Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks


Depressive state In most cases, a person writes off the fatigue or malaise. However, it is not necessary to refer to this phenomenon with frivity. Very often it leads to irreparable consequences. The consequences may be even more severe if the subject suffers from hidden depression. In this case, it must be revealed and take action in time.

What it is?

The term depression takes its basis from the Latin word Deprimo, which is translated into Russian as "depressed." With this state, a person loses the ability to fully live and experience joy from life. If this factor occurs, motor inhibition occurs. It is even worse, things are if the person comes a latent or disguised depression. Psychology from psychology is characterized in that he studies and treats the state of the soul of a sick person. So here Larved depression is such a type of depression that requires a special approach. The fact is that the above view of the destructive state does not give a pronounced emotional component. With this disease, a person does not lose the ability to calmly communicate with people, lead a normal lifestyle and even smile.

When we talk about the depressive subject, we mean its neurotic state. However, the camouflage depression implies a subdeionless state, since the judgments of such a subject are not negative, since His adequate mood is hidden deep in consciousness. Human Not even aware of what suffers from a psychotrauma.

As a result, his mental pain converts into somatized depression.

Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_2

After the development of depression, the external peace of mind is transformed into physical pain or serious bodily diseases. To understand this better, consider some manifestations of hidden depression.

  • The subject becomes a philosopher . His actions and thoughts are aimed at finding life truth. For example, a person speaks: "This is always with me in this way."
  • The wording wearing abstract character suggests that the individual is dissatisfied with life. Therefore, when trying to find the truth of the origin of his condition, he flows into philosophical reasoning.
  • To hide your condition from prying eyes, people with a hidden depression are always looking for various excuses. For example, if their names are visible, they find different reasons to refuse: "I will not go to the party because of what has bothered." Subjects behave so as not to injure the rest of what they suffer.
  • The surrounding world is not perceived as needed. . For example, the subject can be completely removed from the experiences for their loved ones or will cease to respond to the negative directed in its direction.
  • Latent depression causes real diseases. Sick Officers go to doctors and are trying to find the cause of an unstable state. However, narrow specialists cannot determine the exact diagnosis. However, with this task, the doctors are quite difficult to cope. This is simply explained: with psychosomatic state, you need to seek help from specialists who can help cure the soul, and not the body.
  • Often with higher condition under consideration, a person is fused on a certain thought. He cannot force himself to switch his attention and manifest interest in other no less important things.
  • Scattered also says that a person is trying to cope with his thoughts.
  • The subject thinks only about a certain problem. So it takes little appearance. As a result, this subject becomes sloppy and it affects its appearance.
  • Depression leads to inhibition . A person no longer sees meaning in what makes. Therefore, he becomes indifferent and ceases to be interested in his current affairs.
  • To hide a negative mood, the subject masks it Under the external fun. He pretends to be very happy.

Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_3

Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_4


Disguised depression may be caused An unfavorable genetic predisposition of the subject. However, it can also arise due to individual physiological and biological parameters, which are given by a person at birth. If we speak scientific language, the psyche disorder causes some deficiency of neurotransmitters. They are just responsible for the proper work of the nervous system, as well as for the correct emotional state of the person.

When the lack of neurotransmitters occurs in the body, then hidden depression appears. And then the lack of neurotransmitters leads to the fact that the internal organs are sent to the brain various negative impulses. They just cause quite tangible negative physiological manifestations, such as headache or heart pain. Modern specialists still conduct experiments and are trying to prove that Reducing the level of substances such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine affects the development of hidden depression.

However, you need to calm you as follows: Latent depression does not arise from all people who are subjected to various stressful situations. Hidden depression arises only from those individuals who have some tendency to her. And that's why. Specialists after numerous studies found that latent depression may arise from those entities that have congenital pathologies:

  • chronic autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis;
  • bad metabolism;
  • Vascular diseases in the brain;
  • idiopathic Parkinsonism syndrome.

Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_5

Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_6


Masked depression has softness. If you do not pay attention to its development, then the irreparable may occur. In the case of the development of latent depression, a person has panic attacks over time. As a result of such a negative turn, the character of a person is tremblingly changed for the worse. A person can be addicted to bad habits, will become socially dismissed and will lose all his professional qualities.

