Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out?


Depressive disorder in children is not found too often. It usually occurs as a temporary reaction of the children's psyche on an unfavorable situation and is situational. It is very important to help the child in a timely manner. The depression began in adolescence can go into a chronic form.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_2


Healthy kids due to the device of the children's psyche and the nervous system are usually not inclined to manifest affective disorders. Most often in children until three year old, depression is pathological. It may be associated with the defeat of the central nervous system. The depressed state in the kid is after transferred intrauterine infection, acute hypoxia in the process of childbirth. Infectious diseases of the type of meningitis can affect the work of the brain of the baby. The lack of oxygen in the cycle of cerebral circulation leads to cerebral depression.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_3

Premature babies, introverts, children with congenital developmental defects and various anomalies of the CNS, as well as alarming and vulnerable personalities are exposed to the depressive state. The basis of children's depression is most often emotional instability.

In the autumn and winter on the psychological state of children, the lack of sunlight is reflected.

At the age of half a year to one and a half years, babies, brushed with mother, are alarming, refuse food, cry. The reactive depressive disorder occurs in children 2-3 years old, not ready for visiting the kindergarten due to the forced separation from the family. The child is experiencing despair and longing.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_4

Some of childhood have headaches, suffer because of allergies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland or mental injuries. Any disease may cause depression. The feeling of powerlessness and helplessness in front of irresistible obstacles, the collapse of illusions and ideals also contribute to the appearance of illness. The cause of child depression may be hereditary predisposition.

In preschool children, depressive disorder happens because of excessive parental control, excessive guardianship or as a result of the manifestation of the attitude of the kid. If the preschooler is not enough parental attention in 5-6 years, he loses interest in the events taking place and flows into depression with anxious manifestations.

Sometimes the child's child can not build a normal relationship with peers or teacher, therefore dwells in constant stress. At 10 years old, a depressive personality may experience nightmares, obsessive fears, problems in study. Birth of brother or sister sometimes provokes children's jealousy.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_5

The reason for the appearance of depression can be family scandals, domestic violence, aggression of loved ones, severe psychological situation. The child's house cannot feel safe. Boreal punishments during the actual knowledge of the world adversely affect the psyche of the child. It closes and completely goes into his senses.

Approximately aged 11-12 years, children join a publ. The hormonal restructuring of the body leads adolescents to alienation. The boy suffers because of the night pollutions, the girl has to be accompanied to the menstrual cycle.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_6

The overaffect of hormones leads many teenagers to aggression.

The secrecy and infancy of adolescents complicate the timely detection of depressive disorder. Depression can end suicide.


Children are difficult to evaluate their own emotions, so they cannot understand them, especially convey their psychological state to parents. Attentive parents usually notice even disguised symptoms. Increased anxiety, a protracted poor mood, a decrease in physical activity and mobility, a sluggish gait, violation of movements coordination signals the emotional and physical failures in the children's body, about the emerging depression. Often the depressed state of the kid is accompanied by anxiety and fearlessness. The depressive girl ceases to be interested in his appearance, turn to the mirror. She may look sloppy.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_7

In children, 10-11 years old is lost the ability to rejoice in his favorite classes, music, new clothes, gifts, delicacies, excellent estimates. They are not inspired by meetings with friends and close relatives. A teenager does not walk for a walk, takes rise to study, avoids participation in public and family events. It is difficult to interest something.

Parents must pay a lot of attention from early childhood to their children to prevent the formation of depression. Each child is individual. At the age of 3 years, the kid is intensively growing, his psycho-emotional sphere changes. It begins to perceive objects differently, because it reflects a lot and discovers new properties of various objects.

Expansion of the communication zone contributes to mastering speech skills and development of independence. It is during this period that parents should not ignore any changes in the behavior and habits of children, as they may indicate the development of children's depression.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_8

Three-year-old kids recognize the depressive state with the help of some common features characteristic of this ailment.


The child does not want to communicate with the surrounding. He talks little, removes his parents while trying to talk with him. Any actions of the baby are barely given. He constantly expresses the protest when the adults are striving to take something to the crumb. The baby often has to persuade or engage in a new toy, candy, chocolate. Most of the time the child spends alone, hiding in a cozy place.

