Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training


The visible simplicity of the profession of the seller-consultant is deceptive. In the realities of life, this work requires deep and extensive knowledge in certain trade spheres. Special personal traits of character, knowledge of psychological nuances, possession of digital technicians are relevant. Only then can count on more or less decent income.

Who is that?

The profession of the seller-consultant arose relatively recently - in the last century, due to the emergence of large trading complexes and firms. Previously, people who spread and selling goods belonged to the categories of merchants, merchants or just boxes.

Now buyers are more picky and demanding on the service that it logically forced the trading side to train their employees.

From a scientific point of view, this profession is related to type "Man-man." In the current Russian conditions, it is characterized by low social status, conjugated with the previous stereotypes of a negative attitude towards trade, large physical and moral and psychological costs.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_2

The characteristic and specificity of the profession is that It provides a high degree of sociability and mobility, that is, stamina, both in mental and physical terms. Perhaps, due to precisely such specifics, a significant level of personnel flow is recorded here.

The high degree of stressing work and emotional burnout of employed is caused by, on the one hand, Strength and duration of regular communication with various people, high level dependence of the sales number from the level of demand, quality of commercial products, the organization's marketing efficiency , with another - Communicative techniques of interaction with "complex" customers.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_3

The factors contributing to professional stress and emotional burnout of these specialists include:

  • Significant number interactions with a target, potential and real client contingent;
  • Extensive variety of customers their difference in individual psychological qualities;
  • high level of requirements for communication component competence and social skills to influence buyers (the ability to find the right note in communicating with the client, to incline it to buying), etc.;
  • non-rational and the presence of a direct dependence of the salaries value from the number of purchase and sale transactions, which means that the non-stop working process is 10-12 hours;
  • Fors major circumstances.

For a specialist, the employer more often considers candidates in the age range of 18-40 years. If the field of activity is the sale of motor vehicles, building materials, electrical engineering, then a priority is given to men, if they are perfume, clothing, jewelry and toys, then in this case girls are in priority. Of course, there are also such niches where the floor does not play roles (the point of sale of cellular means).

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_4

The main requirements of the general nature: a pleasant appearance, the lack of unpleasant habits, speech literacy, the ability to lead a conversation, a high level of responsibility, good manners.

Official duties

The activities of sales consultants cover the extensive trading sphere. They function, for example, in the sale of plumbing, cosmetics, shoes, sports nutrition, etc.

The workstation of the Seller consultant is part of the area of ​​the trading room, on which the equipment, inventory, toolkit and place for the specialist itself are located. It is necessary to work in specially intended for this halls, pavilion premises and exhibitions.

The main criterion for the optimal organization of the workplace is to ensure high-performance work and cultural service of consumers.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_5

According to the professional professionals, its typical official duties and instructions, it is engaged:

  • verification of the state of current commodity groups in the department before the start of the workflow;
  • pre-sale product preparation (location, its design, accommodation of price tags);
  • by showing goods and customer service;
  • submission to the buyer of the range and assistance in choosing a product;
  • informing customers about the target appointment, properties and quality of the goods;
  • acquaintance of the buyer with brief information about the technological features of the production of products;
  • Informing customers, where includes: price level, preparation of checks, calculation of the cost of the product;
  • issuing purchased products on checks or receiving direct payment for goods, the exchange process of goods (with checks);
  • Care of order on the showcase, on workplaces during working time;
  • verification and demonstration of properties and quality of goods;
  • informing customers about fashion trends in the season;
  • registration of warranty documents;
  • verification of product configuration.

The post of senior specialist mainly depends on the scale of trade and provides for broader control functions and tasks, including to assist its subordinate specialists. This makes a senior specialist a significant figure of a trading process on functions and level of responsibility.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_6


Quality, ensuring the effectiveness of the professionalization of a specialist, is required every specialist. These include:

  • understandable, subject and expressive speech;
  • canceled reaction;
  • productive memory and imagination;
  • ability to concentrate, quickly switching attention;
  • High degree of exposure and artistry.

Emotional and volitional components of trade values ​​include:

  • formation of purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, determination, courage, excerpts, self-control, independence, initiative;
  • Provide the presence of a high level of stress resistance, emotional flexibility, positive attitude, empathic qualities, sense of humor, tolerance to other things.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_7

Intellectual and creative components of professional effects suggest:

  • Special competencies and achievements (high possession of all the elements of the actual professional performance, systemically formed professional opinions, clarity of assimilation of skills and skills, a tendency to independently designing its further professional development);
  • Personal competences (free operating of knowledge, as well as ways of creative approach to self-expression and self-development, the ability to actualize their own potential and self-organization as a whole, the effective application of knowledge and means of countering personal deformation);
  • Individual aspects (The practical application of knowledge and techniques of self-regulation, the desire to increase in a professional sense; the ability is not aging professionally, a tendency to a rational organization of its work).