Hidden depression can have different "masks." Thanks to this property, it is difficult to recognize. However, there are symptoms to be paid attention to:

  • A person may suffer from obsessive thoughts , phobias, neurasthenia and hypochondria (too strong fear of getting sick);
  • The subject may suffer From insomnia , drowsiness during wakefulness or from what is sleeping too long and can not sleep;
  • A man with latent depression may experience discomfort due to the appearance of neurocircular dystonia, cardioneurosis, dizziness, hyperventilation of lungs, neurodermatitis, anorexia;
  • Appear Problems with intestines Either spasms or liquid stools or constipation;
  • Appear Pain syndromes - for example, neuralgia;
  • Frequently occur High blood pressure fluctuations , as a result, a man has tachycardia;
  • Social behavior is changing rapidly And the person becomes impulsive, or despotic, or very slightly accuracy.

It is necessary to know that the Larved Depression can manifest itself two pronounced ways:

  • Agriculture - This is when a person begins to torment nightmarly dreams, or intermittent sleep, or painful lifts after severe sleep;
  • Anorexic - In this case, a person cannot eat due to the fact that he has nausea at the sight of even delicious food.

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Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_8

How to treat?

As it became clear from the above information, the somatic depression has a very cunning character. There are often cases when a person suffering from latent depression went to the world of others at his own request. At the same time, neither his relatives nor very close friends could determine the reason for such a tragic solution. And all this happened because this type of depressive state is so fully studied by people. Various masks and maneuvers of this mental state do not give a complete picture. This means that only narrow-controlled specialists can identify a difficult mental illness.

However, this does not mean that you should not pay attention to the fact that your close person or you yourself suffer from incomprehensible manifestations that exhaust the soul and body. If you suspect that something is wrong with you or your family people, be sure to try to start treatment in time to get rid of destructive ailments. So, consider which items need to pay attention to.

If you suspect a hidden depression that brings suffering, you must first turn to a specialist and check your suspicions. An experienced psychotherapist must defore the disease and will appoint a number of events that will help get out of a bad state. It can do it in two ways: prescribes psychotherapy or medication treatment. And perhaps a specialist will unite these two ways to one whole. Just remember that the uncontrolled reception of tranquilizers can lead to even more negative consequences. Therefore, all drug drugs take only an appointment of a doctor.

However, not all people have the opportunity to find the desired specialist and with it to get rid of the problem. Often, the pains or their relatives do not seek help, as they are afraid of publicity or simply do not believe in the positive outcome of treatment.

Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_9

In this case You need to closely monitor your mental state or for the condition of your loved one. If you notice the signs of hidden depression, do not lose time, and take measures to implement active rehabilitation. First of all, it is necessary to "add sunlight to your life." And this is not a joke, but quite a real recommendation. Light therapy helps a lot even with the most neglected negative states. And all because this therapeutic technology is favorable with the help of ultraviolet and infrared radiation on all cells of the body, including on brain cells. Because of this, his work is improving. This means that the mental state also comes to normal.

Light therapy It provides for the adjustment of the penetration of light into the body. Red Light is the most powerful (improves metabolism and blood circulation), blue light kills all bacteria, green restores skin and increases immunity. However, if you cannot afford to contact a medical facility for help, then you can recommend using natural sunlight. In the summer it is much easier to do than in winter. Therefore, come on the street in the afternoon. In addition, ensure a permanent influx of light into the room where you are constantly.

The easiest way is Physical education. You can recommend morning or evening jogging. Fresh air and various physical movements will increase blood flow into all internal organs. Thus, you will get the production of the necessary substances that will raise your mood.

We produce positive thinking. Just forbid yourself to think about what causes a negative state. It is difficult to do, but you need to show resistance.

Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_10

Thus, you will gradually take control of all your thoughts and learn to look at the world with other eyes. During sleep, a person's psyche is completely restored . So try to sleep more. If you can not quickly fall asleep, then phytotherapy will come to the rescue. With herbal infusions, such as chamomile, you can quickly relax and fall asleep. In this matter, a well helps a spoon of honey, melted in a glass of warm water.

Change your life by going on a long journey. You can even recommend becoming a blogger. Thus, you will get the missing drive, master the new type of activity, will become material and independent and draw a lot of positive emotions. Do not focus on your condition . To do this, do not lead the fight with your bad thoughts. Just stop to perceive them seriously, and that's it. Let them come and go, and you are your consciousness through efforts to send to the right positive channel.

Put the goal and go to it, despite the difficulties. Such an occupation will help you stop thinking about the bad. Thanks to the production of new tasks, your brain will receive an impulse to change thinking. If your condition is caused by any event, then accept the fact that you happened. Just need to understand: the bad has already staring. Continue to suffer - meaningless. You will never be able to change the course of events that happened in your life.

When depressed helps a contrast shower. Such procedures you clean the body and soul. The change in temperature modes launches various positive processes in the body.

Hidden Depression: Symptoms of Masked Depression, Somatized (Larved) Depression in Psychiatry, Masks 17658_11

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