Quality Engineer: What is the work of a specialist in OTV? Job description and responsibilities of quality control engineer


There are a large number of diverse professions and areas of activity. But the presentation of a significant number of people about them is very superficially. Therefore, it's time to find out, for example, all about the profession of engineer in quality.


The name of the profession of quality engineer in many people is perplexed or misunderstanding. After all, any engineer, and just a developer, ultimately is obliged to work on the quality of its product, in every way to increase it, seek additional opportunities to improve products. But the point is that the quality engineer is the same as the controller on the OTB (if you take a few outdated analog). Today, specialists engaged in quality control are one of the leading figures at any industrial enterprise.

They are no less significant than most asset management specialists or senior managers. If the quality of products or services does not satisfy customer expectations, the consumer quickly chooses another company. And then the courts begin, various fines from state structures.

Quality engineer must have higher education. It is also imposed by a number of other requirements, which will be discussed on.

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A typical job description for an ordinary and lead engineer in quality describes the following functions:

  • carrying out measures to improve product quality;
  • control over the activities of the organization's structural divisions (so that they work well and clearly);
  • Tracking compliance of products by Russian and international standards, relevant and expected consumer requests;
  • Maintaining compliance with the products sent by foreign customers the main export requirements;
  • development and improvement of the quality management system;
  • Preventing the production of poor-quality products, providing bad services or unfair performance.

But this is not limited to the circle of affairs, which is engaged in quality engineer in the organization. Official instructions, Prografandard and ETKS imply other duties. The specialist of this area performs the following functions:

  • studies and disassembles all received complaints, analyzes their foundation;
  • Prepares for managers reports on the results of the studied complaints;
  • Participates in correspondence on the results of consideration of all complaints and complaints;
  • prepares conclusions about the quality of incoming raw materials and semi-finished products;
  • assesses knowledge of other specialists of norms and requirements for finished products and services;
  • Prepares, if necessary, documents for claims to suppliers, contractors and other counterparties;
  • helps management certify products, production lines, technologies and individual innovations;
  • It monitors the implementation of the prescriptions of the state supervisory authorities and decisions of the court in terms of the quality of the prepared goods and services, the organization of production.

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Quality Engineer: What is the work of a specialist in OTV? Job description and responsibilities of quality control engineer 17712_4

Knowledge and skills

Of course, such a responsible position implies an extensive range of competencies, without which it is absolutely impossible to do even in the most small production. Be sure to study:

  • state and regional, sectoral and international requirements in the field of quality and characteristics of finished products, the organization of the technological process;
  • the structure, features of the specific company and individual production facilities, lines, their sites;
  • Methods (methods) of destructive and non-destructive testing, limits of their applicability and methods for assessing the result achieved;
  • office work in general and in a particular organization, the sphere in particular;
  • the powers of the state supervisory authorities and their individual employees;
  • Main types of production marriage, conditions for its appearance;
  • Masking Masking Dispossess Employees;
  • Methods for identifying marriage, methods for detecting specific perpetrators;
  • Basic requirements for equipment and tools, workplaces and labor organization, technological process and climate of work premises;
  • Factors that may have a harmful effect on quality - throughout the production chain, including counterparties;
  • permissible and unacceptable modes of equipment operation;
  • Signs of equipment and tool wear;
  • graphs of verification of used equipment, methods for its testing, settings, adjustment, repair, reconstruction;
  • Fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • safety standards;
  • Rules for testing finished products.

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But it is only knowledge, and there are also skills, and the ability to apply them. So, a good quality engineer is always an excellent psychologist. He must be able to adjust contact with the most different people and at the finest moments to catch that they are trying to hide or smallest. Next, it will be necessary to systematically refresh your knowledge. After all, the same legislation, various standards and regulatory requirements, technology and machines are constantly changing.

An important skill for quality engineer will be an understanding of the assembly, design, design, working and other documentation, schemes and designations. He will have to work out in himself and the skill of a comprehensive idea of ​​how the finished product will be used. After all, the same thing in hot summer and in the middle of February somewhere in the center of Yakutsk may behave sharply different ways. And this is only the most obvious example, and there are still many variables that affect the quality and usefulness of things. Such aspects will be less aspects:

  • the foundations of the theory of law and the current practice of proceedings in quality in their field;
  • Basics of the organization's economy (in order not to offer obviously ruinous measures to improve quality);
  • Foreign language (can not even one) - in order to quickly get acquainted with the requirements in other states, with new technologies;
  • Principles of labor and production safety (in order to be protected and not to offer anything that can harm other people);
  • Situation at enterprises of domestic and foreign competitors.