Lack of appetite

The kid flatly refuses food. He is not interested even the favorite dishes. Make a child to eat or drink it is impossible - he immediately begins to cry. At the same time, the crumb does not feel hunger and thirst.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_9

Sleep disturbance

From the evening the child can not fall asleep for a long time. As a result, insomnia in the morning wakes up late. In the process of falling asleep, twitching and shudding are observed. During sleep, the baby often sighs. Crook is characterized by capriciousness, but not a plasticity. This detail needs to pay special attention.


The fear of darkness, loneliness, the death of children under the age of 3 years is usually inconspicuous. The appearance of such signs of crumbs should alert the parents, as they sign about the starting depression.

Attacks of aggression

Aggressive and cruel attitude to toys and pets is often a sign of manifestation of depressive disorder. The baby with rage causes harm to toys, punishes them, tries to cause imaginary pain.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_10


In modern psychiatry, the relevance of creating a classification of children's depression is great. While you have to use criteria intended for adults. Specialists are oriented into 2 classifications: MKB-10 and DSM-III-R.

In ICD-10, an additional F-93 cipher is used to designate emotional violations in children. In the adult card map, it is possible to detect ciphers indicating that depressive disorders in the patient are observed since childhood. Thus, episodic cases of depression are noted by the cipher F-31, and the Distimia - F-34.

This classification records various phobias in children, obsessive fears, unhealthy rivalry at the birth of brother or sisters, interpersonal conflicts and anxiety disorder associated with separation. The classification includes other (characteristic children) emotional violations, including unspecified etiology.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_11

The DSM-III-R classification does not imply the distribution of the depressive state by age. All the same criteria are used for all.

  • According to the degree of manifestation, they divide on a light, moderate and hard depression.
  • Simple forms include melancholic, alarming, adamic and apathetic type of depressive disorder. Single-ipochondria and depression with delirium and hallucinations are counted for complex forms.
  • Endogenous depressed kids are developing against the background of physical diseases, and schoolchildren and adults are as a result of mental disorders. Exogenous depressive states are associated with external factors.

How to help?

Parents who do not have special education will not be able to independently bring the child from depression. The help of a pediatrician, neurologist, psychologist or psychotherapist is necessary. The specialist will tell parents what to do in the current situation. It will accommodate the way to restore the psychological and emotional sphere of the kid. If necessary, medication treatment will be appointed.

First, it is necessary to identify all children's fears. Then you need to create a child comfortable and cozy atmosphere. The family should have a favorable and confidence climate. It is necessary to eliminate all family troubles. The child is important to feel its significance.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_12

Forming the image of the main person in the family is needed with caution, to fit with the idea of ​​the value of children's person, do not lay egoism.

It is very important to establish the correct mode of the day. It is worth clearly distinguishing the time of games and leisure, sleep and wakefulness. Parents must provide a kid with full nutrition. The balanced ration involves the inclusion of all the necessary vitamins and trace elements in the food of the child. Proper nutrition contributes to lifting the life tone.

Any child is in dire need of maternal and fatherly love and affection. Little little man need parent hugs and kisses. Family quarrels and disagreements of Mother and Father adversely affect the psyche of the baby. He feels an increasing alarm. When leaving a family, one of the parents of Crohar is mastered by a sense of loneliness.

The child should always explain the causes of the events. Chat more often with your children. Conversations with them contribute to the acquisition of the skills of expressing their own reflection words.

Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_13

The treatment of children's depression is directly related to the eradication of children's fears and negative thinking. Replace the child psychological support. Show attention and sympathy. To maintain the desired emotional background, new impressions should be regularly adding to the baby. Distract away from the experiences asking for a home, going on a tour or departure to nature.

The fighting therapy and swimming are well helped in the fight against children's depression. Write the kid to the sports section or dancing. Do not put over it with supernators, reduce the requirements of the requirements in order to avoid overwork. In addition, experts recommend making a child massage.

    The joint drawing by paints or felt-faucers leads to a decrease in the kid's alarm. To get out of depression, crumb can with the help of maternal lullaby songs, good fairy tales and beautiful rhythmic poems. Get your own toy that can be worn with you. It will allow the baby to feel confident in situations provoking children's fear.

    Depression in children: the symptoms of children's depression in 10 and 11 years old, its signs in children of preschool age. How to get out? 17648_14

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