Engineer of PGS: What does decryption mean, where to study on the designer and what is the work?


In Russia, very much attention is paid to industrial and civil construction, which is of great importance for people, since their living conditions are becoming better. It is also a good capital investment that increases the country's GDP's income by 3%. Enterprises of this industry have in their staff of specialists who take dynamic participation in the creation and maintenance of infrastructure. These are engineers of PGS.


GPS engineer decrypt as Engineer of industrial and civil construction. The decoding is rarely used, since people have more on the rumor abbreviation. The engineer plays a big role in his enterprise. After all, the operation of buildings, their construction, as well as the comfortable living conditions of the population depends on it. The designer designer of this industry must have good knowledge and skills, because all the stages of building buildings depend on it, from the conduct of documentation to the facing of the finished facility.

Specialist of PGS participates in the formation of the appearance of the settlement, ranging from the creation of a miniature model and ending with the creation of various kinds of structures.

Professionals in this field are monitored and leading in stages, right up to the overall commissioning.

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The responsibilities of a specialist in this industry, which has the necessary education and experience, enter certain functions.

  • Manual work and control of tasks on a variety of objects.
  • Project and estimate documentation.
  • Quality control of building materials.
  • Preparation of buildings and various communications for different organizations, as well as their restoration and repair.
  • Conduct events to prevent emergency situations and collaborations at facilities.
  • Application and creation of recent technologies for construction, definition and approval of expenditure with customers.
  • If conflicts occur with enterprises, the PGS worker must take measures to resolve a controversial issue.
  • Controls the implementation of the construction plan, compliance with the deadlines, monitors the quality of materials, the application of those who are agreed in design and estimate documentation.
  • If in the process of work there are some changes in technological chains or varies volumes, the GSA engineer participates in the consideration of these moments. If there are reasons that can cause deterioration in the quality of construction work or a change in the deadlines of the object, it studies these reasons and is looking for measures to eliminate them.

Engineer of PGS: What does decryption mean, where to study on the designer and what is the work? 17710_3

Specialist of this profession, despite the conditions of the internal regulation and the eight-hour mode of operation, Very often recycles its working hours. . To ensure more comfortable working conditions, the employer provides for use of official transport

Among other things, the specialist must have knowledge in geometry and drawing, hydraulics and heat engineering, it should be familiar to the basis of the estimated business and software that is used in the industry. Must know the basics of safety safety, production technology, is obliged to understand all kinds of materials for creating structures and buildings.

Since this position implies greater responsibility, The specialist should be stress-resistant, be able to organize a workflow, have good memory, do not miss even the smallest details. To work with projects you need to have an objective warehouse of the mind and abstract perception.

To create drawings, schemes and documentation, the SPS specialist should be neat, perfected and concentrated.

Engineer of PGS: What does decryption mean, where to study on the designer and what is the work? 17710_4


The initial step to obtain this profession may be admission to college or technical school on the specialty "Builder Technician". Subsequent training can be in higher educational institutions with a specialty engineer. Today in our country there are a lot of universities, which exercise training precisely in this direction. This is the National Research Moscow State University of Construction University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great, as well as many other educational institutions in all regions of the country. During training, the production area is currently visible, as well as ways to solve problems in the design and construction of public and residential buildings. Students learn aspects of activities:

  • construction processes, their technology;
  • constructive characteristics of individual components of structures;
  • Features of building structures and their layout;
  • The basis and management of business processes in construction.

In addition to theoretical training, students directly undergo practices in production. During training, they are already involved in internship programs. The advantage for finding a job will be the end of the courses in the field of construction IT technologies. Such courses are offered by the Moscow Institute of Technology. In just six months, you can get a diploma in remote training of the state sample.

Engineer of PGS: What does decryption mean, where to study on the designer and what is the work? 17710_5

Where can work?

After graduating from the institute, of course, it will be quite difficult to find a job, since all employers want to see at their enterprise a specialist with experience. The biggest advantage will be Passing internship in construction organizations while training. The employer will be a little familiar with you, it will be visible to your skills, so you can get on this enterprise. Any building organizations are especially needed in a specialist in PGS. These are government agencies involved in the construction of health facilities for sports activities or training centers, administrative and other objects.

It can also be private or government developers who create entire residential complexes. This specialty is very appreciated in Russia. On average, in the country, you can count on salary ranging from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Among the advantages of the engineer will be knowledge of foreign languages, thanks to them it can count on offers from foreign companies.

Engineer of PGS: What does decryption mean, where to study on the designer and what is the work? 17710_6

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