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The poll of potential employers showed that when interviewed and on the probationary period, they pay special attention to the following nuances:

  • knowledge of english language;
  • an idea of ​​the main gestures in its industry;
  • idea of ​​ISO 9000;
  • Special education (the corresponding industry, that is, somewhere even biological, for example, is suitable);
  • knowledge of ISO 17025;
  • Experience in the specialty.

Sometimes (but very rare) require ISO 14001, GMP, LEAN SIGMA. However, it is quite good to understand that all this means. Knowledge of statistical methods and ways to increase efficiency are usually not verified.

But a good professional knows these moments of izubok. Just because without them can not be improved by their skills.

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By itself, Training such a serious specialist should also be organized as serious as possible. Even in job descriptions it is rigidly prescribed that it is obliged to have a higher education. A good educational institution can be the Moscow Engineering and Economics. There are approach such specializations as "management" and "Quality Management". For residents of a number of regions geographically attractive (and not worse in the level of training), the South Ural State University turns out.


  • MEAA (Mechanical Engineering, Standardization and Metrology, Quality Management);
  • Ranhigs (Management, Quality Management);
  • Baltic "Military" (instrument making, standardization and metrology);
  • State University of Kurgan (Standardization and Metrology);
  • Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg (Mechanical Engineering, Product Technology and Catering Organization);
  • FEFU (Quality Management, Chemical Technology);
  • URFU (printing and packaging production technology, quality management).

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Place of work

Quality engineer can work on the production of any profile. But good experts have a narrow spectrum of application forces. It is extremely unlikely that the same person, for example, can be equally well to manage quality in food production, in the nuclear industry and on the railway. Also this specialist can find a place in:

  • pharmacology;
  • car manufacturing;
  • production of building materials;
  • textile industry;
  • service sector;
  • woodworking;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • metallurgy, metalworking;
  • sewing, shoe industries;
  • construction and repair organizations and many more dozens of different spheres.

Quality engineer often accompanies entire projects on all their life cycle. . So, without his participation, the development of new types of products is not accounted for. And even the excretion of some product from the nomenclature of relevant products is usually associated with its corresponding conclusion.

Initial-level specialists can count on a salary of 30-40 thousand rubles per month. When the first or second category is assigned, the income grows by 40-100%.

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On average, in Russia, the scatter of wages in quality engineers is from 25 to 120 thousand rubles . In the capital of the country, the minimum indicator of about 40,000 rubles. The most advanced specialists can count on 150,000 rubles. But for this it will be necessary to establish itself very well, "make a name" in the professional community. Career prospects are usually limited to a practical specialization that does not allow easy and simply go to another industry. The next step (no longer associated, however, directly with engineering activities) is to receive the position of the head of the direction or the corporatism of a major infrastructure project.

In the presence of experience, the quality engineer will be able to enter the service in government structures. There, his skills will be interested in the departments of acceptance of external orders, and various expert divisions. But mostly such a transition involves the employment to the post of verifier or inspector. This is quite reasonable: because the quality engineer in the process of work begins to understand how certain shortcomings are masked. So, he will become the most competent controller. And here it is worth mentioning a few more subtleties that directly affect the work of such a specialist.

The most important thing is that he will be a middle manager. And this means that more requirements are presented to its appearance and behavior than to an ordinary employee.

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Further, the professional activity of the quality engineer at the present stage is unthinkable without automated design systems and other information technologies. It is still important that product characteristics should not be an end in itself; We'll have to think through it so that they fit it to the destination.

On the workplace of the quality manager, only a person who knows how to weigh different events development options and the likely consequences of each step. Moreover, this will have to be done immediately by many criteria, given the shortage of time and sometimes requested incompleteness of information. Eliminate uncertainty in such a sphere is impossible and will never be possible. If only because every new type of product, each new technological process has its own "pitfalls".

Finally, it is worth considering the average income of engineer in quality in several regions:

  • Ekaterinburg - 53000 rubles;
  • Rostov-on-Don - 49000 rubles;
  • Novosibirsk - 48000 rubles;
  • Volgograd - 32000 rubles;
  • Vladivostok - 56,000 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 60000 rubles.

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