Special requirements are presented to specialists and their appearance, especially in fashion stores and accessories.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_8

Personal qualities

For purely personal properties and skills of experts, we will take: Sociability and stress resistance, the ability to control themselves in the emotional and behavioral sense, patience, decoratedness and condescension, balanced attitude towards people, emotional stability, efficiency in thoughts and actions, concentration, responsibility, and honesty, friendly attitudes towards clientele, observation and ability to convince .

Effective professionalness of a specialist impede: weak memory, speech defects, a weak reaction, inaccurability, coarse behavior and incontinence.

The actual personal property of a specialist is a high level of emotional intelligence, which is focused on using its own emotional states, as well as emotions of other people.

Emotional intelligence carries an important function of regulation and, undoubtedly, is the most important vocational advantage.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_9

Professional skills

In fact, the consultant specialist does not simply sell different products, and helps the client to make sure the choice. Key features of a specialist are that it is he who acts as an initiator of establishing and maintaining favorable relationships with buyers. In other words, the product of his work is not the thing-product, but a certain situation of interaction - the transaction. That's why The most important features of his personality are: equilibrium, restraint, perseverance, the ability to achieve specific goals, the ability to convince. Experienced sales assistants do not have difficulties in communicating, easily enter into contacts, have leadership qualities that are able to withstand high emotional loads in working with clients. They are inherent in such characteristics as activity, excerpt, a high level of dominance, performance, purposefulness, the ability to take the initiative to themselves and make a decision.

It is extremely important for them to have developed memory and the ability to logically think . Working with a large number of customers, he must keep in mind a lot of information about goods, services and buyers. To do this, the ability to classify and structure the diverse information, make the right conclusions and generalize.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_10

The combination of two professions (seller and consultant) adds here the need to be able to understand another person (emotional intellect), to understand his needs, know how to manage feelings and emotions. Otherwise, the situation is fraught with the emergence of conflicts.

Rights and responsibility

In practice, as a rule, the degree of efficiency of work within the framework of this profession is detected according to the following scheme, Defining his rights and level of responsibility:

  • Compliance of the level of personal sales plan to standard indicators (main parameter);
  • the degree of customer service standards;
  • the presence of complaints and comments on the part of clients and the governing staff;
  • the level of state of calculation of goods, price tags in the area of ​​responsibility;
  • The degree of observance of labor discipline;
  • The degree of commodity losses in percent.

Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_11

Training and salary

    Try your hand in this position has the opportunity everyone. Challengers can be both graduates of schools and people who graduated in universities.

    Usually, To start activities, a specialized specialist is quite a special education. . In most cases, students are arranged for this position, for them such work is temporary.

    There is in this area and profile higher education, but besides him, the market is rich in the courses of short-term training of the profession (from week to year). Large trading enterprises often practice short-term training staff.

    Specialists are often sellers of consultants, in the past, those who had the production of appropriate products. That is, those who have already possess the necessary knowledge. For example, a worker who has been dealing with electric motors, can become a good specialist for the unit of power tools.

    Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_12

    The results of the study of the labor market show that young women are often appreciated to the position of the seller-consultant - they are up to 70% of applicants. Usually such work is considered as the first career stage, therefore, among the candidates, youth dominates (about 85% under the age of 30). Nowadays, graduates of universities are about 17% of sellers, 28% with partial higher education, 35% - with secondary special, 20% - with average. With the presence of English - about 7%.

    The average level of salary of specialists in the capital is about 30000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, they receive approximately 23,000 rubles. per month. In Yekaterinburg, they earn about 21,000 rubles.

    Initial salaries for applicants without work experience are small. For example, in the capital, young professionals can expect a salary in the amount of 15,000-20000 rubles., In St. Petersburg - 12,000-16,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 9000-13000 rubles, and in Kazan, and less - 7000-9000 rubles.

    Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_13

    More significant salaries employers offer applicants with work experience in retail from 6 months. Useful will be the ability to work with PC. Such specialists receive about 25,000 rubles in the capital., In the northern capital - up to 21,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - up to 16,000 rubles.

    Significantly increase the level of monthly salary good skills of working with computer cash desks, as well as work experience in the trading system over one year. Such applicants in Moscow offer salary up to 35,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg you can hope for salaries up to 27,000 rubles, and Yekaterinburg - up to 22,000 rubles.

    From experts with experience of employers, first of all, expect excellent communicative skills. A significant advantage for them will be the English proficiency, experience with goods like LUX and VIP-clientele.

    The greatest salary for such specialists is fixed in the capital - up to 65,000 rubles. Offers in St. Petersburg reach 52,000 rubles., In Yekaterinburg - up to 40000 rubles.

    Sales consultant: job duties. Who is and what does it do? Key Professional Skills and Training 17722_14

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