify for a career growth of the subsequent scheme.

  • Specialist III category - An employee who has higher technical education, as well as a small experience gained during training, or having experience in engineering positions without any qualification.
  • Specialist II category - an employee who has a higher education, and in addition, experience in the position of engineer-technologist III category or snow technical posts for a period of at least 3 years.
  • Specialist I category - an engineer who has a higher profile education, as well as the experience of the engineer-technological engineer II of category at least 3 years.

Engineer-technologist: What are the responsibilities from a specialist? Official instruction engineer-technologist. What is the work and what salary? 17741_13

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