Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years?


To get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship - here is one of the main problems of a modern lonely woman. Everyone wants to know the places where you can go and find your destiny. And completely unimportant, after 30 years, after 40 years or after 50 years you are looking for a couple or want to get acquainted with a guy of young years - there are simple rules, knowing that, it is easy to avoid very many mistakes.

Today's lifestyle woman has to be self-sufficient , However, the question where to go to meet with a normal, decent, solid person, avoiding frivolous, frivolous men, remains open.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_2

In the Internet

To begin with, you can not go anywhere at all - virtual resources created specifically for dating are very simple and effective way to find a couple. We live in the century of social networks and the Internet, to renounce this, it means to crack. Even if you are not the most active user of Internet resources, it is necessary to try. Do not forget one thing: on the other side of the screen can be anyone, and these are the same people who surround us in real life.

Knights, heroes, princes are found there as rarely as when hiking in the nearest supermarket.

On the Internet really to get acquainted with a man of the circle to which you do not feel. It can be a creative personality, an official, a businessman, but with the same success you will get acquainted with the student, a slacker or Zhigalo. By the way, if you consider the Internet inappropriate place to get acquainted, be sure to risk and make a questionnaire on a dating site. It is such a kind of communication to a lot of things will teach you, it will warn on a lot, and most importantly, it will raise self-esteem. Internet users of strong floor will not be sealed for compliments, and you will very soon feel the queen.

And when your eyes take your eyes, self-confidence will increase, the feeling of their own demand will definitely raise your shares in the eyes of real men.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_3

After all, it has been proven for a long time - as soon as you find yourself a fan, another one immediately appears.

Acquaintance in real life

Virtual meetings do not require you perfect appearance, you can safely correspond in pajamas. Easy to send a fan of his photo made by a professional photographer. Real life dictates its laws, here the beautiful avatar will not help. Optionally, every morning to make complex styling and combat coloring, but a well-groomed woman always produces a more favorable impression than span.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_4

Therefore, we make on time manicure, haircut, staining, not neglecting a light daily make-up.

In addition to care, it is important to create and the correct image. First of all, exclude the clothes that you do not go, small or great - you will feel uncomfortable in it, and therefore uncertainly. Then we remove too provocative outfits: the deepest nesting, transparent fabrics, frank mini. So you will produce either the impression that you achieve, or attract a completely wrong type of men who are looking for. You do not need to change your style and redo yourself, but a critical approach to your wardrobe will give you a chance to be not vulgar, but attractive.

It is very important to pick up clothes in the type of figure, which hides the shortcomings and emphasizes the dignity. Do not bend with height of heights, firstly, the studs in everyday life look strange, and second, it is inconvenient. Especially carefully with heels, if your growth is above average.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_5

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_6

Where to find?

Modern life is extremely rapid, but you can get acquainted with a decent person anywhere, without applying titanic efforts. First of all, look around yourself. If you like to roam clock clocks, why not extract benefit from it? Wander up shopping purely male themes, looking at ties and shirts, car or fishing gear.

But the diversion of the underwear is better to avoid, you will look there like a wife who buys a couple of socks.

If you ask you advice, be sure to help, and interested is a great way to tie communication. Ask the council and you, if someone liked you, why don't you think about my father or boss together. In addition to clothing stores, a great platform for meeting with a secured man - auto shops and car dealerships. There you can endlessly asking advice, ask for help in choosing and look cute and feminine. If you do not have a car, tell me that you dream about buying, but no one has to take driving lessons.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_7

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_8

Men love to save and help, you just need to give them such an opportunity. This can be easily accomplished in the construction departments, computer salons, cellular salons. Look at supermarkets, especially in departments, where the finished food, semi-finished products and alcohol are sold. In the latter, you can safely ask the Council about choosing a good whiskey as a brother's gift.

Shopping is not the only opportunity to meet a man of your dreams. Excellent opportunity give specialized exhibitions. It is unlikely that Van Gogh will give good chances, but on a construction, computer, military or automotive exhibition you will get acquainted without difficulty.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_9

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_10

Restaurants and cafes

Most often, the first thing that comes to mind when the question arises where to meet - this is the establishment of catering. Yes, it really is so, it is quite simple to meet there, and the chances of a meeting with a serious person there are also high. Do not place great hopes for dating in nightclubs, restaurants and bars. But a business lunch or a coffee shop on Sunday day is excellent options.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_11

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_12

The main thing is to give a man to eat before starting to attract attention.

At work

This very controversial way, especially if the collective is female, and not always service novels lead to the correct result. And yet the percentage of marriages concluded between colleagues is very high. After all, people associate the intersection of their interests, in addition, the frequency of meetings and communication often gives sympathy of rapid development. Therefore, it is impossible to completely discount this possibility.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_13


The subscription to the gym is an excellent solution for finding dating. In addition, it is useful for both figures, health and self-esteem. If you don't like simulators, go to the pool, start running in the park, if you like a bike - on the basis of such interest it is very easy to find yourself a fellow traveler. If the figure is fine, in the summer spend a fairly long time on the beach, games with the ball and other entertainment are very close to people.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_14


Conferences, trainings, seminars - places where not just men are going, but their representatives who seek to develop. At the exhibition of the local photographer you will definitely meet many of his colleagues. Charitable auction allows you to plunge into the atmosphere of solid and secured men.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_15

You do not need to run from one event to another, define the type of men who are interested in a priori, and make it up from it.

Recommendations of psychologists

Unfortunately, according to statistics, more than half of dating are not evolving because the woman behaved wrong. How not to get into this situation?

  • Do not turn into a hunter with ever-looking, predatory look, your goal should be known only to you. It doesn't matter where you are, pretend that this place is your goal, but not a trap for a man. If you have been interested in interest, behave naturally, do not rejoice over and do not repel coldness. Politeness and friendliness are the best assistants. And no one needs a trophy, which I agree with the first minute.
  • Therefore, too willingly escape in the cafe, this minute is not always the best way to tie a long acquaintance. It is better to exchange telephones and agree on a meeting on another day. If you didn't wait for the call, you should not get upset, most likely, a person was not going to continue their acquaintance initially. An interested man will always achieve his own.
  • Even if you are very bold and active, it is not necessary to demonstrate it with joy on the first day, and excessive obsession produces a negative impression. There is no reaction in response - do not continue the offensive, it's just not your person.
  • Do not hurry, give a meeting to develop in a pleasant acquaintance, and to get to know something more independently. Male need time to look at you.

Where to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship? Where better to go to dating a guy? Is it possible to find a decent man on the Internet after 30, 40 or 50 years? 17684_16

Tips for a psychologist about how to meet a man, look in the video below.

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